Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 1 | Issue 2  2025

From the Principal



It was a delight to spend the week with staff and some 33 students on what has been our inaugural Year 11 ESJ program. 

Aligned with the notion that “from little things, big things grow” it has been a privilege to journey with these students as our first Year 9 ESJ group in 2023 then accompanying them on their adventurous journey from the highest city in Australia (Armidale) to the peak of the highest mountain in Australia (Mt Kosciusko) in Year 10. The Year 11 adventurous journey saw students travel by train(3) and bus(1) making their way to the world heritage-listed Blue Mountains National Park. You will find a link to the stunning photos from the trip in the Senior School section below.

Across the course of a week, both students and staff willingly embraced an array of challenges— abseiling, rock climbing, bushwalking and canyoning their way through a stunning and diverse natural environment. Challenge of a different sort presented itself as assigned teams were required to plan, budget, shop ...

... continue reading here

... then take to the kitchen each evening to prepare a meal for the entire group to enjoy. A rest day focused on HSC study skills, strategies for effective mathematics review, and classwork catchup, including a night walk to view an illuminated Three Sisters, which was the first viewing of this remarkable rock formation.  

As with the Year 9 and Year 10  ESJ program, each activity is designed not only to test physical limits but also to nurture resilience, critical thinking, the ability to work together in real-world situations and the challenge of living in community. ESJ began as a little thought more than four years ago. Today, it stands as an embedded and anticipated component of the PLC Armidale experience, reinforcing the importance of perseverance showing that even when progress seems slow, every small effort contributes to significant, long-term gain.

Another highlight this week was the privilege to welcome a large number of  families to the College for our annual Principal’s Tour. A walk around the campus allowed those visiting an opportunity to ‘sense’ the PLC Armidale difference. Those families whose daughters undertook the Scholarship Examinations that morning with an experience day to follow, caught a glimpse of their daughter’s day along the way. From outlining our history, to explaining current practice and a consideration of the future benefits of a PLC Armidale education, the tour led to a wide range of questions and feedback shared later over afternoon tea. Families were able to learn more about the four pillars of the PLC Armidale experience for each girl, summarised as Academic Endeavour, Creative & Performing Arts, Leadership & Service, Sport & Outdoor Education. 

Feedback from these families matched the observations of the Blue Mountains Adventure Centre from earlier in the week that our girls are notably settled, happy, open and engaged in learning. A direct result of intentional learning design, capable and experienced educators, willing and trusting learners supported by families and carers committed to their growth and flourishing.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out" (Robert Collier) underpinned by the wisdom of Proverbs 16:3: “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans”....


Throughout the year, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the various interests and accomplishments of PLC Armidale girls. We will be aware of the experiences girls undertake to represent the College. We may not know about experiences and achievements in areas of interest outside of school. Please let our Communications and Marketing Manager, Mrs Arundale know. Mrs Arundale greatly enjoys telling the story of the quality and achievements of our PLC Armidale girls. 

Email us your news:

Congratulations to ....

All our girls who have made it into the ADNA representative netball teams.  

15s - Hollie Higgins, Grace Kelso

14s - Holly Kelso, Laura Butterworth, Xaphyn Petuha

13s - Piper McLaren, Jessie O'Connor

12s - Phoebe Butterworth, Veja-Lee Petuha

Our Livestock Team who  successfully competed at the Glen Innes and Guyra Shows - see Senior School section for details.

Laura Vary who successfully competed in the Hereford and Angus Youth Camp in the holidays with her own heifers River View Rolina and River View Matchless. See the Senior School section for photos.

2025 ADNA netball team members

If you couldn't get to the Whole School Parent Information session you can find the presentations on our Parent Portal 

 2025 Student Residential Address and Other Information data collection process

You are not required to do anything unless you need to update your address details. You can do this via the "Update my Details" tile HERE

or by sending an email to

Parents must still complete the PLC Armidale Standard Collection & Risk Warning Consent Form issued at the start of each year. This ensures that contact details and medical information are kept current, appropriate permissions have been provided and is a general reminder about the conditions of enrolment. 

This is now overdue you have not yet submitted it for 2025.

 You can complete the form HERE.

We welcomed many new families to explore our campus with Mrs Nicola Taylor while their daughters sat Scholarship Exams then enjoyed the fun and friendship of our college sisterhood. Our Stage 3 girls also enjoyed a taste of Senior School for the day and helped us host our new friends before everyone enjoyed afternoon tea with the Principal in the Rose Garden.

A big thank you to our Year 10 girls for getting everyone up and active during the second half of lunch.

You can see more photos HERE

Junior School News

Mrs Fiona Wake

Head of Junior School

Congratulations to all Swimming Carnival Junior School place getters..

Valentines Day craft

Ad Astra Awards

Each week in our Junior School Chapel Service we award our students for achievement in academic, leadership and service pursuits.

Congratulations girls!

See more photos HERE

Senior School News

Mrs Kate Clynch

Head of Senior School

Special Interest Projects (SIP)

Our Special Interest Project afternoon on a Wednesday brings all our girls from Years 7 to 10 together during periods 5 and 6 to explore an area of interest of their choosing. During Semester One these interest areas are - 1. Mary Poppins (in either performance/costumes or props); 2. Paddock to Plate (creating our permaculture and hothouse gardens); 3. Sport -(games and training with Oskar Staniucha).

This integrated learning approach provides an opportunity for our students to further enhance friendships across year groups over common interests and deepen their understanding and skill development in their favourite subject areas.

See more photos HERE

General Ability Testing - Years 7, 8, 9 and 10

The next piece of our school-based data gathering that we use to inform our teaching at PLC Armidale is the General Ability Test (GAT).

Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will complete this test in their Academic Planning Session in either Week 5 or Week 6 of this term - timetable below.

Year 7 Academic Planning period  - Week 5 - Monday - Period 4 - Mr Jacometti

Year 8 Academic Planning period - Week 5 - Monday - Period 4 - Mrs Schaeffer

Year 9 Academic Planning period - Week 6 - Monday - Period 2 - Mrs Schaeffer

Year 10 Academic Planning period - Week 6 - Tuesday - Period 3 - Mr Jacometti

No particular preparation is needed for this test.  On the day of the test, students will need a charged laptop. 

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact Director of Studies Julie Flanagan -

School Holiday News - Laura Vary

I went to the 2025 Nutrien Ag Solutions Herefords Northern NSW Show with my own heifers River View Rolina and River View Matchless. I had such a good time catching up with good friends and making new connections.

River View Matchless came 5th in her heifer class and River View Rolina came highly commended in the Heifers with me leading her and fourth in Paraders

I bred both these heifers with the help from Steven and Jodi Peake, who I think helped me with bull selection and along the way.

I also went to The NH Foods Angus Youth Roundup and led Scarbah Angus for  Zac and Christine McInerney. I loved the experience and all the laughs with them and their help with my injuries (that's another story). I was also part of the winning team in the  Angus Reserve Beef Tank Canvas Competition.

Glen Innes Show

Our Livestock Team girls had a fantastic time at the Glen Innes Show on the weekend, taking home numerous awards in the Young Judges competition on Friday. Amelia Webb, Elsie Wake and Imogen Scanlon were all Highly Commended. In Fruit and Veg, Amelia Webb was awarded 1st, and Elsie Wake was 2nd; Annie Wake was 2nd in Wool, Charli Mitlon was 3rd in Grains; Macey Wake was 1st in British Breeds sheep, and Elsie Wake was 2nd; Macey Wake was also 2nd in Merino Sheep. 

Year 11 ESJ

Our Year 11 girls have just returned from a week in the Blue Mountains with Ms Amanda Burney, Miss Jen Leahy and Mrs Nicola Taylor, hiking, canyoning, multi-pitch mountain climbing and abseiling. The mist rolling in just added to the adventure for the girls, who had an epic vertical journey 200 metres above the valley floor. A four-pitch abseil and a two-pitch climb got the adrenaline pumping and provided a whole new perspective on what it is to 'hang around' the Blue Mountains!

See more photos HERE

Key Senior School Staff

Head of Senior School - Mrs Kate Clynch

Academic Leadership Team: Director of Studies - Mrs Julie Flanagan; Head of Humanities - Mr Mitchell Clendinning; Head of STEM - Mr Jonathon Shumack ; Head of Creative and Performing Arts - Mrs Joanne Wysel ; Director of Music - Mr Matthew Minter; Director of Sport - Mrs Lucy Donaldson.

Senior School Administration - Mrs Stephanie Fahy

Pastoral Care Staff

The purpose of the Pastoral Care model at PLC Armidale is to ensure that every girl is known and nurtured and that parents have a member of staff they can contact regarding any well-being issues that may arise. Wherever possible, our Year Patrons remain with students on their journey throughout Senior School. In addition, a Year Specialist has been allocated to assist students in each year group. Patrons and Specialists are also ably assisted by their PC team.

Year 7 - Patron: Sophie Westermarck; Specialist: Jennifer Leahy; Team: Aaron Creamer

Year 8 - Patron: Mitchell Clendinning; Specialist: Grace Welch; Team: Marilyn Faithfull

Year 9 - Patron: Emma Schaeffer; Specialist: Amanda Burney; Team: Roxanne Shumack

Year 10 - Patron: Jo Wysel; Specialist: Matthew Minter; Team: Josh Tuohy

Year 11 - Patron: Kate Fittler; Specialist: Jonathon Shumack; Team: Greg Cotterell, Margarita Perez

Year 12 - Patron: Yvette Ballard; Specialist: Julie Flanagan; Team: Ruth Patrick

Pathways - Angela Priebbenow

You can also find more information on the Parent/Carer Intranet via CONNECT HERE

The Senior School Handbook also contains details of requirements for stationery for students, as well as details for uniform, IT requirements and general information about life in the Senior School. You can find the Senior School Handbook on the Parent/Carer Intranet via CONNECT HERE

Parents must complete the Standard Collection & Risk Warning Consent Form issued at the start of each year. This ensures that contact details and medical information are kept current, appropriate permissions have been provided and is a general reminder about the conditions of enrolment. This is now overdue you are still to complete it.

 You can complete the form HERE.

Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) News

Mrs Joanne Wysel

Head of Creative and Performing Arts. (CAPA)

What a fantastic start to the year in Creative and Performing Arts! 

From inspiring excursions to rehearsals that are buzzing with energy, our students continue to impress with their enthusiasm and commitment.

OnSTAGE & ARTEXPRESS Excursion – We’re Ready for the HSC!

Our Year 12 Drama and Visual Arts students have returned from Sydney feeling inspired and ready to tackle their HSC year. This trip was a valuable experience, offering them fresh ideas and perspectives for their major works.

Mary Poppins Intensive & Key Dates

Following the success of our last intensive rehearsal, we held another Mary Poppins intensive on Saturday.  The energy and progress in rehearsals have been fantastic, and we can’t wait to build on it.

 It was a very productive day, with a focus on two of the biggest numbers in the show - ‘Step in Time’ and ‘Jolly Holiday’. As a Production Team, we have been delighted with the way our rehearsals have been running this term, and there are a couple of things we would like to commend the cast on:

The wonderful and supportive way you are working together as a cast. It is fantastic to see the genuine clapping and cheering for peers during rehearsals!

The leadership being shown by our senior students and Principal cast members. This sets the tone for a productive rehearsal, and we appreciate this.

The high level of attendance at rehearsals has been excellent. Thank you also to those parents who have advised us when their daughter is unable to attend rehearsal due to illness or unexpected events.

The SIP program is going strong, with cast members working hard and our costume and props team bringing the magic to life—think Peaky Blinders-style caps, chimney sweep gear, and colourful kites!

Make sure you check the schedule and lock in key rehearsal dates—it’s full steam ahead!

Below is an overview of the rehearsal process from now until the Mary Poppins Camp on the June Long Weekend.  Regular Wednesday afternoon rehearsals for all cast will continue, as well as Thursday afternoons for principals (as scheduled).

We have also sent home a ‘Production Contract’ that all students who are participating in the show need to sign, and have their parent/carer sign as well. Copies can be collected from Ms Fahy at Senior School Reception if required. We request that these are returned this week.

Once again, thank you all for your support of our production of Mary Poppins - it is going to be an amazing show, and we can't wait to share it with you all in June at the Armidale Town Hall.

Dance Ensemble – Off to an Amazing Start!

More than 30 students joined the Senior School Dance Ensemble last week, setting the stage for an exciting year of Dance.

We’ve kicked off with a high-energy number from Hamilton that already has everyone hooked.

With such a huge turnout, we’re considering adding another contemporary dance group to ensure everyone has the chance to be involved.

Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or just looking to have fun, this is a fantastic opportunity to refine your skills and be part of something special. We’ll be working toward the Dance Eisteddfod this year.

We also welcomed Miss Rickie, our new Dance Teacher, to the team which includes our our Dance Captains, Molly Chard and Lucy Ward. With a wealth of experience and passion for performance, she’s already making a great impact. Welcome aboard!

Shakespeare Carnival – Get Involved!

Sign-ups for the Shakespeare Carnival have begun, and we’re excited to see so much interest in this creative competition. Students can compete in seven different categories:

Ensemble Scene – Work together to create a compelling group performance.

Duologue – Bring Shakespeare’s words to life with a partner.

Music Composition – Create original pieces inspired by Shakespeare.

Physical Theatre – Use movement and expression to tell a story.

Group Devised – Collaborate on an original performance inspired by Shakespeare.

Dance – Choreograph and perform a dance based on Shakespearean themes.

Smart Film – Craft a short film with a Shakespearean influence.

If you haven’t signed up yet but would like to be involved, it’s not too late! Come and see Mrs Wysel with your group or partner.

The School's Shakespeare Carnival is set for 27 March, so mark your calendars—it’s going to be a fantastic showcase of talent!

Music Ensembles – A Fantastic Start!

Our Year 7 students have now received their woodwind and brass instruments and they have begun their group lessons. Soon they will combine with Year 8 to form our Stage 4 Band and work towards an Eisteddfod performance.

Our co-curriculum Music Ensembles have already begun, filling the school with beautiful sounds and setting the stage for another year of musical excellence. These ensembles are not only a wonderful way to develop musicianship but also a fantastic way to build friendships and be part of the thriving CAPA community. If you haven’t joined yet, it’s never too late!

Art in the Afternoon – Starting Soon!

We are excited to announce that Art in the Afternoon will be starting soon during lunchtimes with Mrs Schaeffer and our Visual Arts Captains, Daisy Donaldson and Sophie Hardin. Keep an eye out for more details and come along to get creative!

Celebrating Our Student Successes

We love celebrating our students' achievements! Whether you are excelling in Drama, Dance, Music, or Visual Arts, we want to acknowledge your incredible efforts and share them with the wider school community. Please let us know about your successes so we can recognise them at assemblies and in our newsletters. 2025 is already shaping up to be an outstanding year in Creative and Performing Arts, and we can’t wait to see what our talented students achieve. I

It’s been a busy and exciting few weeks in Creative and Performing Arts, and there’s plenty more to come. 

We love seeing students embrace their creativity, challenge themselves, and support each other.

If you have any questions or want to get involved, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s make this a year to remember! 

Anything Can Happen If You Let It! (Mary Poppins)


Mrs Lucy Donaldson

Head of Sport

Our 2025 Swimming Carnival was another fabulous whole school event, with record participation from all our girls from Kindergarten to Year 12. Congratulations to all our Age Champions, our student relay team who smashed the parent/teacher relay, our Guild War Cry winners Dixon ....and our overall 2025 Swimming Carnival winner  HAMLIN!!

Junior Girls Age Champions

8 Years - Lisa Blake

9 Years Annelise Azon-Jacometti

10 Years Beth Birnie

11 Years April Ferguson

12 Years Phoebe Butterworth

Senior Girls Age Champions

12 Years - Veja-Lee Petuha / Runner up - Georgianna Ballard

13 Years - Evie Donaldson / Runner up - Lilah Tate

14 Years - Lola Ferguson / Runner Up - Hannah Swain

15 Years - Evie Matthews / Runner Up - Lily Donaldson

16 Years Georgia Scanlon / Runner-Up Charli Milton

17 Years - Chloe Younghusband / Runner Up - Lucy Ward

18-19 Years - Poppy McLaren / Runner Up - Anna Grills

Coaches wanted

Sport is not compulsory at our College, but our participation rate is at an all-time high, and we need to increase our coaching team. If you (or someone you know) have a passion for and experience with Hockey, Netball or Soccer, then let our Head of Sport, Mrs Lucy Donaldson, know. 

As well as training a team of enthusiastic and talented girls, you will be working alongside Oskar Staniucha, a dedicated strength and conditioning coach, who is conducting a three-year PHD research project exclusively with PLC Armidale examining how training load impacts ACL health in young female athletes.

As always, if at any stage you are unsure of anything or need clarification, send me an email at and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Alternatively, Mrs Stephanie Fahy at the Senior School Reception will be able to assist as well. To assist with knowing what’s on when, here is a snapshot of the Junior and Senior School sports for Term 1, 2024.

Health News


If your daughter has an updated treatment plan, new diagnosis or medical needs, it is important that parents update the Edumate Health Conditions of your daughter to ensure that the school is providing the best care.

The Parent Portal can be access through the CONNECT page at 

The Health Centre is contactable via 


Phone: 02 6770 1741

P&F News

Sarah Yassine

P&F President

Thank you! everyone who generously donated their time and food items for the P&F swimming carnival cake stall and BBQ. 

I think we'd all agree it was a wonderful day at the pool with what seemed like record participation numbers!  

Thanks to the hard work of our parent community, we were able to provide delicious treats for our daughters and raise money for our school.  As always, funds raised in these P&F events are used to make meaningful purchases for our school.

Calling all Pre-K parents

We are still looking for a parent willing to be a Pre-K LP with the support of another parent.  Please consider putting yourself forward and contact me if you have any questions about the role.

If you are unsure about who your Liaison Parent is, or you have any P&F related questions, please get in touch at 

Your LP will contact you from time to time (usually by email or social media chat.) to ask for volunteers for P&F events, to invite you to year group social gatherings and to communicate about other school events.  To help facilitate this please contact your LP to share your best contact details - see the list below. You will also see that we still need a kindergarten LP - please let me know if you are willing and able.

 Your LP is a great person to contact if you are feeling lost, overwhelmed or can’t remember if it’s sports uniform, guild uniform or normal uniform!

The 2025 Signature Event is proposed to be a whole school Fete /Market Day to be held on campus in Term 4

A steering committee is being formed to be part of the planning and preparation in the lead up to the event. Please let me know if you would like to be part of this group. 

Thank you for your ongoing support of our P&F.

You can find these and more on our  Parent Portal HERE

PLCA Uniform Shop

Opening hours

Tuesday 8:30am to 11:30am

Thursday 1:00pm to 4:30pm 

Phone: 02 6770 1703



You can find the Spring/Summer edition of the Green Tartan HERE

Send us your news!  

We love to hear about what our alumnae have been doing - so please let us know what has been happening in your life. 

Births, deaths, marriages, milestone celebrations - whatever you feel like sharing with the other Old Girls, please tell us so we can include it in this section of the  Lion's Roar each fortnight.

Our PLC Armidale alumnae are a stellar group of women who excel in a diverse range of areas, leading lives of significance.

Success looks different for everyone, and we like to celebrate it all - not just that which is in the public eye.

Email your news to:

Want to get together with your class?

If you are interested in joining or organising a milestone reunion group during the Reunion Weekend in October 2025, please get in touch with us at

PLC Armidale Foundation

Can you make a regular financial contribution to the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund?

Donations will provide scholarships for the 2026 school year. In addition, gifts over $2 are tax deductible. You can also subscribe to make a small regular automatic donation which will quickly add up over the years.

The generosity of the PLC Armidale community has enabled us to maintain and provide an excellent learning environment for generations of young women.

Giving makes a real difference to every student who attends PLC Armidale now and into the future. We thank you for your continued support as we foster and build a community that stands together. 

If you would like further information about the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund or know of a young girl who you believe would benefit from this opportunity, don't hesitate to call us on (02) 6770 1700 or email us at

A gift to the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund will open the door for many more exceptional young women to attend PLC Armidale and be equipped to lead a life of significance. 

You can make a difference by donating today.

Donations can be made by clicking here.

General News