Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 1| Week 7 | 2023

From the Principal



A recent PLC Armidale social media post for International Women’s Day generated quite a bit of interest. 

The theme #Embrace Equity described well what PLC Armidale girls had accomplished across a week.  Another successful show for our Cattle Team girls, our Tennis Team Captain, Lauren Williams, opening the Tildesley Tennis Tournament in Sydney with an acknowledgement of country, the Stage 5 Science girls winning the 2023 Highlands Science and Engineering Challenge for the second year in a row, including constructing a bridge from paddlepop sticks and masking tape which remained intact when the maximum 8kg load was applied! Thirteen girls from Years 6 to 12 selected for the ADNA Netball development and representative squads.

... continue reading here

Despite what the media may report  a survey conducted earlier this year showed 

a staggering 96 per cent of girls’ schools across NSW experienced increased demand for places in 2023, with both parents and students acknowledging the value-add of an all-girls learning environment

The survey, conducted by the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia (AGSA) across the government, independent and Catholic sectors showing Independent girls' schools recorded a 3.3 per cent rise in student numbers in the last federal census.

Loren Bridge, AGSA Executive Officer summarised the findings as follows…

“When looking at the reasons parents would choose a girls’ school, AGSA found that confidence, independence, increased opportunities, sports participation, STEM, safety, and academic performance were cited by Australian parents as the leading benefits.”

The high demand for girls’ schools reflected data from Australasian and international research, and was “a clear indication that parents see the lift-up effect a girls’ school has on a girl’s confidence and self-belief. Research consistently finds that girls in girls’ schools outperform girls in co-ed schools on measures of social, emotional and academic wellbeing,” Bridge said. “The outcomes are also in stark contrast to detractors of girls’ education who suggest a waning interest in girls’ single-sex schooling. It’s simply not the case. Parents and girls understand the value and opportunities of an all-girls environment…"The lack of gender stereotyping in girls’ schools ensures that girls — at least while they are on campus— are able to explore their own identities without the social pressure of boys."

At PLC Armidale, each event, program, tour and publication provides an opportunity to explain and demonstrate these benefits. Each lesson, task, experience and day provides an opportunity for the girls to experience these benefits for themselves. 

One student new to our Senior School this year commented recently, "I can learn here because the teachers teach, the girls listen, and I have the same teacher for the same subject each day." 

The positive word-of-mouth recommendation about PLC Armidale remains our strongest reach to prospective students and their families. The last of our three Principal’s Tours for Term One has demonstrated the power of advocacy for an all-girls education and PLC Armidale from our community, with many of the new families taking part in the tour making mention of the current family who suggested they attend.

Last week I received an email from a member of the general public in Sydney, which was shared with the Senior School girls at Monday's assembly. I have the author’s permission to share the following excerpt. 

I would like to offer some positive feedback re an experience I had tonight with some of your students visiting Sydney for a tennis tournament. I had the lovely experience of sharing a table at a local venue with this tennis squad, and I came away thinking “wow” someone needs to hear that in a time where we often criticise our younger ones for lacking manners, preoccupation with social media etc these young ladies were delightful to observe. Whilst I tried to busy myself with work emails etc I noticed that not one of these girls had their phones out. Rather they were recapping their activities of the day and planning on the following.

"What this team weren’t aware of is I have worked in mental health for over 40yrs and every day I talk with parents and teachers of very troubled young people. Some days this can be quite overwhelming as my team consider how did we get to this space??? Tomorrow I will be going to work and relaying this wonderful experience tonight. 

"I had comments from your girls thanking me for sharing my table and suggesting I have a good night. Now, these things might be small, but after an extremely stressful day in a demanding workplace where we are frequently abused by desperate parents and children, this experience restored my faith in our younger generation."

Small things do matter, our College values are not just words on a wall, but encouraged to be actions and interactions which characterise each PLC Armidale girl. 

Mrs Nicola Taylor

Congratulations to:

The Tildesley Shield Tennis team for representing PLC Armidale so well both on and off the courts.

All those who participated in the recent Armidale Show - demonstrating the diverse range of skills our PLC Armidale girls possess.

The Stage 5  Science girls led by Mrs Kate Fittler for their stellar win in the 2023 Highlands Science and Engineering Challenge for the second year in a row.

The girls and staff who were part of Musica Viva Armidale's 'Tumbling Like Stars' performance by the Australian Vocal Ensemble in the Armidale Town Hall last week.

Anneliese Azon-Jacometti in Year 1, who asked if one of our staff members needed a hand, then spent 40 minutes helping them clear up after the Year 7-9 social last week while her father taught an early morning co-curricular music class.

The students who took a break from focused learning to socialise with their peers from Farrer Agricultural High School and NEGS recently. Your behaviour was exemplary, and those in Years 7-9 were also wonderful hosts.

All recipients of Royal Life Saving Awards ranging from the Bronze Star right through to the Bronze Cross and Award of Merit.

Everyone on campus on Friday, 17 March for making our Scholarship Experience Day guests feel welcome. The topic of most conversations during afternoon tea was what a warm, inclusive and special place PLC Armidale is. All visiting families were extremely impressed not only with our PLC Armidale facilities but also with our community - Ad Astra!

Senior School News




Thank you to the parents who have completed the permission form for the upcoming camps.   

Save the Date:  

Parent Teacher Conferences (Years 7 and 12) are scheduled for Tuesday 4th of April in Week 10 (4pm - 7pm) and will be held in the Senior School library. Bookings will open early next week with a link sent via an Edumate Broadcast. Year 12 students are encouraged to attend to be part of the conversation about their learning and are asked to be in school uniform.

For parents of boarding students that are unable to attend in person, a Zoom Parent-Teacher Conference event for boarders will be held early next term. Year 8-11 Parent Teacher Conferences will also be held early in Term 2.

Parents are also encouraged to contact the College at and point if they have concerns about their daughter’s academic progress. 

Highlights in the Senior School (Weeks 6 and 7)

Junior School News

What's been happening in Junior School.. 




National Australia Clean-Up day - Our Junior School Student Representative Committee (SRC) proposed we support National Clean-Up Australia day by hosting a clean-up session and artwork competition.

Congratulations to the winners of our ‘Clean and Green’ Art competition,  judged by our newly appointed Creative Arts Prefect Jiya Aila. Jiya based her decision making on - creativity, clarity in delivering the message, layout and presentation. Thank you for your assistance in getting behind the JS SRC, your contributions in growing young leaders is appreciated. 

continue reading Junior School update here... 


Our Student Representative Council is continually changing as new members are elected each semester from each class. This is necessary, as a whole, for them to remain a strong voice for young people in schools. As society embraces new technologies, teachers embrace new teaching methods and students embrace new pathways and opportunities in their education, SRCs must also embrace new forward-thinking strategies. Dynamic SRCs represent the views of a cross-section of students from different year levels, cultures, backgrounds and talents. A broad spectrum of views and values held by the student body enhances representatives’ understanding of issues that are important to young people. 

SRCs can teach young people to be confident in public speaking, presenting and communicating with others, building on those skills learnt in the classroom. SRCs give students the skills to create and to implement, to lead and to follow, to learn from mistakes and to succeed.

Most importantly, they give students the opportunity to represent the views of their peers, and to succeed in making those views heard. 

Parent Teacher Interviews - Thank you for connecting with your daughter’s teacher. We, as much as you, value the opportunity to share academic and social progress and the opportunity to showcase the work the girls have done so far in 2023. A strategic focus for 2023 is, ‘Quality Feedback’. Parent Teacher Interviews provide this opportunity for parents and carers and your voice, perspective and insight can never be understated and is ever so appreciated. As always, I am available to meet with you at any time, this never has to be isolated to formal PT Interviews.

Scholarship Day - Year 6 will welcome visitors into our classroom on Friday afternoon. This will be an opportunity for the girls to meet possible 2024 Year 7 friends and enjoy an afternoon tea with the community at 3:30pm.

CAMP is FAST approaching …

Coffs Coast Adventure Centre

Pr CAMP Prep

CAMP ITINERARY GUIDE (subject to change) - Emma young has shared the activities that will be scheduled for the duration of the camp. This was included in the Google permission form. If a call needs to be made each evening to support your daughter, this should be arranged. Please speak with your daughter's teacher to have this routine put in place.

Wednesday 29 March 

Thursday 30 March

Friday 31 March 

Healthy Lunchbox Reminder - At PLC we encourage healthy lunchboxes at PLC, this a part of our units of work in PDHPE. We have noticed lollies and a large quantity of unhealthy snacks making their way to school. It would be appreciated if you could support us in our messaging.

Kind Regards

Fiona Wake

Congratulations to our 'Clean and Green' Art Winners

FIRST Place - Rose Year 5

SECOND Place - Grace Year 3

THIRD Place - Sopha Year 5

Feature Class: Stage One (Years 1 and 2) 


It was so lovely to touch base with all families last week during Parent Teacher Interviews, I enjoyed sharing the wonderful progress that your daughters are making. All Stage One girls have had an amazing start to the year. The girls have been exploring ‘Past, Present and Future’ in History, and have been busy identifying things that have happened in the past, things that are happening now, and things that might happen in the future. In Science and Technology they have been discovering Earth’s Treasures – our natural resources – and classifying them into living things, air, water or earth. They are learning that everything we make or use comes from something else, and they had a lot of fun identifying where all of the ingredients of ice cream come from, before making their own ice cream! The girls enjoyed participating in the ‘Clean and Green’ SRC initiative, and did a great job of designing a litter free, healthy lunchbox to bring for the day. Well done girls!

Boarding News



The boarding house is always a busy place with the students being involved in a wide range of activities both at school and in Armidale.

In the house, the girls have enjoyed working on their sewing skills, having pancake breakfast, painting small pots and then filling them with succulents and other small plants and putting together beautiful flower arrangements from the College gardens for the Boarding House.

The students also had a great time getting dressed up for the combined PLC/NEGS/Farrar social and put a lot of work into it putting their costumes together for the different themes. Armidale also held a Night Market which the boarders really enjoyed attending.

We have also enjoyed hearing from the many Cattle Team members in the Boarding House about how the PLC Armidale Cattle Team has performed at the recent local shows.

Music News

Gondwana Report 


In January of 2023, many people from all around Australia got together to perform at the great hall at the University of Sydney. We all stayed at the University of Sydney with our own dorms across from our friends and also lots of new people. 

Gondwana voices were conducted by the amazing Lyn Williams AM

I was one of the many people from PLC that got the privilege to participate in the Gondwana National Choirs in January. It was such an amazing experience, I met so many new people that loved singing as much as I did. The repertoire was absolutely stunning, we had an amazing guessed who was an indigenous Australian who spoke his native language. His name was Guwanbal and Netanela. They were both so incredibly talented and they lead us on the Djari Project. The Djari Project is an effort to keep the native languages alive and to teach the younger generations about native stories.

I was accompanied by some other amazing PLC girls, India Smith, Emily Blake, Mem Lay, Tiko Lay, Gabrielle Cotterell and Arlie Bragg. Everyone is welcome to audition for this amazing opportunity. 

Gondwana choirs was the experience of a lifetime. I had so much fun and I can’t wait for the next opportunity.

Gondwana NCS held at the University of Sydney during the summer vacation. The attendees were Mem Lay and Jade Foster (year 9), Tiko Lay, Emily Blake, and India Smith (year 10) and Gabrielle Cotterell (year 12).




Visual Arts Excursion

On Wednesday, Year 8 went on an excursion to the New England Regional Art Museum as part of their studies in Visual Arts. We spent time exploring a range of strategies to make and interpret artworks based on the built environment as a source of ideas. We took a close look at the exhibition ‘Illustrating Armidale’ featuring fifteen local illustrators and artists.  In upcoming lessons we will discuss each illustrator's style and personality as we delve further into our critical and historical studies around architecture on a local and international level.

Our class was treated to several other exhibitions currently being shown in the gallery. Of particular interest was The Wonders of Hinton, Fifty/50, NERAM’s Imaginarium and Picturing the New England.


continue reading CAPA update here...

New England Dance Eisteddfod - 31st May - 4th June

Rehearsals are under way for the New England Dance Eisteddfod coming up next term. The girls will be performing in both the Jazz section and the Contemporary Section.

Shakespeare Carnival

If you are interested in being a part of the Carnival and were not able to make the sign-up last week, please contact Mrs Wysel. This is a Senior School student initiative and allows creativity in a range of categories with some very exciting performance opportunities in the New England area and possibly in Sydney for those who are selected for State.

Speech and Drama Eisteddfod

The closing date for entering the Speech and Drama Eisteddfod is March 17th - so please let Mrs Wysel know before Friday if you are interested in getting something prepared for the eisteddfod. 

Drama Club 

Next Wednesday, the Senior School Drama club will be looking at  Audition Techniques for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Come along for some tips and tricks on how to WOW the audition panel.

Mrs Joanne Wysel

Head of Creative and Performing Arts. 

Sporting News



Congratulations to:

Lilly Meredith who won Best Presented, Champion Open Mare, Champion Youth Working, Champion Open Mare Hack, Champion Youth Hack and was Reserve Champion Senior Girl Rider at the Uralla Open Hack and Breed Show in Uralla !! Then at the Manilla Hack Day Lilly was Child's Hack Champion, Champion Australian Stock Horse Hack and Reserve Champion Australian Stock Horse Led. In the Uralla Show Lillian took her 4yo Meridias Moonshine Charlie for his first outing and achieved 1st Novice Hack , then at the Armidale Show she was declared Reserve Champion Led, and Reserve Champion Youth Working. 

Bridie O’Neil and Holly Sheedy who were selected to take part in the NIAS high performance netball training clinics in Sydney over the weekend. 

Trista Dorrian who was invited to train at the “Blue Wall High Performance Tennis Squad” at Sydney Olympic Park last weekend. 

 Our representative tennis squad who played so well at the Tildesley Tennis Competition last week. PLC A came 9th overall out of a total of 25 schools, which is a fabulous result. A special congratulations to Sophie Bailey who made it through to the fourth round of the tournament, narrowly being beaten by the number one player from Wenona and seeded player 5-8

Our PLC Representative Swimming Team who competed at the IGSA Swimming Carnival on Friday 17 March. Well done Makenzie, Kaitlin, Poppy, Steph, Lucy, Kate, Olive, Evie and Sophia - full results will be in our next issue.

Best wishes to: 

Stephanie Blake and Molly Chard, who competed in the Little Athletics State Championships this weekend. We can’t wait to hear how you went!

Coming Up This Term:

IGSA Swimming Carnival, Sydney 

Friday, 17 March (Senior School)

UNE Netball competition begins for our PLC 1 Opens Team

Saturday, 18 March

PLC Representative team hockey trials Monday, 20 March (Senior School)

Whole School Cross Country

Wednesday, 5 April

International and Pathways News 



As the year progresses, we are getting closer to the time when Pathways students are looking at what they want to do, where they want to go next and how to achieve their goals.

One key element Pathways offers to overseas students is that the program aims to help and support them to reach their dreams. 

Often when an international student wants to apply for an Australian school, their English proficiency isn’t strong enough. PLC Pathways provides the opportunity for students to enter the country, with a placement at PLC Armidale, to learn and prepare the students throughout the term, the semester or the year. When the students are ready, they are supported by their family, agents and the Pathways staff, to apply to their desired schools either in Sydney, Melbourne or anywhere else in the country.

With this concept, it might seem that the Pathways program’s student transferring rate is high, but it is actually proof of the success of the program. For students who were not accepted by other schools first, quite often only based on their English level, it is certainly a big accomplishment when they obtain an offer letter from the school after their time in the Pathways program.

Some students were once keen to move to schools in big cities but eventually realised the strong support PLC Armidale can offer and decided to stay. Helen Zhou (2020 Graduate), Sophie Luo (2022 graduate) and our current International students Rosie, Elaine (Year 12), Belle, Zoe (Year 11) and Mary (Year 10) are great ambassadors of the Pathways program who chose to stay and complete their high school years at PLC Armidale.

Thank you to all the teachers and especially the boarding staff, who, despite knowing that the students might not be staying for long, still spend the time and put full efforts into supporting and teaching them tirelessly. We look forward to working with the current Pathways students in pursuing their dream.

Health Centre News




In preparation for the upcoming camps later this term, it is important that your daughter’s Edumate information is up to date, as the teachers accompanying your daughter to the camps will receive the information exported from Edumate. This includes

If your daughter has regular medications to take during the camp period, please provide the medication with instructions and clear labels with her name on the day of the excursion. 

Please also complete the Authorisation Form ONE WEEK prior to the excursion to ensure that the information is prepared for the lead teacher of the camp.


The Health Centre has been approached by NSW Dental & Eye Care with an offering of dental and eye check held on campus for the students.

What is the Cost?

Free for eligible students, Payment of benefits under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule is administered through the Department of Human Services. No cost to the school, and parents, and with no GAP.

How does it work?

NSW Dental Care provides dental/eye services within the school premises, ensuring the children's safety, comfort, and well-being.

Optometry provides FREE, BULK-BILLED services to all students & teachers on school premises. 

If you are interested in the program and for more information, please visit the EOI Google Form:

The Health Centre is contactable via 


Phone: 02 6770 1741

Mobile: 0448 277 166

From the Foundation

Trent Donaldson

Our role on the Foundation is to develop and drive giving initiatives that will assist the college in the provision of funds to assist the school in the development of facilities and the funding of scholarships that will enable young women to enjoy a PLC Armidale education.

The desire to provide access for young women to join PLC Armidale is the primary objective of the Foundation Committee this year. We are seeking the support of our current families and staff to assist through our regular giving initiative.

Every little bit helps

If you are able and willing to pledge even a small amount each week/fortnight, or month, please click on this link.  Regular contributions will compound over the year, and if we all give the end result will be instrumental in providing the opportunity for more students to experience the care and wonder that is PLC Armidale.

Additional Member

The Foundation is seeking a member from the current boarding community to join our committee. If you are keen to assist, please email

From the P&F


The PLCA P&F have been busy working on a number of projects.

Reorganising the P&F Athletics Canteen and Storage Room

A huge thank you to Tillney Webb and Alex Notley for bringing some order to the P&F supplies and resources.

In their sorting out, we have discovered that we have some soft drinks, water and wine, which are just slightly out of date (who knew that they could get out of date)!  

Available for purchase at 20 cents each

Alcohol $2 each

If you are keen to help take these products off P&F’s hands please contact 

Tillney Webb 0407 189 320

Next fundraising event:   PLCA Athletics Carnival  Term 2 Week 2 - Athletics Carnival Committee - Year 7 & Year 8 More information to follow next issue.

P&F Exec & Liaison Parents Dinner Meeting

The PLCA P&F has two main objectives:  fundraise and friendraise.  We decided to try something new with a dinner meeting at the Railway.  Unsurprisingly, we didn’t draw breath during the 1.5 hours! However, we did have a great time brainstorming ideas and connecting.  

Please don’t feel you need to wait for a meeting to bring up any ideas.  Either your years’ Liaison Parents or any of the P&F Executive would love to hear from you.

We have some exciting ideas which are being hatched… stay tuned…

2023 P&F Fundraising Project  

Our goal is $25,0000 for a  Flexible Stage

Judi Sheedy

President of P & F 

PLC Armidale 

Community and General College News

Cattle Team and Ag Student Show Results

At the recent Armidale Show there were 17 girls in attendance from the Cattle Team and another seven from the Stage 5 Agriculture class who competed in the Junior Judging events.

Well done to all the girls who put in a fine effort in not only the events they entered but also to the teamwork and commitment on display.

We had some fantastic results in the judging:

Merino Fleece: 

Jnr: 2nd place Ashley Boyd

Int: Equal 1st place Charli Milton Equal 3rd place Isabelle Carlon

Fruit and Vegetables:


Jnr: 3rd place Darcie Finlayson

Meat Sheep:

Jnr: 3rd place Darcie Finlayson

4th place Ashley Boyd

Int: 3rd place Elsie Wake

Merino Sheep:

Jnr: 3rd place Nylah Webb

4th place Darcie Finlayson

Int: 4th place Charli Milton

5th place Amelia Webb

Beef Cattle (heifers):

Jnr: 5th place Willow Gully

Int: 5th place Annie Wake

Zone Young Judges to also compete at the Royal Easter Show Stud Beef Cattle:

1st place Liberty Cook and 3rd place Georgia Whibley (reserve)


2nd place Georgia Whibley

Fruit and Vegetable:

2nd Georgia Whibley and 3rd place Elsie Wake (reserve)

Merino Sheep:

3rd Elsie Wake (reserve)

Zone Paraders selected to compete at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney:

Liberty Cook and Macey Wake

Some of the girls also competed at Walcha Show last weekend

Paraders’ Competition

4th place Nylah Webb in the 12 years section and

4th place Charli Milton in the 13 years also

Rebecca McMahon reached the finals of the combined Junior Judging event.

Rotary International Youth Exchange Program

The Rotary Youth Exchange Program Committee is seeking potential outbound exchange students for the 2024 scholastic year. 

Due to new regulations from the NSW Department of Education, outbound student applicants must be in Years 9, 10 or 11 in the year they make an application to be eligible for the program. All outbound students will be required to return to secondary education in Australia to complete at least one year of schooling. The preferred age of applicants is between 15 to 17 years. 

Applications close on 21 April, 2023. If further information is required go to the Rotary Youth Exchange website. An Expression of Interest can be logged at the following website,  and contact will be made with the student upon receipt of this Expression of Interest. The student will receive the actual YEP Application Form at this time. 

Any interested students who have completed their EOI (as described above) will be invited to Rotary District 9660 Youth Exchange Information opportunity via Zoom to be held one evening during the week starting 13 March. This will be important so all students have the correct YEP information and can ask questions of the presenters. 


The benefits of the exchange are many and varied. Students gain considerable self-confidence, tolerance and self-reliance through having to accept greater responsibility for themselves and their actions. 

Students have to adapt to unfamiliar and different surroundings and ways of life which are different from that of Australia. For some, it will be the first extended period of separation from their own family. The experience provides the opportunity to develop many useful social 'survival skills'. 

The exchange provides a unique opportunity for young Australians to experience at first hand the many cultural aspects of a different country, a new way of life, and in many instances, another language. The friendship students make will be life long and important in achieving the aims of the exchange - the building of goodwill and understanding between countries. 


Provide your Expression of Interest on the Rotary Youth Exchange Australia website ( ). The Initial application form will be then sent to you and you will be invited to the District 9660 YEP Information evening via Zoom. The form is also available from the Chair of the District Youth Exchange Program Committee. 

The Youth Exchange Chair must receive your completed application form, a copy of your latest school report and a recent ID colour photograph (5cms square). The YEP Treasurer will invoice you for the application fee upon the Chair's receipt of your Initial Application. 

The application form should reach The Chairman by 21 April, 2023. 

Alinta Second Hand Update

With Winter coming now is the time to check your Term 2 and 3 uniform requirements to avoid the instore rush at the end of  Term 1.

Alinta has asked us to remind you to fill out the form (below) BEFORE bringing in any second hand uniforms to sell. There is also information regarding consignment prices and uniform requirements. Thank you for your cooperation. 

PLC Second Hand Pricelist 2021 (1).pdf