Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 2 | Week 3  


From the Principal



The learning community at PLC Armidale extends to staff, not just the students. 

This year, staff across the College both teaching and support staff, are seeking to explore the nature, purpose and opportunity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education. 

I am grateful for the partnership with a local company MadeWithData to  help us navigate what is for many uncharted territory. 

Like the invention of the printing press or the Internet, the development of Artificial Intelligence poses another major social disruptor.

Rather than just watching from the wings, staff across the College are seeking to understand more about this emerging technology and consider what we will gain and what we stand to lose if it is not utilised well as a sharp and expert tool...

... continue reading here

The following is an excerpt from an article published by the International Coalition of Girls' Schools (ICGS) to its member schools. Concern or apprehension about AI is reasonable given public scepticism, concerns about privacy of data and the question of AI versus human “thinking”. Professor Chris Dede and postdoctoral fellow Lydia Cao from the Harvard Graduate School of Education are working to provide teachers with useable knowledge to support positive use of AI in the classroom.

Their report, Navigating a world of generative AI: suggestions for educators does not shy away from the risks this technology brings. They acknowledge its shortcomings but can see the potential opportunities it brings.

Schools, families and students cannot ignore AI.  AI is here, and it is here to stay. Students are independently experimenting with AI. If they are given a structured and safe space to explore its benefits (and downsides) critically, it will provide opportunity to learn how to responsibly use these technologies. It is important to equip students with the knowledge to use AI appropriately.

Will AI undermine learning? There is a need for students to be informed about how to use ChatGPT and similar technologies in a responsible and effective way. Understanding how AI works helps students to consider how information is obtained, how this can lead to the risk of factually incorrect information or the bias that can occur when using AI systems.

Will AI replace thinking? Technology provides answers to problems and questions, but AI is  more powerful than this  alone.  Students need to be equipped to face a complex world full of challenges and opportunities that require problem-solving skills. Students need to be taught how to use logic and reasoning rather than focussing on a fact-finding mission. By focusing on logic and reasoning skills, students can leverage human abilities beyond technology, developing stronger critical thinking skills as they reflect on AI  content; this will set them apart as careful, responsible users of this powerful technology.

Despite fears that AI may stifle creativity and free-thinking, engaging with inspiration and creativity is still vitally important.  Problem-solving skills and the use of human judgement are skills AI cannot easily replicate. AI is not going to disappear, students need to be taught how to use this tool to recognise risks of bias and misinformation. AI cannot replace teachers. Teachers and AI together in the classroom can enhance students’ learning experience preparing them for the world after school.

Reference: Cao, L., & Dede, C. (2023). Navigating a world of generative AI: suggestions for educators. The Next Level Lab at Harvard Graduate school of Education. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from


Throughout the year, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the various interests and accomplishments of PLC Armidale girls. We will be aware of the experiences girls undertake to represent the College. We may not know about experiences and achievements in areas of interest outside of school. Please let our Communications and Marketing Manager, Mrs Arundale know. Mrs Arundale greatly enjoys telling the story of the quality and achievements of our PLC Armidale girls.

Email us your news:

Congratulations to ... 

Arlie Bragg, Teya Catterall and Inda Smith ...

who have been selected to take part in the 2024 Gondwana International Choral Program, performing in Europe later this year. Following an audition as part of the invitational Gondwana Choir workshops in the summer holidays, only 30 students from across Australia were selected.  For PLC Armidale  students to make up 10 per cent of this national choir is amazing.

Our talented composers 

who performed their original compositions at the first event of the 2024 Armidale Eisteddfod Season with most if not all placing in their respective section. See more in our Music News section...

Thank you to ... 

Those who attended our Whole School Mother's Day breakfast & Chapel Service

As an all-girls school what a wonderful opportunity to thank and celebrate those special women who have such a profound influence on the girls we teach.

Hundreds attended our event, and students from Pre-K through to Year 12 enjoyed sharing cards and gifts with their guests, then a Mother's Day themed Chapel Service before heading off to class.

See the photos on our Parent Portal HERE

Our wonderful P&F 

who so willingly catered and served refreshments at our Livestock Celebration,  the Athletics Carnival and PLC Performs.

Our PLC Jazz Ensemble 

for performing at Ken Thompson Lodge this week bringing much joy to the residents. See the photos in our Music News section.

All who were able to attend the recent In-House Concert and PLC Performs, 

both events showcasing the strength of the Creative Arts across the College - it was encouraging to see so many girls take part in one or more areas of the arts.

Find all the 2024 event photos in our Parent Portal gallery HERE

Miss-Connection -

Why your teenager ‘hates’ you, expects the world and needs to talk.

Before we commence promotion to the wider community, we are delighted to offer our PLC Armidale families one complimentary ticket to join us for an evening with Dr Justin Coulson for this significant event, relevant to parents, educators and those working with pre-teen girls through to young women across the New England, North West Region.

Please claim your complimentary ticket (for either a seat in the AAA or a live stream link) before Friday, 24 May 2024.

After this date, only commercial tickets will be available. 

** Please note that there is only one complimentary ticket per family—additional tickets need to be booked below, or they will be charged to your school account. 

Reserve your complimentary seat or live stream  ticket HERE 

Book additional tickets HERE

Open to all community members regardless of where their daughters go to school. This event is one of a series focusing on factors that impact the growth and development of young women in an increasingly technological, disconnected, digital and highly sexualised world.

Trying to guide a teenage daughter through a complex adolescent world is… well, complicated.  Mental health concerns, body image issues, premature and/or non-consensual intimacy, friendship challenges, and alcohol and drugs are just the tip of the iceberg.

Join Dr Justin Coulson as he unpacks the science and provides practical real-world advice for parenting your teenage daughter. You’ll leave this presentation with simple and valuable tools and techniques to help you guide your daughters safely and successfully through adolescence.

You’ll discover what is really going on in the minds of our teenage daughters – how do they really feel and what do they wish you knew? Find out how we can stay connected to our daughters and keep them motivated, whilst also dealing with the eye-rolls and bad attitude.

We’ll talk about how we can keep them safe and informed without them pushing us away; and how to encourage them to develop strong, healthy relationships and resilience. Plus we’ll cover the best things we can do to support our daughters during this tumultuous time.

Dr Justin Coulson is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance, the founder of and one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. He holds a PhD in Positive Psychology.

Over the past decade he has helped innumerable families with his nine books about raising children, his hundreds of media appearances (including all of Australia’s major news outlets, and even the Washington Post and the New York Times), and two viral videos that have been viewed a combined 80 million times!

Justin and his wife Kylie have been married since the late 1990s and are the parents of six daughters.

* Please note to allow uncensored discussion; this event is for adults only.

2024 Student Leaders

Lunch Orders

The full week's menu can be seen on your My Student Account via CONNECT

The deadline each day for ordering a hot meal is 10:50 am, after that cut off, both salad bar and make-your-own-sandwich options are available until 1.15 pm.However, there will be no spare hot specials available. 

Junior School families are asked to contact Mrs Creamer for assistance on the day.

Senior School students will need to use their Student ID card for an on-the-spot purchase and all salad bar or make-you- own-sandwich pre bookings need to be marked off on arrival to the Dining Hall.

Please note: All 2023 issued Student ID cards remain valid until new cards are issued.

You can book online via CONNECT by clicking the My Student Account tile.

Senior School News

Mrs Kate Clynch

Head of Senior School

Congratulations to .....

Our  PLC Armidale Livestock Team 

who along with team managers Tim Light and Briony Looker hosted a fabulous celebration dinner on Saturday, May 4. More than $3500 was raised to support the Livestock Team's endeavours.  The College hopes to make this an annual event - see you next year! 

Find the photo gallery on the Parent Portal HERE

2024 Livestock Team Celebration

Friends, family and industry folk gathered at PLC Armidale recently for the inaugural celebration of the all-girl college's Livestock Team.

While the PLC Armidale Cattle Team has been around for nearly 25 years, it has boomed in the last decade under the leadership of managers Tim Light and Briony Looker and dedicated support of Judy Miller.

The girls have prepared and shown close to 120 led steers and approximately 350 head of stud cattle during that time and now include sheep in the rebranded PLC Armidale Livestock Team.

"PLC Armidale cattle are renowned and that goes back to our team and how they handle these animals, a little bit of breeding and genetics and a lot of love and scratches from the girls," Mr Light said.

On Saturday, May 4, after a livestock parade demonstration in the yards, guests headed inside for dinner and a presentation of highlights from the last ten years and to bid in the silent auction. 

The guest speaker for the evening, Dr Amy Tait, then spoke about her research work. For the last five years, she has led a project at the University of New England focusing on various welfare aspects of the live export market.

PLC Armidale Livestock Team highlights from the last 10 years;

Reserve champion school steer Brisbane Ekka 2015.

Best maintained team at the 2022 Sydney Royal show Simmental breed feature show.

Best maintained Red Poll team at the 2024 Sydney Royal Show.

Various champions and ribbon winners across the years at shows and events all over the country.

Being selected to prepare and show the Schute Bell Charity steer at the Sydney Royal Show for the last three years and auction prices achieved.

Led steer ribbons on both hook and hoof competitions.

Older PLC Armidale Cattle Team members selected to compete in state finals Young Judges across Merino Sheep, Stud Beef cattle, Fruit and Vegetables, Grain and Paraders.

PLC Armidale achieved 7th place in the heavyweight hoof class of lambs at the Northern Schools Prime Lamb 2024 competition and then brought home the Reserve Champion Heavyweight pen of lambs on the hook.

PLC Armidale Cattle Team student's success at the National Red Poll Youth camp has seen them compete at the South Australia Junior heifer expo alongside 180 other cattle enthusiasts, with Georgia Whibley competing in 2023 & Mila Vanzella heading across for the event coming up in July 2024.

Team managers Tim Light and Briony Looker gave an emotional address 

which is published below.

"We would first of all like to start off by thanking you all for joining us here tonight as we celebrate the last 10 years of the PLC Cattle Team and the exciting venture we’re commencing of moving to be the PLC Livestock Team.

"When Tim and I commenced our time with PLC back in 2013 we were both quite young and I personally was fresh out of high school and really we had no idea where things would go but thought why not give it it a try, we can combine our passion of cows and shows while educating the next generation and man are we glad we took that opportunity, now 11 years on we feel that we have one of the best jobs in the world and can proudly and confidently say that we are now one of the most successful and respected show teams around, not only Armidale but all through the country.

"With each year we have had the privilege of working with the PLC Cattle team we have witnessed young fresh faced girls grow and develop into very capable young women during their time here at PLC, who we feel can achieve anything they set their minds too.

"The team are taught important life skills ranging from patience, resilience, perseverance, kindness and compassion to physical and mental strength, they develop an ability to possess all round skills ranging from but not limited to be able to work in fast past environments, work as a team and be confident in their ability to talk to, engage and communicate with all ages.

"The PLC cattle are renowned for how quiet and gentle our animals are and that goes back to our team and how they handle these animals, a little bit of breeding and genetics and a lot of love and scratches from the girls.

"In the last 10 years we have broken in, prepared and shown close to 120 led Steers and approximately 350 head of Stud cattle. We hate to think how many tonnes of grain and hay but plenty of memories have been made during that time.

"These memories range from Saturday training sessions, packing and unpacking the horse float to cricket matches with shovels and water bottles, water fights in the heat of summer, whip cracking demos, young judging buckets, rakes and pigeon’s and all sorts of things in-between but these things we feel are what gets our teams (both kids and cattle) ready for the big wide world and their next steps in life.

"Our team of young ladies and their sisterhood and mentorship that we get to observe every day is the biggest highlight, it’s the older girls looking after the younger girls, its watching them pass along each individual tips and tricks that they’ve learnt and polished over their time in the cattle yards at PLC and the show rings around the country.

"We have some very strong supporters with whom we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without them, we would like to mention some of them now:

"First of all, our own parents, for letting us follow our passions way back in high school.

"Our PLC Families both current and past for their continued support and donations of feed and animals, of which there are too many to list individually and anyone else who has supported, guided or assisted in any way.

"There is always one thing for sure, and that being that if Tim or I have had a bad day or times are a bit tough, our team can always pull us out of a rut and finish off our days with a smile on our faces and warmth in our hearts, and for this, we are so thankful. 

"We look forward to our next 10 years and moving into showing some more types of livestock and watching more young ladies grow and develop into driven and motivated women in agriculture."

Thank you to all those who supported our silent auction and the following prize donors.

Duke of Edinburgh Award news ...

Our Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award practice hikers faced some challenging weather on Mother's Day weekend but were rewarded with a spectacular finish on Monday.

The three-peak challenge involves climbing three mountains in the scenic rim mountain ranges in three days - Mount Maroon, Mount Greville and Mount Barney.

A 2.30am start on the final day saw them ascend more than 1000 metres in elevation via the southeast spur to reach the daunting east peak of Mount Barney by 9am. Wow!!!

How blessed we are to have this spectacular wilderness on our doorstep and our outdoor education specialist, Ms Amanda Burney, to lead us through it!

Introducing HSC Access: Extended Day Program for HSC Exam Excellence

We are thrilled to share with you an exciting new initiative that aims to further support our Year 12 and Year 11 students in their HSC journey: HSC Access.

HSC Access is a PLC Armidale developed pilot program designed to build greater student capability and preparedness while reducing anxiety and stress levels associated with the HSC examinations.

The program will facilitate supervised study sessions with a range of our Stage 6 teachers on a weekly basis every Monday afternoon.

Key Details:

These sessions are strongly encouraged for Year 12, and will be opt-in for Year 11. If Year 12 students have any conflicting prior engagements, they should discuss these with the Year 12 Pastoral Care team.

The program will commence in Week 2, providing timely support and guidance to our students as they progress through their HSC studies. The first session will start at 3.45pm on Monday, May 6 2024.

Our dedicated team of teachers will not be teaching content in these sessions; instead, they will focus on supporting students to work through examination-style questions suitable for their course progression.

We believe that HSC Access will play a crucial role in empowering our students to excel in their HSC examinations while fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment. We encourage you to speak to your daughter about her participation in these sessions.

There is no cost associated with participation in this program.

Should you have any questions or require further information about the HSC Access program, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support as we strive to provide the best possible educational experience for our students.

Junior School News

Mrs Fiona Wake

Head of Junior School

Athletics Carnival

The annual whole school athletics carnival celebrates physical capabilities and the invaluable opportunity for students to cultivate the importance of sportsmanship, embracing both victory and defeat with grace and humility. It was a privilege observing the level of participation during our carnival last week, and the ‘sisterhood’ on display when older peers encourage their younger guild members to ‘have a go’ and ‘enjoy the challenge & experience’. It is a wonderful opportunity for our Junior Guild Leaders to develop their leadership skills and be led so capably by their Guild leaders of the Senior School. 

The carnival serves as a platform for nurturing guild spirit, as students rally together to represent their respective guilds with pride and enthusiasm. The camaraderie shared among students fosters a sense of belonging and unity, strengthening bonds where every individual is valued and celebrated. It also connects our community, this support appreciated by students and staff. A special thanks to the P&F for their service to the College and the yummy treats provided on the day of the carnival.

Assessment and Reporting: The A-E Grading System

Assessment and reporting play a crucial role in primary school education, serving as essential tools for monitoring student progress, identifying learning needs, and informing instructional planning. Through ongoing assessment, teachers gain valuable insights into each student's strengths, areas for growth, and individual learning styles, enabling them to tailor instruction to meet diverse needs effectively. 

Additionally, assessment fosters a culture of accountability and achievement, empowering students to take ownership of their learning journey and set meaningful goals for improvement. Transparent and timely reporting ensures open communication between teachers, students, and parents, fostering collaborative partnerships aimed at supporting student success. 

The A to E grading system used in the NSW Curriculum provides a comprehensive framework for assessing student achievement and progress across various subjects. Within this system, achieving a minimum standard in the C grade holds significant importance as it signifies that students have demonstrated foundational knowledge and skills essential for further academic success. While higher grades reflect advanced proficiency, the C grade ensures that all students attain a baseline level of competency, enabling them to build upon their learning and pursue higher levels of achievement. By emphasising minimum standards, the A to E grading system promotes equity and ensures that every student receives the necessary support and resources to reach their academic potential.

In the A to E grading system, the B grade represents a level of achievement that signifies solid proficiency in the subject matter. Students earning a B grade demonstrate a good understanding of the material and are able to *apply their knowledge effectively. While not the highest level of achievement, the B grade reflects a strong grasp of concepts and skills, indicating that students are performing well above the minimum standards required for a C grade. Additionally, the B grade often suggests that students exhibit a consistent level of effort and engagement in their learning, contributing to their overall academic success.

* Applying your understanding means being able to use the knowledge you have acquired in new and varied contexts. It involves more than just memorising information; it requires comprehension and the ability to use that comprehension to solve problems, make decisions, or complete tasks. Essentially, applying your understanding demonstrates that you can transfer what you have learned to real-world situations, demonstrating a deeper level of mastery and competency.

​​In the Australian A to E grading system, receiving an A grade signifies a level of achievement that represents exceptional proficiency and mastery of the subject matter. Students earning an A grade demonstrate not only a thorough understanding of the material but also the ability to apply their knowledge creatively and critically in a variety of contexts. Achieving an A grade typically requires consistently high performance, accuracy, and depth of understanding throughout assessments, assignments, and examinations.

The difference between an A and a B grade lies in the level of proficiency and depth of understanding demonstrated. While both grades indicate a solid grasp of the material, an A grade typically reflects a higher level of mastery, complexity, and sophistication in applying knowledge and skills. 

At the end of this term you will receive your daughter’s Semester One report. Please reach out to your daughter’s teacher if you would like to discuss the report in greater detail.

The Armidale Eisteddfod

An eisteddfod offers a multitude of benefits to both the College and the broader community. Within the College, an eisteddfod serves as a catalyst for fostering a vibrant and inclusive learning environment, providing students with unique opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and community engagement.

Its events, programs, and initiatives bring together students, families, educators, and community members, fostering a sense of belonging, pride, and unity. The girls are always willing to return from their performances, sharing their challenges and successes during ensemble and individual performances. They often have the opportunity to re-perform in front of their own audience. In-house concerts and the PLC Performs event are events established to pre-prepared the girls (a full dress rehearsal if you like) gently, in front of a supportive and familiar audience encouraging confidence and allowing that last minute feedback prior to the competition.

Please email your daughter's absences when she is attending individual events. This will assist our teaching staff in catering for their catch up sessions and when scheduling assessment tasks.

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea serves as a vital platform for communities nationwide to unite in the fight against cancer, raising funds to support life-saving research, prevention, and support services. As our school gathers for this meaningful event, we acknowledge the profound impact of cancer on individuals and families and the importance of collective action in driving positive change. 

Our PLC Armidale community will dedicate a combined Whole-School morning tea to raise funds for this great cause. The proposed date is Monday, May 27, 2024. More information to come this week.

By participating in Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, we raise funds and foster a sense of solidarity, empathy, and compassion within our school community. Through our contributions, both large and small, we reaffirm our commitment to supporting those affected by cancer and advancing the crucial work of cancer research and support organisations. 

Dates for the Calendar

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea: Monday, 27  May

Eisteddfod Choir Ensembles perform: Wednesday, 22 and Thursday, 23 May

Term 2 concludes:  Thursday, 27 June with a Guild Song Battle.

An exciting journey into the world of  Weather and Seasons

Our young Pre-K explorers have embarked on a captivating adventure as they investigate the wonders of nature's changing moods. Through hands-on exploration, engaging activities, and lively discussions, students are deepening their understanding of weather patterns, seasonal changes, and their impact on the world around us.

Our curious scientists have been observing the sky, feeling the wind on their faces, and noticing the shifts in temperature. Through sensory experiences, they have begun to explore the textures, colours, and sounds associated with each season, fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty and diversity of nature. By the end of term, they will have become keen observers, noticing patterns in the weather and making connections between different seasons.

Mrs Michele Kennedy

Congratulations to ...

All our girls celebrating birthdays and our Assembly Award Winners

You can find a gallery of our Term 2 Junior School Award winners HERE on our Parent Portal

Boarding Life

Sam and Amy Jacometti

Heads of Boarding

The term is well and truly underway ...

... and the leaves around town have turned and are continuing to fall. Nevertheless, the pace of activity in Boarding shows no sign of slowing and we gladly continue supporting our Boarders in their busy schedules. 

Boarding Expo

At the end of last week, travelled to Dubbo with our enrolments manager Alison Cox to participate in the first Boarding Expo for 2024. 

It was a great opportunity to talk to prospective parents about boarding at PLCA and to mention our points of difference. We love managing boarding as a family, bringing our girls and dog along and making a difference as a husband and wife team. 

This is something that appears to be less common when looking around the exhibition hall across both the country and city schools! 

A real highlight of the Expo was meeting families and friends from towns where our current boarders are from.. Next up is the Tamworth and Moree Expos which are towards the end of July so if you are in the area, please feel free to come and say hello if you’re near by, we’d love to see you!

Eisteddfod Season

The Armidale Eisteddfod kicked off this week with the composition night on Wednesday. We know you would love to be able to come and see every performance but realise this is often not possible. 

We will look to get as many photos and footage as possible of your daughter's performances. Again, the boarding Insta will be a great way of keeping families updated. If you would like to get any individual videos/photos separate, please let us know. 

Feedback/Boarding Representative Committee (BRC)

It has been great to action some of the items that the girls have come up with during our feedback opportunities. 

This week marked the first BRC initiative of having “Table Family Dinners” where the girls are able to mix with peers from all different year groups. 

This gives everyone an opportunity to build deeper relationships with girls from all different age groups. We’d love to know the feedback you’re getting at home about this pilot project too.

Winter sport underway

Term 2 is always very busy with winter sport and it’s great to see so many girls signed up to different opportunities. 

National Boarding Week

Week 3 is our National Boarding Week, which is an annual event celebrating our boarders, who we think are pretty special! Throughout the week, we will have some activities that help the girls reflect on boarding as well as recognising the special contributions that our boarders make to the college as a whole. 

We enjoyed running some tours of the boarding house, creating a map of where all our boarders are from and exploring this years theme of “What Makes Boarding Tick?” 

Boarding Week interviews

As part of our Boarding Week celebrations we interviewed three girls to find out what impact boarding at PLC Armidale has had on them.

Poppy-Grace - Year 8

I am from Gilgandra and came to an experience day and really loved it and then at the last minute I just showed up and started on the first day of Year 7 last year !

I had no expectations for the school, but it was a bit different from what I had thought it would be. 

I think the best thing would be living with your friends. They are pretty much like family now, and everyone just helps you out. We are all close as well because the Boarding House is on the smaller side, which just adds to the family environment. 

Evie - Year 8

Home for me is Baradine, a little town not too far away from Coonamble. I came to PLC Armidale to get an education and have a range of different opportunities that don’t exist where I live. I started at PLC in 2023 when I was in Year 7.

Boarding at PLC was everything I was expecting and more because I didn’t realise that I was going to have someone there to help me around every corner and that all of the girls were so connected and helpful, especially in the first few weeks of year 7.  

The best thing about being a boarder at PLC is that it’s kind of like having a big sleepover with all of your friends. You make friendships that will last a lifetime, and all of the older girls are there for you. Everyone is very supportive.

Boarding at PLC has been very positive because the older girls are friendly, and Mr J and Mrs J take in ideas from the girls and make us feel heard and appreciated.

Bridie - Year 11

I began my journey at PLCA just over a year and a half ago. Coming from Scone in the

Hunter Valley, I was a little anxious to arrive as I didn't know that many people. 

As soon as I was met on the campus, I knew I didn't have anything to be worried about anymore. 

PLCA really stood out for me as a school because of the environment. The staff and girls were all so welcoming, that it made me appreciate how close a boarding environment can be. School didn't feel like school anymore, it felt like a home. And that really drew me towards this school, and it has taught me so, so much- not only education, but skills on how to be independent and build meaningful relationships.

Coming into a new school, I didn't really know what to expect. I didn't know how boarding was going to allow me to do everything I wanted to do, as I really enjoy extracurricular activities. But, PLCA really exceeded my expectations. The community and atmosphere has very much made PLC my extended family. 

They also offer transport which makes doing a variety of different activities so much easier. There are a variety of perks about being a boarder at PLCA. Firstly, the relationships that I have made with the girls has truly been a once-in-a-lifetime bond. Most people don't get to say they get to live with their best friends. As a sibling to only a brother, I love that it feels like I now have ‘younger sisters’ and it really does feel like that. I also love how Mr & Mrs J invite us into their family and always take into consideration any worries you have or any ways they can improve the boarding experience. 

The boarding staff are always able to drive you anywhere you want to go, which is truly appreciated and makes signing up for things really easy to say yes to.

Boarding at PLCA has been a really positive experience. The community is so encouraging of one another, they are also accommodating for pursuits outside of school that you might want to do - this has been so positive for my ongoing development in sports and music!

As a boarder at PLCA one big positive is that I feel so much more confident with managing my time and day-to-day schedule. I am in charge of my schedule and ensuring things happen when they should.

The positive relationships we make as boarders flow into the school. I personally love how I get to know each person individually. Boarding is truly a once and a lifetime experience where you meet your forever friends, and learn skills that you will keep with you forever.

Coming to PLCA has been the best decision my family and I have made. It has definitely helped shape the direction of my future. I feel so grateful to attend such a fabulous school with such a supportive environment. Boarding allows you to achieve anything. Being in a small environment allows you to be known as an individual and you to know other girls, creating a really strong school environment.

See photos from the Boarding Week tours for academic staff in our Boarding Life photo gallery HERE


Mrs Joanne Wysel

Head of Creative and Performing Arts

Regional Shakespeare Carnival 

We were delighted to host the Regional Shakespeare Carnival this week and even more delighted that two of our performances will be going to Sydney to compete in the state finals!!!

More than 100 Performing Arts students from schools from the coast and across the New England North West battled it out in our Astra Arts Centre for a place at the NSW finals on June 2 in Sydney. 

Well done to all who participated, and congratulations to the winners: PLC Armidale and St Columba (Dance); Emmanuel Anglican College (Physical Theatre); Moree Christian School (Duologue); St Paul's College Kempsey (Ensemble Scene); St Columba (Music); PLC Armidale (Group Devised); and St Columba (Smart Film). 

Congratulations to...

Our Dance winners, year 8 students Poppy-Grace and Olive ( the youngest competitors ever to make it to the State Finals) and our fabulous Group Devised winners - Stage 5  students Arlie, Bridie, Emily , India and Teya will now go to Sydney for the finals on  June 1&2  at the Seymour Centre.

Judges comment on PLC Armidale Dance - Macbeth - by Olive and Poppy-Grance

"Macbeth was dynamic. It was intense. It was performed with such skill and bold physicality. Maybe my favourite moment of the day was when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had that flip over the front with that red skirt - just an incredible image and such courage. It was really wonderful."

Judges comment on PLC Armidale Group Devised - Women in Shakespeare - by Arlie, Bridie, Emily, India and Teya

"Virtuosity of story, physicality, characterization, comedy and intent. I love theatre that seeks to change the world."

See the photos on the Parent Portal HERE

You can find a gallery of photos of our fabulous School Shakespeare Carnival performances HERE

Dance Eisteddfods:

New England Dance Eisteddfod:  Wednesday, 29 May during the school day - we have several groups who will be entering in this eisteddfod:

Pre-K - 2  Junior School Dance Ensemble 

Years 3-6   Junior School Dance Ensemble 

Senior School Dance Ensemble A

Senior School Dance Ensemble B

Tamworth City Eisteddfod - Thursday, June 6 (week 6 Term 2).

Senior School Dance Ensemble A

Senior School Dance Ensemble B

Stage 5 Dance

More information is coming soon.

Speech and Drama Eisteddfod - May 20th and 21st at The Teacher’s College.

Contact Mrs Alcorn or Jo Wysel for more information.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Excursion

On Saturday, June 1st, Year 8 English, Stage 5 Drama and Stage 5 Music will be travelling to Tamworth to see Bell Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

When: Saturday, June 1st (end of week 5, term 2)

How Much - Approximate $55 per student for ticket and transport to Capitol theatre. (plus own money for dinner in Tamworth before the show).

Time: We will be leaving PLC at 4:30pm on Saturday 1st June to arrive in Tamworth for dinner at 6:00pm.

While attendance is not compulsory, we highly recommend joining us for this excursion, especially for Year 8 students preparing to delve into the play in Term 3 English classes. It's also a fantastic opportunity for our Stage 5 Drama and Music students, fresh from their Shakespeare unit, to immerse themselves in a live production of one of the Bard's most delightful comedies.

Please fill out the google form  to give your permission for your daughter to attend the excursion. I will be finalising numbers by May 17th (Friday, week 3).

Music News

Mr Mathew Minter

Director of Music

Ken Thompson Lodge Concert

Thank you to Mr Jacometti and the PLC Armidale Jazz Band for your much enjoyed and appreciated performance at Ken Thompson Lodge on Friday afternoon. 

The band sounded absolutely amazing as usual and it was so impressive that they were able to present a 30 minute program. 

During the performance, many residents were up on their feet dancing. One previous professional guitarist even grabbed his guitar and joined in with the band. The staff were absolutely overjoyed and were dancing as well! 

Management told me that this entertainment event was a highlight for the residents, who arrived in record numbers for the show. We have been invited back as often as possible, so we will be looking at different combinations of students and soloists heading to Ken Thompson Lodge to perform for the residents. 

Congratulations again to all of our Jazz Band performers, and thank you for giving the gift of music to our community. 

PLC Performs and the Armidale Eisteddfod

Congratulations to all our ensembles on an exceptional PLC Performs concert and congratulations to all who entered on an exceptional start to the Eisteddfod with 17 finalists in the composition competition. In total we had 40 entries  - which was about 75 percent of the program!!

Well done to our three first-prize recipients, India Smith, Binudi Vithana and Hansali Dammalage. 

Congratulations also to our other finalists: Georgiana Ballard, Emily Christian, Rose Hopkinson, Vicky Xu, Sophia Craig, Thara Dhinakaran, Georgie Blake, Poppy-Grace Newton, Hope Stoltenberg, Teya Catterall, Emily Blake, Arlie Bragg, Zoe Chen and Mia Montgomery.

See the photo gallery HERE

This weekend, the piano section of the  Eisteddfod is in full swing, and next Wednesday will be the choral program. 

Our Junior School choirs will perform during the day on Wednesday and Thursday, and the Senior School choirs will all perform on Wednesday evening. Altogether, we have seven choirs performing in the Eisteddfod this year. 

The Armidale Eisteddfod has an extraordinary number of entries from our College from class ensembles, to compositions and through to Junior and Senior school choirs, bands and string ensembles! 

Please advise the College of any individual entries and times that students will be out of school. via this link

This includes music, dance, speech and drama. 

Best wishes to all our ensembles and the girls in their individual performances! 

Armidale Eisteddfod Dates for the Diary


Wednesday May 22 - Choirs at Lazenby (JS choirs during the day and SS Choirs - evening)

Thursday May 23 - Choirs at NECOM  (Junior School Choirs during the day) 


Wednesday May 29 - String Ensembles (Junior School and Intermediate Strings) 

Thursday May 30 - String Ensembles (Senior Strings, Cello Ensemble, Chamber Music) 


Tuesday June 4 - Class Ensembles (Year 7, Year 8, Stage 5 and Stage 6) 

Tuesday June 4 - Band Night (Flute Ensemble, Jazz Band, Senior Strings) 

Sport News

Mrs Lucy Donaldson

Head of Sport

Congratulations to ....


- who were the recipients of the Stewart Shield for Guild Marching for the second year running.

Well done also to Lovell (2nd), Dixon (3rd) and Wilkie (4th)...our adjudicator Warrant Officer Aaron Barnes said he was impressed with the marching skill and prowess of all our Guilds and it was a difficult decision to decide the winner.

The overall winners of the  2024 Athletics Carnival will be announced in the weeks to come when all rain-delayed events have been completed.

our IGSA Cross Country Team

Emma, Evie, Olive, Anna, Izzy, and Kate who travelled to Frensham School, Mittagong, to compete against more than 30 other independent all-girls schools in the IGSA Cross Country Carnival. 

Elise Tisserand

who competed in Inverell last weekend  in a rhythmic gymnastics competition (in preparation for the upcoming NSW Country Championships), achieving three gold medals. Ad Astra !!

Trista Dorrian

who competed in the the Sawtell Open and Junior classic during the holidays, where she achieved Runner-Up in the U14s Singles, Open B Grade Doubles and Open Consolation events.   Trista has also been invited to represent the Northwest region this weekend at the U14 NSW state league event in Gosford.  Ad Astra Trista!!

Georgina Arundale-Fulller 

who is featured in the new Gymnastics Australia national campaign ‘Discover The Freedom’.

Gymnastics Australia is eager to encourage all Australians 'to soar without constraints, leap without limits, move with joy, and unleash their full potential'.

“Through ‘Discover The Freedom’, we intend to trigger a ripple effect of positivity and motivation, inspiring more and more people across the country to find their place in gymnastics and beyond,” said Gymnastics Australia Interim CEO Chris O’Brien.

Lilly Meredith

Last weekend, Lillian took her home bred horse, Meridias Gunman, to the Australian Stockhorse National Show. This was the Open National where Lilly was riding against trainers and adults and came home with some amazing results

6th 4yo station horse

2nd 4yo working

4th ASHLA (stock horse ridden by a lady) Lilly was the highest placed youth rider.

Our 2024 Cross Country photo gallery is now on the parent intranet - you can find it here

Important Dates for your diary:

Term 3 IGSA Hockey and Netball Trips

Trip 1: August 2-3

Trip 2: August 30-31

Finals: September 20-21

Winter Sports (Term 2 and 3)

We encourage all girls to participate in sport.

Please, at any stage if you are unsure of anything or need clarification, send me an email and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Alternatively, Mrs Stephanie Fahy at the Senior School Reception will be able to assist as well. 

Health News

Miss Amy Chiu

School Nurse

Year 7 and Year 10 Vaccination Day - Thursday 30 May 2024

Each year, Year 7 and Year 10 have their scheduled vaccinations done on Thursday, 30 May 2024. 

Year 7 – HPV (Human Papillomavirus) a single dose and Boostrix (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) as a single dose.

Year 10 – Meningococcal ACWY as a single dose.

Year 7 and Year 10 parents are required to complete the online permission form via or through the QR code (see below) prior to the vaccination day.

A separate email will be sent to Years 7 and 10 families with further information as well.

Please contact the Health Centre should you encounter issues with completing the permission form online.

Medical details, Medicare details and medications in Edumate

To ensure a good run of the 2024 school year, it would be much appreciated if all parents/carers can check your daughters' Edumate details, especially for any medical updates, current medications and their medicare details. Please update the Edumate data to notify the school for any changes, or simply email us with any updates.

The Health Centre opening hours for 2024 are as follows,

Monday to Wednesday 8:30am to 3:30pm  - Emily

Thursday to Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm - Amy

Contact number: 02 6770 1741.   Email:

P&F News

Sarah Yassine

P&F President



LtoR: Helen Cox, Deb Clift, Anne Webb - nee McEachern, Jenny Williamson - nee Davidson, Jai Bonnefin, Gaynor Eggins-bell - nee Wood, Jude Ross - nee Clark, Dinty Wilson, Cas Ingham - nee McIntosh, Debi Howarth - nee White, Alison Leith (behind Debi), Alison Crawley - nee Fardon & Abbie Dickson nee Munro.

50th Reunion 1974 cohorts

A group of 13 cohorts from the 1974 graduating year got together on a perfect autumn day in Sydney to celebrate their 50 year anniversary. 

The day started with coffee @ the Quay, followed by a short ferry ride to lunch @ the Fenwick in East Balmain, chosen for its spectacular harbour views, & ending the evening with drinks on the rooftop of the YHA the Rocks. 

A few ladies chose to relive their school days by sharing a dorm room and bunk beds at the YHA. Peels of laughter were heard coming from the room as the many stories were vividly recounted.

There was an appearance of a school blazer (Anne Webb) & a tam-o-shanta (Debi Howarth) both modeled with aplomb. A photo album was produced and the evidence of fun times were recounted by the ladies.

A booklet capturing each individual's 50 years since PLC was generously compiled by Gaynor Eggins-Bell, as a fitting memento.

It may have been 50 years since our shared school days but it was evident that time did not diminish those friendships started all those years ago and continues to this day.  A most enjoyable day was had by all the old girls that were able to attend; with two last minute cancellation due to unforseen circumstances. 

Plans are afoot for the next get together in 2027 when another milestone is reached. 

Deb Clift

Debi Howarth wearing her tam-o-shanta 

 Anne Webb in her blazer

Autumn Green Tartan - out now !

Our dynamic Old Girls Union Committee is publishing a seasonal edition of Green Tartan (see the intro below) and find the autumn issue HERE

Calling all '74,  '04 and '14 alumnae - are you ready to celebrate your milestone reunion? 

Our Class of '84 alumnae will stay at the Hilton Boarding House during the October OGU Reunion weekend—what fun. There is still space available - let us now if you would like to book a dorm!

Send us your news!  

We love to hear about what our alumnae have been doing - so please let us know what has been happening in your life. 

Births, deaths, marriages, milestone celebrations - whatever you feel like sharing with the other Old Girls, please tell us so we can include it in this section of the  Lion's Roar each fortnight.

Our PLC Armidale alumnae are a stellar group of women who excel in a diverse range of areas, leading lives of significance.

Success looks different for everyone, and we like to celebrate it all - not just that which is in the public eye.

Email your news to:

Want to get together with your class?

If you are interested in joining or organising a milestone reunion group during the Reunion Weekend in October 2024, please get in touch with us at

PLC Armidale Foundation

Reduce your tax and make a financial contribution to the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund before July

As we approach the end of the financial year, we have just six weeks left to make a significant impact through PLC Armidale's Annual Giving program. 

This is a crucial time to consider making a difference, whether it's through one substantial donation or smaller contributions spread over the remaining weeks.

Directing your donation to the Scholarship Fund ensures that future generations of students can access the invaluable opportunities provided by PLC Armidale. By investing in their education, you're giving tangible support and fostering a community that thrives on generosity and support.

Please take a moment to reflect on how much you can afford to contribute each fortnight until June 30. 

Remember, every dollar counts. If each current family donated an average of $500 over the next few weeks, we could raise more than $125,000, making a significant impact on the lives of future students. 

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our school community.

Donations can be made by clicking here.

General News

The Year 12 Formal Committee is encouraging parents and guardians to book accommodation at Peterson’s Guesthouse. 

The guesthouse has been reserved for parents and guardians for Friday, 23 and Saturday, 24 August.  

Room types and prices are listed here. Peterson’s Winery and Guesthouse have a policy stating events must finish at 9.30pm unless the Guesthouse accomodation is fully booked by event guests.  If accommodation is fully booked the formal can conclude at 10.30pm. 

Please call Peterson’s Winery and Guesthouse on 02 67720422 to book and mention you are attending the PLC Year 12 Formal. 

For any enquires please call Susanne Kable, Year 12 Liaison Parent on 0427255251 or

Room Types & Rates

Room 1 - $240.00 per night

A luxurious suite with a king sized bed in the bedroom. A beautiful claw foot bath & separate

shower in the heritage style ensuite bathroom. Rate includes full breakfast for two people. Sofa bed

available at extra cost. (max occupants 4 guests)

Room 2 – $220.00 per night

A lovely suite that has a queen-sized bed and an ensuite bathroom with a pampering shower. Rate

includes full breakfast for two people. (max occupants 2 guests)

Room 3 - $270.00 per night

A beautifully appointed suite with views of the Heritage Gardens, this suite contains a king sized bed

and large spa bath in the ensuite bathroom as well as separate shower. Rate includes full breakfast

for two people. (max occupants 2 guests)

Room 4 - $270.00 per night

A beautifully appointed suite with views of the Heritage Gardens and Cellar Door, this suite contains

a king sized bed and large spa bath in the ensuite bathroom as well as separate shower. Rate

includes full breakfast for two people. Sofa bed available at extra cost (Max occupants 4 guests)

Room 5 - $300.00 per night

This two room suite consists of a large bedroom with king sized Bed, a separate lounge area with a

double fold out sofa and an ensuite bathroom with separate shower and a luxurious oval spa

bath. Rate includes full breakfast for two people. Sofa bed and single bed available as extra cost.

(max occupants 5 guests)

Room 6 – $240.00 per night

A luxurious suite with a king sized bed in the bedroom. A beautiful claw foot bath & separate

shower in the heritage style ensuite bathroom. Rate includes full breakfast for two people. Single

bed available at extra cost. (max occupant 3 guests)

Room 7 - $220.00 per night

A lovely suite that has a king sized bed and an ensuite bathroom with a pampering shower and

separate bath. This room is suitable for disabled access. Rate includes full breakfast for two people.

(max occupants 2 guests)

Keep your children safe online

We have signed up with the team at Safe on Social to give our parents a 20 percent discount on the new eReady Kids program.

Simply use the code plcarmidale24 

Which will reduce the cost of the program to only $38 per year. The school will also get $5 for every family who signs up.

For more information about the program and to purchase, please visit: