Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 3 | Week 9 


From the Principal



As we reach the close of Term 3, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge and thank the students and staff for the sustained effort and accomplishments this term. 

In what has been another busy yet rewarding term, our community has continued to demonstrate determination, resilience, and a passion for learning in every classroom, on the sporting field, and in the many co-curricular activities.

A focus for our Senior School students this term has been the formal examinations. For Year 12, the Trial HSC Examinations provided a first-hand experience of what is to be expected in the actual HSC Examinations. 

A move to scheduling the trials earlier in Term 3, followed by the much anticipated Year 12 Formal, has allowed the girls time to regain their focus on academic endeavour... 

... continue reading here

It is encouraging to see how many Year 12 girls are taking part in the supervised Study Hall sessions taking place three evenings each week embracing the challenge of the sprint phase of the  HSC marathon. The Study Hall initiative enables girls to work alongside staff to deepen their understanding and refine their skills in the lead-up to their final exams.  Year 12 are to be commended for maintaining dedication and focus as their school journey comes to an end. We look forward to the commemorations of the coming Valedictory Week. 

This weekend sees three of our IGSA representative sport teams take to the courts and hockey field in Homebush to vie for a position in the Grand Finals. It is with great excitement that both the Junior and Senior Netball teams have made it to the finals alongside our Junior Hockey team also. Again,  testament to the hard work, team spirit, and the expert coaching they have received. We look forward to seeing continued success across a number of sports in the future as our program continues to grow in strength from the Junior School up. 

In an exciting development, we are thrilled to announce a new research partnership with the University of New England (UNE). This initiative will see an Exercise and Sport Science PhD candidate work closely with our PDHPE and Sport staff. The focus of this partnership is on injury prevention and the development of fitness and sporting skills, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of best practices in student well-being and athletic performance.

There has been a wave of excitement across the College with the announcement of our 2025 School Musical, Mary Poppins. The recent information evening saw an enthusiastic response from both students and parents, and we look forward to the creative journey ahead as rehearsals and preparations begin.

I also extend an invitation to our families to attend the annual PLCA Signature Event, the Art Exhibition Dinner on Saturday, 19 October. More than 130 entries were received, with the final 60 works selected to be exhibited on the night. All the artworks entered will be available for purchase, with funds raised going towards scholarships to enable girls of promise to join our wonderful PLC Armidale community.

I would also take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Tessa Repp, who will conclude her role as Assistant Chaplain due to family and personal reasons. Mrs. Repp’s contribution to the spiritual life of the College has been invaluable, and we wish her and her family every blessing for the future.

Finally, we wish the students participating in the Thailand Service Learning trip well as they prepare to depart at the end of this week. Accompanied by the College Chaplain, Ms Jennifer Leahy, Mrs Patrick, and I, the girls will have a rich opportunity to explore, serve, and journey. Such service learning trips provide an enriching experience that deepens cross-cultural understandings and broadens personal horizons. 

As we move into a well-earned break, I trust you enjoy a restful and refreshing time connecting as family. I look forward to welcoming everyone back for Term 4, where we will continue to build on the wonderful progress made this term, especially in Year 9, as they prepare for the Explore, Serve, Journey program ahead. 


Throughout the year, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the various interests and accomplishments of PLC Armidale girls. We will be aware of the experiences girls undertake to represent the College. We may not know about experiences and achievements in areas of interest outside of school. Please let our Communications and Marketing Manager, Mrs Arundale know. Mrs Arundale greatly enjoys telling the story of the quality and achievements of our PLC Armidale girls.

Email us your news:

Congratulations to ... 

...our incoming 2025 leadership team: 

Head Prefect Emily Blake

Deputy Head Prefect Arlie Bragg

Boarding Prefect Poppy McLaren

Creative Arts Prefect India Smith

International Prefect Maggie Zhen 

Sports Prefect Bridie O’Neill 

Spiritual Leaders Emily Blake 

Tiko Lay and Teya Catterall 

Dixon Captain - Tiko Lay and Deputy Zoe Webb 

Hamlin Captain Tilly George and Deputy Isabella Every 

Lovell Captain Teya Catterall and Deputy Sophie Young

Wilkie Captain Anna Grills and Deputy Korin Kelly

 Well done to everyone who took the lead and was willing to make themselves vulnerable. It was an extremely competitive election with only a few points between most candidates. 

Leadership is not just about holding a position or wearing a badge; it is about being a role model, inspiring others, and embodying our College values of Humility, Integrity, Respect and Self-Discipline. 

You can read their manifestos HERE

..our 2024 igsa Senior Netball Grand Champions and our 2024 igsa Junior Netball Grand Champions !!

This is the first time in more than a decade we have won both the Senior and Junior igsa netball grand finals .

Ad Astra girls!!

...everyone who was part of our Grandparents Morning

On Monday, 9 September, we welcomed grandparents onto our campus to attend a special chapel service, visit classrooms, and enjoy morning tea with their granddaughters before experiencing a concert program packed with music, dance and song. We had a record number of family elders join us, and it was a wonderful morning that our girls adored.

You can find the complete gallery of photos on the Parent Portal HERE

Find all the 2024 event photos in our Parent Portal gallery HERE

Whole School Colour Run 

To celebrate the Year 12’s Final Activites Day on Wednesday 25 September, all students will be participating in the Whole School Colour Run which will be hosted at PLC Armidale. 

On the day, Guild Leaders will be collecting gold coin donations in support of Anya’s Wish, which raises money to find more effective and safer treatments for osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer. Anya was a student at PLC Armidale, and graduated as part of the class of 2019. Anya sadly passed away in 2020 after six years of fighting metastatic osteosarcoma.

Parents may also like to make an online donation to this worthwhile cause -

The PLC Armidale Colour Run is a 1.9km event with a fun and colourful twist. It is about participation and ends with the students being covered in coloured powder by the time they reach the finish line. The powder used is non-toxic, biodegradable, environmentally friendly and skin safe. 

Prior to the Colour Run there will be a barbecue hosted by the Student Representative Council, with $5 charged to their account. The Colour Run will commence after lunch at approximately 2:15pm on the Senior School Oval. 

Year groups will start the Colour Run at 3-5 minute intervals and complete a 1.9km course. Each Junior School Year group will be paired with a Senior School Year group.

All students are to wear their Guild Sports Uniform to school. Students are asked to bring a white or light-coloured shirt to wear over the top for the run. Students will change back into their Guild shirt to travel home. Sunglasses may be worn during the Colour Run.

Junior School students will head back to the Junior School at 3:15pm.

All students must stay at school until 3:30pm.

Please complete this permission form by Monday, 23 September 2024.

Colour Run Permission Form

Is your daughter performing at our inaugural Signature Art Prize dinner event?

Ticket sales close during the school holidays, as this fantastic celebration of the creative arts will be on the Saturday, 19 October, which is the end of the first week back in Term 4. Many of our finalist artists have bought tickets, and the event is being widely promoted in the community.

Seats are limited for this primary 2024  fundraiser for our Scholarship Foundation. If you would like to be there to enjoy a wonderful evening and watch your daughter perform with some of our best Creative and Performing Arts ensembles, please book now to avoid disappointment. As this is a fully catered event, there will be no ticket sales on the day and no entry without a ticket.

The following senior groups will be performing:

for our inaugural 

Signature Art Prize Exhibition Dinner

Our inaugural acquisitive art prize finalists have been announced.

We received 130 entries from across the country, and our judges have selected 60 finalists.

Three of these will share our $10,000 prize pool.

Our judges are industry leaders: the renowned artist Angus Nivison, the renowned exhibition manager Belinda Hungerford, and the renowned gallerist Allison Bellinger. 

Finalist work will be revealed and for sale, and the winners will be announced at an 

The evening will include artwork sales, student artwork exhibition, performances by our senior ensembles, dinner and dancing with all profit going to our Scholarship Foundation.

Join us to discover who our inaugural $10,000 Signature Art Prize winners will be and find a masterpiece for your wall. 

Our finalist exhibition will feature works by 

Amy Dynan, Anne de Nooijer, Arthur Chaffey, Ash Leslie, Belinda Sims, Brad Collins, Carly Marchment, Cheryl Blacklock, Coco Elder, Daniel Baranowski, Elena Churilova, Elouise Roberts, Fiona McDonald, Gemma King, Guy Gilmour, Isabelle Devos, Jacki Fewtrell Gobert, Janna Hayes, Jenny Herbert-Smith, Joanna Gambotto, Judi Lane, Julia Hardman, Julianne Ross Allcorn, Kate Durack, Kerrie Oliver, Kerry Gulliver, Kim Bizo, Leoni Scott, Leree Lindsay, Linda Nye, Lisa West, Lizzie Horne, Lizzie Horne, Louise Isackson, Lucy O'Doherty, Lynda McKay, Maree Azzopardi, Margie Baillie, Nicole Southworth, Oksana Waterfall, Oliver Kas, Pamela Honeyfield, Pauline Dewar, Peta Harvey, Peter Champion, Phil Hayes, Robert Shepherd, Robyn Markey, Roxanne Lillis, Stuart Boggs, Tess Cullen, Thomas Bedford, Tony Carlon, Wayne French, Wendy Murray, and Yuqing Vicky Zhao

Congratulations to them all

2024 Student Leaders

Lunch Orders

The full week's menu can be seen on your My Student Account via CONNECT

The deadline each day for ordering a hot meal is 10:50 am, after that cut off, both salad bar and make-your-own-sandwich options are available until 1.15 pm.However, there will be no spare hot specials available. 

Junior School families are asked to contact Mrs Creamer for assistance on the day.

Senior School students will need to use their Student ID card for an on-the-spot purchase and all salad bar or make-you- own-sandwich pre bookings need to be marked off on arrival to the Dining Hall.

You can book online via CONNECT by clicking the My Student Account tile.

Students return to school in Term 4 on Tuesday 15 October

All school term dates and information can be found on the Parent Portal HERE

Senior School News

Congratulations to 

....everyone on the completion of their 2024 PLC Armidale Senior School examinations

... everyone involved in our PDHPE week long celebration.

Tickets go on sale next week for our....

Calling all Class of 2024 families

If you would like to buy a paver to commemorate your daughters time at PLC Armidale we are now taking orders . 

Pavers can be purchased at any time via the form HERE.

The PLC Armidale commemorative paver project is a tax-deductible fundraiser to assist the College in providing scholarships. The cost for each paver is $200.

Owing to the engraving process, character space is limited on each brick, but if you have more to say than fits on one paver, the message can be written across two with a decorative frame around both.  See below

See the Oeuvre Photo Gallery of major works and perormances HERE  

See our photos from the Year 12 Formal afternoon drinks HERE

Junior School News

Mrs Fiona Wake 

Head of Junior School

Our Student Leaders recently demonstrated their creativity and leadership by organising a Bake-Off and Mini Olympics competition. 

Students from Pre-K to Year 6 enthusiastically participated, competing for Guild points. The leaders not only showcased excellent sportsmanship but also encouraged and supported younger students throughout the events. It was a week filled with energy, fun, and strong Guild spirit, highlighting teamwork and camaraderie across all year levels.

Evie Donaldson, our Junior Sports Prefect, who developed the idea of a Mini Olympics commented; ‘Everyone competed fairly, listened well and worked as a team to earn Guild points. It was a fun week!’

I would like to thank all the parents and carers for their wonderful support in the Bake-Off competition. The standard of decorating was truly incredible, making the decision for first, second, and third place a real challenge for the Junior School Head Prefect Georgina and Deputy Lucie, who had the difficult task of judging.

Your involvement helped make this event a huge success! When Lucie put forward the idea of a baking competition, we did not dream our little Junior School could raise $100 to put towards the SRC initiatives they have planned to wrap up their 2024 academic year. Your support and encouragement helps foster creativity, initiative, and leadership development, contributing to the growth of our leaders. Thank you!

Wrapping up Term 3 and looking ahead to Term 4

As Term 3 draws to a close, I’d like to congratulate the students on their effort and focus as they reflect on their Term 3 goals. Goal setting benefits primary-aged children by helping them develop a sense of purpose and direction in their learning. It encourages self-motivation, teaches responsibility, and helps children build confidence as they achieve small, measurable targets. By setting and working towards goals, students foster a growth mindset, which is essential for long-term academic and personal success.

Term 4 is a short six-week term followed by two weeks of activities, including our much-anticipated Guild Drama performances, Life Saving programs, and Christmas activities that provide opportunities for service and celebration. Given the term is short … It requires FOCUS!

It’s time to focus on the discipline of learning and mastering essential skills and concepts in preparation for 2025. Homework plays a vital role in reinforcing the mastery of foundational concepts and developing the discipline of independent learning. It allows students to practise essential skills, such as times tables, spelling patterns, and reading fluency, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges of the upcoming year. 


Sentence writing is another important priority, practised daily and set for homework weekly. If a student can create a well-structured sentence, they can develop a series of these to form a well-structured paragraph. A series of well-structured paragraphs can form a well-structured informative, imaginative or persuasive text.

So, start by simply mastering the creation of a good sentence … You can assist, ensure each sentence;

1.    Is punctuated correctly: A capital letter starts a sentence and boundary punctuation completes it (. ! ?). (Are you stating, commanding or questioning?)

2.    Incorporate detail: This is simply achieved by the following three word prompting. 

because, and, but …

(add interesting words later)

"Students eagerly participated in the Mini Olympics because they wanted to showcase their athletic skills, and the event fostered a strong sense of teamwork, but it also highlighted areas where improvement is needed for next year." 

I am more than happy for students to bring to me their clever and well-structured sentences, using this technique, for appraisal and reward. Perhaps their works could be published in the next Lions Roar addition!

Meet our Semester 2 Junior School Student Representative Council (SRC) members:

Pre-K - Giacinta Xu, Maggie Lidgerwood, Abigail Griffith

ES1 - Lilly Milunovic, Eleanor Glover

STAGE 1 - Mariam Taveer, Hattie Maloney 

STAGE 2 - Grace Elbourne, Beth Bernie, Shiloni Katta

STAGE 3 - Nyka Naveen, Danielle Creamer

What is SRC?

The purpose of the Student Representative Council in the Junior School at PLC is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organising and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of our student body.

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is made up of a group of students who want to help other students by presenting ideas which are of benefit to all students and the College.  Being on the SRC teaches skills which you can put to use in later life. SRC members are elected by peers to represent them, their views and ideas. It is an important way in which PLC can provide meaningful leadership opportunities for students.

Student representatives are elected by their peers twice a year, each semester. There is an expectation that SRC members are good role models for their fellow students in the classroom and on the playground. When elected, they are issued with a badge, as they will shortly. Wearing this badge is a tangible reminder of what this role represents and a pledge to show their commitment to their role as leaders within the school.   

The Junior School SRC Bake Off Fundraiser was a wonderful success.

Our Junior School Head Prefect Georgina Arundale-Fuller and Deputy Lucie Stephen had the tough job of judging  the many spectacular entries, and the baked goods were sold later that day at lunchtime for a gold coin donation, raising $100 for the SRC fundraising account.

Congratulations to our Bake Off winners:

Years 3-6

1st Evie Lawlor tied with Grace Elborn (both in Yr4)

2nd Phoebe Butterworth (Yr5)

3rd Jessica Putnam (Yr3)

Years K-2

1st Lisa Blake

2nd Jossie Putnam (Kindy)

3rd Bethany Paul (Yr 2)

Congratulations to our Mini Olympic Winners!

Our Mini Olympics facilitated by our Junior School Sport Prefect Evie Donaldson and supported by our Junior School leadership team, was a fantastic opportunity for students to develop leadership skills, teamwork, and have fun while building guild spirit! 

Ezidi Student Visit

Stage 2 were lucky enough to welcome some Ezidi students and their teachers from ASC to our class as part of a History incursion.  The students shared information about their culture, including their celebrations, language and involvement in our Armidale community.  Our class loved the experience and are now eager to learn more about their language and traditions.  Thank you so much to the ASC students and their teachers for taking the time to visit and share with us.

Guten Tag!

Stage 2 has taken to German like ducks to water! As their teacher, I love walking into the classroom every Tuesday afternoon to meet their excited faces. It is a privilege to teach such an enthusiastic and engaged class. So far, the students have been exploring the different sound and spelling patterns of German. 

They have quickly become proficient in pronouncing tricky sounds like the ü (you can ask your daughter how that’s pronounced!). 

The girls are starting to read and write in German, using the key building blocks of the language; verbs such as to be and to have, along. We have been reading and writing about different animals, learning descriptive words and colours. 

Most recently, the girls read a 421-word story, entirely in German, translating it into English – a very impressive achievement after only six lessons! 

Now, they are busy turning the story into their own little mini-book, which we are hoping to finish by the end of term. 

Next term, we will venture into the world of numbers and crazy characters, while continuing to build a strong foundation for future German studies. I cannot wait for another Term with Stage 2. 

Tschüss! (You can ask your daughter what that means!)

Frau Westermarck

Congratulations to all our Junior School Assembly Award recipients

You can find a gallery of our Term 3 Junior School Award winners HERE on our Parent Portal

Boarding Life

Sam and Amy Jacometti

Heads of Boarding

Congratulations to 

our boarders, who make up more than 50 per cent of the newly elected 2025 Student Leadership Team

See all photos for the term in our Boarding Life photo gallery HERE

Sport News

Mrs Lucy Donaldson

Head of Sport

Congratulations to ....

Our Representative igsa Hockey and Netball Teams

our representative Junior and Senior Netball teams and our Junior Hockey team (defending their reigning title as 2023 winners) who headed to Sydney to compete in the Independent Girls School Association (igsa) 2024 competition deciders this weekend. All three teams made it through to the Grand Finals, and we are so proud of them.

Thank you to all the parents, friends and family members who supported us at this, and previous igsa trips

ABC Radio Sport journalist Liana Boss interviewed Trista on campus last week.

Trista with her 2024 Northwest Champion of Champions weekend  trophy haul 

our Year 9 student Trista Dorrian, 

who competed in the U16 division of the 2024 Northwest Champion of Champions in Tamworth last weekend.  In a dominant performance, Trista won all her games 8-0 and walked away undefeated on the day, qualifying for the next round in the Northern Foundation Champion of Champions next month in Inverell. 

our Year 9 student, Lillian Meredith, 

who had great success at last weekend's Bingara Campdraft, achieving second and third place in the juvenile draft riding two horses (Roulette and Meridias Gunman). Lillian also placed first in the Barrel, second in the Bend and third in the Point-to-Point sporting events with Meridias Gunman. 

Summer Sports Selections

Students have now received a form to select their Term 4 Summer Sports preferences. We encourage you to discuss with your daughter/s their interest in various sports and ensure they understand the commitment involved before making their selections. 

While participation in sport at PLC Armidale is not compulsory, it is highly encouraged. We love seeing our students engage in both familiar sports and exploring new ones.

Please, at any stage if you are unsure of anything or need clarification, send me an email and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Alternatively, Mrs Stephanie Fahy at the Senior School Reception will be able to assist as well. 

Sporting Commitments Reminder

Just a friendly reminder about the importance of honoring the commitments your daughters have made to their chosen sports activities. With such a busy term, it's crucial to prioritise these initial commitments. If an unavoidable conflict arises, please ensure they email the coordinating teacher and inform their coach. Thank you for supporting your daughters in this matter.

Creative and Performing Arts News

Mrs Jo Wysel

Head of CAPA

And the 2025 PLC Armidale Musical is….

Thank you to the big crowd of people who came to our information evening last week. It was just fabulous to have so many there excited about Mary Poppins! It is going to be a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious musical!

If you couldn't make it, you can watch the recording of the information evening HERE 

Auditions will be Term 4, Week 1 (Saturday and Sunday) and Callbacks in Week 2 of Term 4.

If you missed the information evening and would like to audition, please come and see Mrs Wysel or Mrs Clynch for some of the materials that you will need. 

You will need to be on the mailing list to have access to the audition form 

so please email 

to be placed onto the mailing list. 

There will be some group singing sessions at  lunchtimes in week 1 to prepare for the auditions too. Auditions are open to any students enrolled in PLC for Senior School in 2025.

Mrs Dunham and Mrs Wysel are also happy to meet with you for audition practice - you just need to ask via email.

Performance dates for Mary Poppins in 2025  

More important dates are in the audition booklet - please come and  collect one from Mrs Wysel

Signature Art Prize Finalist Dinner Performances

Many of our CAPA students will be performing in our 2024 signature event on Saturday, October 19. 

The following groups will be getting ready for performances:

Book  HERE if you would like to come along to see your daughter perform. SEATS ARE LIMITED, and ticket sales close during the school holidays. This is a fully catered event with no seats for sale on the evening.

String Soiree - Date for your Diary

Tuesday,  26 November  - Week 7

Congratulations to 

our year 12 Music 1 students Andrea Brown, Mia Montgomery and Zoe Chen who completed their HSC performance examinations this week. 

Well done - you did an amazing job and we are super proud of you!

Music News

Mrs Constance Dunham

Music Teacher

New England Sings

Congratulations to Arlie Bragg (Year 11) and India Smith (Year 11) who have been selected to sing major solos in the Secondary Choir for New England Sings this year. Arlie will be singing the solo from Carry Me Again by Kate Miller-Heidke (which has been commissioned for New England Sings) and India will be singing the solo from This is Our Home by our own Warwick Dunham (also a commission for this year's New England Sings).  

Congratulations also to Evelyn Nizik (Year 4) who has been selected as an understudy for the solo in Welcome the Day by Rachel Kelly for the Primary Choirs. 

Tickets are on sale now and there are still a few left. Head to to secure yours before they sell out!

Junior Music - Term 3

Term 3 has been a busy one in Junior Music. 

Year 3-6 Choir have been busy preparing for New England Sings and have attended three combined schools workshops at NECOM so far. The pieces are all coming together wonderfully and it will be an amazing concert! PLC 3-6 Choir are performing in the 2:30pm Concert, so if you haven't already secured your tickets to watch your daughter perform, please go here: 

On Monday, 9 September, the Junior School Choirs and Ensembles also took part in a special Grandparents' Day Concert to celebrate our Grandparents. 

This concert was a beautiful showcase of all the hard work our Junior school girls have put in to music this term. 

This year, we combined all the String Ensembles together (Junior Strings, Silver Strings and the Stage 1 Strings) to create one large Junior School ensemble. They played a piece called the Flagship and it was wonderful to see so many girls learning stringed instruments. The Junior Strings then played a beautiful rendition of a piece called Celtic Lullaby. 

The K-2 Choir entertained the audience with a delightful presentation of From Wibbleton to Wobbleton by Richard Gill and My Puppy by Rusty Bauer and the 3-6 Choir wowed everyone with their beautiful, polished performance of Sandcastles by Abigail Liu. The Treble Makers Vocal Ensemble concluded our program with Bwana Asifiwe, a traditional Swahili piece.

 Congratulations to all our Junior girls, you sang and played beautifully!

Health News

Ms Amy Chiu

School Nurse

Healthy Eating and Nutrition

There are several resources that are available to learn more about Healthy Eating. Parents are encouraged to look into this where applicable.

Alternatively, purchasing lunches from the Dining Hall is also a convenient option.

Healthdirect - Healthy Eating

Better Health Channel - Healthy Eating and Diet

Medicare details and medications in Edumate

It would be much appreciated if all parents/carers can check your daughters' Edumate details, especially for any medical updates, current medications and their medicare details. Please update the Edumate data to notify the school for any changes, or simply email us with any updates.

Health Centre opening hours

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30am to 3:30pm  - Emily

Tuesday and Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm - Amy

Contact number: 02 6770 1741.   Email:

P&F News

Sarah Yassine

P&F President

Thank you for your support of the P&F this term.  We look forward to seeing you all again in term 4! 

Please join us for our last meeting of the year:

Date: Tuesday 22nd October

Time: 5:30 - 7:00pm

Venue: PLC Boardroom or 

Zoom: For those unable to join in person, please join us via zoom

Passcode:  919789

We value your ideas and contributions - if you would like to raise anything in AOB please get in touch at 

We need people to help with some working bees in the lead-up to our Signature Art Prize Exhibition.

If you can spare a few hours on Tuesday, October 15 from 10am until 1pm or from 2pm to 5pm then or from 6pm to 9pm then please contact 

Vanessa Arundale at

or call her on

0456 521 587

We need to put together 50 display boards to hang our 60 finalist artworks and student works.

Many hands make light work so please come and help us - even if you can only spare a couple of hours.

We will also need people to help dismantle the boards on Tuesday, October 22 from 9am



Winter Green Tartan - out now!

Our dynamic Old Girls Union Committee is publishing a seasonal edition of Green Tartan you can find the winter issue HERE

Calling all '74,  '04 and '14 alumnae - are you ready to celebrate your milestone reunion? 

Our Class of '84 alumnae will stay at the Hilton Boarding House during the October OGU Reunion weekend—what fun. There is still space available - let us now if you would like to book a dorm!

Send us your news!  

We love to hear about what our alumnae have been doing - so please let us know what has been happening in your life. 

Births, deaths, marriages, milestone celebrations - whatever you feel like sharing with the other Old Girls, please tell us so we can include it in this section of the  Lion's Roar each fortnight.

Our PLC Armidale alumnae are a stellar group of women who excel in a diverse range of areas, leading lives of significance.

Success looks different for everyone, and we like to celebrate it all - not just that which is in the public eye.

Email your news to:

Want to get together with your class?

If you are interested in joining or organising a milestone reunion group during the Reunion Weekend in October 2024, please get in touch with us at

General News

PLC Armidale Uniform Shop 

Our shop operating hours remain the same, and purchases can be made online or in person.

You can pay online or over the phone if you cannot get into the shop in person.

Online store at

Keep your children safe online

We have signed up with the team at Safe on Social to give our parents a 20 percent discount on the new eReady Kids program.

Simply use the code plcarmidale24 

Which will reduce the cost of the program to only $38 per year. The school will also get $5 for every family who signs up.

For more information about the program and to purchase, please visit: