Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 3 | Week 1  


From the Principal



Our Term Three Commencement Service saw us welcome a number of new students to the College as well as ...

our new Uniform Shop Manager, Mrs Sarah Cooper (Noone Uniforms),  Ms Ashley Palmer from Bethesda, Maryland,  USA, who is undertaking a professional placement with us and Mrs Marilyn Faithfull who is taking over as Head of the STEM faculty while Mr Jonathon Shumack is on long service leave. 

As an all-girls school, PLC Armidale belongs to the Independent Girls School Association (IGSA), which provides a pathway to experiences in Sport and the Creative Arts with other girls' schools across NSW and the ACT. 

I am privileged to sit on the IGSA Board and get to observe the regional perspective also...

... continue reading here

This term will see our representative Hockey and Netball teams travel to Sydney across at least two and possibly three weekends in order to compete with other teams in the IGSA competition, and our Athletics Team are in training for the IGSA Athletics Competition they will compete in the weeks to come.

PLC Armidale is also a member of the International Coalition of Girls Schools (ICGS). ICGS has experienced exponential growth in recent years. The strengthened collegiality, advocacy and representation of girls and young women through this coalition now numbers more than 550 girls’ schools of every type, in every sector, across 24 countries. The size and growth of this network makes all-girls schools formidable allies in the advancement of equity and equality. The all girls’ school sisterhood is thriving.

Melinda Gates, herself a graduate of an ICGS announced recently that she will dedicate one billion dollars to support organisations working on behalf of women and families globally.  Ms Gates was quoted in the New York Times as saying, “Decades of research on economics, well-being and governance make it clear that investing in women and girls benefits everyone. We know that economies with women’s full participation have room to grow. That women’s political participation is associated with decreased corruption. That peace agreements are more durable when women are involved in writing them.”

Research into the effectiveness and outcomes of all-girls schools has shown that when compared with their co-educated peers, girls’ school graduates are more likely to be politically informed and involved; that they are action-oriented contributors to society; they are more attuned to and appreciative of the similarities, and differences that make each of us whole.  

The all-girls context equips girls and young women to contribute to a more just and equitable world by allowing them to bring their curiosities, discoveries, perspectives, advocacy, strength, resilience, and intelligence to bear.

This year, the Girls Schools Association United Kingdom (GSA UK) is undertaking the largest commissioned study into Girls’ Schools across the United Kingdom and Australia to understand the benefits of same-sex schools for girls. Through our connection with IGSA and ICGS, we have been invited to participate in the survey as well. 

A link will be forwarded to parents to complete the survey in the coming week. Current students, staff, and our alumnae will also have an opportunity to complete the survey. All data collected is anonymous and non-identifiable. Our younger students will be guided through the survey by their classroom teacher.

At PLC Armidale, we see firsthand the significant benefits of an all-girls education. Research consistently shows that girls in single-sex schools perform better academically, have higher self-esteem, and are more likely to pursue leadership roles and career pathways that are more typically perceived as being ‘male-oriented’.

It is not without its challenge of helping girls navigate their social world well, which is a challenge in co-educational settings as well but more visible in the all-girls context. This visibility enables programs, experiences, and learning to take place to support this social-emotional journey because of our all-girls context. 

We look forward to Dr. Justin Coulson's contribution to this on August 8, when he will speak with our Senior School girls on the topic of 'Enough'—overcoming anxiety, self-loathing, and perfectionism. 

Deeply empathetic and carefully researched, this presentation will help our girls consider their feelings about being “enough” and highlight strategies they can practice to achieve a positive sense of self.

We also encourage all families to attend our 2024 Community Forum that evening, which will explore the topic of Miss Connection—Why your teenager ‘hates’ you, expects the world, and needs to talk. Please note this session is for adults only to allow for uncensored discussion. It is open to all members of the community so feel free to share this booking link with friends and relatives who may be interested. 

Dr Coulson aims to have you leave the presentation with simple and valuable tools and techniques for guiding your daughters safely and successfully through adolescence.

"To contribute to a  world which is more just and equitable, the all-girls context equips girls and young women to bring their curiosities, discoveries, perspectives, advocacy, strength, resilience, and intelligence to bear."


Throughout the year, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the various interests and accomplishments of PLC Armidale girls. We will be aware of the experiences girls undertake to represent the College. We may not know about experiences and achievements in areas of interest outside of school. Please let our Communications and Marketing Manager, Mrs Arundale know. Mrs Arundale greatly enjoys telling the story of the quality and achievements of our PLC Armidale girls.

Email us your news:

Congratulations to ... 

... Huna Moghaddar (Year 12)

who was our representative at the New England Parliament of NSW’s Bicentenary Public Speaking Competition at the UNE this week. Huna spoke about the accessibility of healthcare in regional Australia, with a focus on the provision of GPs and health workers in emergency departments. We are proud of Huna's well-researched and compelling arguments as an advocate for Armidale and the New England more broadly. 

... our three 2024 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize (UNESAP ) finalists, Daisy Donaldson (Year 11), Poppy-Grace Newton (Year 8), and Kalani Maduwage (Year 8 ).

Out of 554 entries from 46 schools, Daisy was awarded the Senior Secondary Runner-Up prize, and Poppy-Grace, received the Junior Secondary Runner-Up prize.

 And congratulations also to Kalani who was a finalist for the second year in a row.

Ad Astra girls !!

Find all the 2024 event photos in our Parent Portal gallery HERE

Save the Date - PLC Armidale Signature Art Prize 

Our inaugural acquisitive art prize has been launched.

With a prize pool of $10,000, we invite all professional artists to enter. 

Works will be judged by industry leaders: the renowned artist Angus Nivison, the renowned curator and exhibition manager Belinda Hungerford, and the renowned gallerist Allison Bellinger. 

Finalists will be revealed, and the winners will be announced at an exhibition and dinner on Saturday, October 19.  There will also be an exhibition of our current and past student's work.

We will release tickets next month for this fabulous evening.

Please share this news with all your creative friends and encourage them to enter via this link by August 16.

Miss-Connection -

Why your teenager ‘hates’ you, expects the world and needs to talk.

Join us for an evening with Dr Justin Coulson for this significant event, relevant to parents, educators and those working with pre-teen girls through to young women across the New England, North West Region.

Open to all community members regardless of where their daughters go to school. This event is one of a series focusing on factors that impact the growth and development of young women in an increasingly technological, disconnected, digital and highly sexualised world.

Trying to guide a teenage daughter through a complex adolescent world is… well, complicated.  Mental health concerns, body image issues, premature and/or non-consensual intimacy, friendship challenges, and alcohol and drugs are just the tip of the iceberg.

Join Dr Justin Coulson as he unpacks the science and provides practical real-world advice for parenting your teenage daughter. You’ll leave this presentation with simple and valuable tools and techniques to help you guide your daughters safely and successfully through adolescence.

You’ll discover what is really going on in the minds of our teenage daughters – how do they really feel and what do they wish you knew? Find out how we can stay connected to our daughters and keep them motivated, whilst also dealing with the eye-rolls and bad attitude.

We’ll talk about how we can keep them safe and informed without them pushing us away; and how to encourage them to develop strong, healthy relationships and resilience. Plus we’ll cover the best things we can do to support our daughters during this tumultuous time.

Dr Justin Coulson is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance, the founder of and one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. He holds a PhD in Positive Psychology.

Over the past decade he has helped innumerable families with his nine books about raising children, his hundreds of media appearances (including all of Australia’s major news outlets, and even the Washington Post and the New York Times), and two viral videos that have been viewed a combined 80 million times!

Justin and his wife Kylie have been married since the late 1990s and are the parents of six daughters.

* Please note to allow uncensored discussion; this event is for adults only.

2024 Student Leaders

Lunch Orders

The full week's menu can be seen on your My Student Account via CONNECT

The deadline each day for ordering a hot meal is 10:50 am, after that cut off, both salad bar and make-your-own-sandwich options are available until 1.15 pm.However, there will be no spare hot specials available. 

Junior School families are asked to contact Mrs Creamer for assistance on the day.

Senior School students will need to use their Student ID card for an on-the-spot purchase and all salad bar or make-you- own-sandwich pre bookings need to be marked off on arrival to the Dining Hall.

You can book online via CONNECT by clicking the My Student Account tile.

All school term dates and information can be found on the Parent Portal HERE

Senior School News

Mrs Kate Clynch

Head of Senior School

Congratulations to .....

...our  Term 3 Citizenship Award recipients 

who received their awards at our Commencement Assembly this week. These awards are presented to girls who have received three or more merit awards.

... Mila Vanzella (Year 9)

who competed at the South Australian Junior Heifer Expo in Adelaide during the holidays.

Mila came third in the Junior Paraders and fourth in the Junior Judging placing her 9th overall out of 65 competitors in her age division. 

Best wishes to our Archdale and Tri-School Debating teams 

who have 8 debates between them next week! 

Collectively our girls will take on PLC Sydney, Abbotsleigh, Pymble Ladies College, NEGs and TAS. 

Ad Astra girls!

 Year 8 Moon Walk

As part of the preparation for their 28-day Explore Serve Journey experience in Year 9, our Year 8 girls walked 9 kilometres of the Dangars Falls track to watch the first rising of the Waning Gibbous moon on Tuesday. The bracing temperature only added to this glorious outdoor experience, which was led by our Outdoor Education Specialist, Ms Amanda Burney, and College Chaplain, Jen Leahy, who both ensure we take every opportunity to explore our local Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. 

Year 12 Celebration Formal

The formal committee has been busily organising the Year 12 formal to be held from 4pm on 24 August 2024 at Petersons Winery. 

 Tickets are now on sale; numbers are required for catering by August 10.


$125 per person includes photography, pre-dinner charcuterie,  a two-course meal,  free-flow soft drinks and entertainment.  Alcoholic drinks can be purchased from the bar (Peterson Winery's policy is school students are not allowed to drink alcohol on the grounds irrespective of age).

Tickets will be capped at four per family unless there are extended carer/guardian/parent arrangements requiring more.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Susanne Kable on 0427 255 251.

Year 10 Celebration Dinner - Save the Date 

November 9 is the celebration dinner for our year 10 cohort. The dress code is semi-formal and tickets will go on sale soon. For more information, contact our PLC Armidale Year 10 Liasion parents Bec Blake (0447 977 721) or Melita MacMahon (0413 324 309)

Junior School News

Mrs Fiona Wake

Head of Junior School

Welcome to Week 1 Term 3

Our students have returned with enthusiasm, eager to reconnect with friends and dive into new learning adventures. Their dedication has been evident as they quickly settled into their new units of study, which will be shared at our upcoming Parent Teacher Interviews in Week 4. Our booking system for this event will be open shortly and an email notification will alert you so. This event is scheduled for August 13 and 14, 4:00 - 6:00 pm. 


Our Year 6 leaders are ready to shine, taking charge of self-chosen initiatives. They will lead Guild Gatherings, where they will engage younger peers in activities focused on character strengths and our four college values. Providing leadership opportunities for our students is something we pride ourselves on, as we feel it is essential for their personal development and confidence building. These experiences empower students to take initiative, make decisions, and collaborate with others, fostering a sense of responsibility and self-assurance. Valuable skills in communication, problem solving, and empathy are crucial for growth as individual leaders.


Sports activities are in full swing, with training sessions commencing this week and games scheduled for the weekend. Our Dance ensembles will commence Monday of Week 2.

Global Connection

We are thrilled to welcome Ashley Palmer, a teacher from the USA here to gain insight into teaching in Australia and specifically at PLC Armidale. Ashley has been made to feel very welcome, the girls so respectful and kind, and as a community we are looking forward to her imparting her knowledge and stories of education from afar. Ashley has observed the learning across Pre K - Year 4 and will move on to work closely with Years 5 and 6 over the coming two weeks.

We will also embrace visiting students and their staff from the Wuhan school, China. They will be joining our classrooms for 6 x 1.5 hour sessions across weeks 3 and 4. This was an exciting opportunity provided pre COVID, and fortunately now is up and running again. 

It is a privilege welcoming international teachers and visitors from other educational settings into our classrooms. It fosters a global connection and broadens our students’ horizons. These experiences expose students to diverse perspectives, teaching methods, and cultural insights, which can enhance their understanding and appreciation of the world beyond their immediate community. A more inclusive world view can be fostered, preparing them for the global society they will be part of in the future.

Book Week

Start preparing costumes! Book week runs from 19-23 August and we will celebrate by opening the Library to access fun activities, encourage reading and celebrate with a parade at 10:30 am Tuesday 20th. You are welcome to come along. The 2024 Book week theme is ‘Reading is Magic’. 

Uniform Standards

Please check your daughter’s student diary regularly for important information. I have asked for uniform slip reminders to be placed on this platform as well as reminders of elements of your daughter's uniform that may require attention. Wearing our uniform plays a vital role in creating a cohesive and focused learning environment and fosters a sense of community and belonging. Wearing our College uniform as intended assists in instilling a sense of discipline, responsibility, and respect.

Welcome to new students

We warmly welcome new students and their families to the Junior School-  Mirriama Nasilasila, Amelie Lundie and Isla Fahey.

Up and coming events to pop on the calendar - please also refer to the College calendar through the Parent Portal 

You can find a gallery of our Term 2 Junior School Award winners HERE on our Parent Portal

Boarding Life

Sam and Amy Jacometti

Heads of Boarding

Welcome back to Boarding in Term 3! 

We hope you have had a chance to connect and rejuvenate over the break. It’s always a highlight to see the boarders return to campus and link back in with each other. 

This term will include all of the excitement of the Olympics, an event that unites, invigorates and brings out the sportsperson in us all. So that our boarders can celebrate and enjoy the Olympic spirit, we are setting up a dedicated “Watch Space” where girls can be sure to see their favourite events unfold. 

Term Three is also a time where academic learning is assessed through exams. For this reason, please join with us in encouraging your daughter to maximise their prep and private study time. 

We love to hear from you so please always feel free to reach out. The Boarding House Reception number is (02) 6770 1716 or the House Mother phone: 0417 033 424. For any concerns, please contact the Head of Boarding phone on 0428 866 590.

We look forward another great term in boarding.

Sam, Amy, Lucinda, Anneliese (and Bailey 🐕)

The Jacometti family at the 2024 Moree Boarding Schools Expo (Bailey had to stay home)

See all photos for the term in our Boarding Life photo gallery HERE


Mrs Joanne Wysel

Head of Creative and Performing Arts

Welcome back after a very busy Term 2! 

I hope you all had a restful break.

Did you know that our winning State Shakepseare Carnival posts of our Drama and Dance performances have been viewed over 108 000 times on social media!  Wow! 

This term we are looking forward to journeying with you on the wonderful Creative and Performing Arts adventures his term.

Stage 5 Play - The WhoDunit That Goes Wrong!

Stage 5 Drama is excited to present "The WhoDunit That Goes Wrong" in week 4 this term! 

This production showcases our students' versatility as they take on roles in acting, costume, set design, marketing, lighting, and sound design. Our Year 10 students will also step into the role of directors.

We have two dynamic casts, group WHO and group DUNIT, ready to bring this hilarious farce to life. The play revolves around a murder at Haversham Manor where, true to farcical tradition, everything that can go wrong does go wrong.

Join us at The Armidale Playhouse on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th August for an evening of laughter and chaos. 

What - ‘The WhoDunit That Goes Wrong’

Who - Stage 5 Drama

When - Tuesday August 14th and Wednesday August 15th

Time - 7:00pm

HSC Major Works 

Our HSC Creative and Performing Arts students are diligently working to meet their deadlines for their major works. Many dedicated much of their non-term time to perfecting their projects. 

You're in the final stretch, Year 12 – keep going. We've got your back.

Some dates for your diaries:

13 September - Grandparents Day and Starry ‘Day’ of Creative and Performing Arts for Junior School. 

As both Mr Minter and Mrs Wysel will be away marking the HSC Music and Drama practical examinations across the state, our Starry Night of Creative and Performing Arts will look a little different this year. 

Junior School will delight us with a show following Chapel on Grandparent’s Day on 13th September. Music Ensembles will perform in early September, and Drama and Dance will have a special evening early in Term 4 to showcase the work of this year.

Oeuvre - a showcase of all HSC Major Work - 28 August in the Astra Arts Centre.

Assembly Performances—Each week, we will be presented with a performance from a student from our faculty. Parents and Carers are very welcome to attend.

Sport News

Mrs Lucy Donaldson

Head of Sport

We are excited to embark on another busy sporting term...

This term promises a variety of competitive events, including the IGSA hockey and netball trips to Sydney, as well as the IGSA and IPSHA athletics meets also in Sydney. 

Our rugby teams will compete in fixtures in Tamworth and Inverell on Friday nights. Additionally, we look forward to the finals for our winter sports: football, hockey, and netball.

Congratulations to ....

... Trista Dorrian (Year 9)

who has had an outstanding few months in tennis. Representing the Northwest, she competed in the U14 NSW State Championships in Gosford, where she won the prestigious 'Commit Award' for sportsmanship and effort. In the U14 NSW State League event in Sawtell, Trista was the top-ranked girl in the region and won all her singles matches.

During the recent school holidays, Trista participated in the NSW Country Championships in Forster, achieving remarkable results. She was a runner-up in both the B-grade women's doubles and U14 girls' doubles, and also in the U14 mixed doubles. Trista's impressive performances earned her three trophies and a medal.

Trista's dedication and commitment to her sport have been commendable, with her coach praising her determination and success at these competitive events.

... Mia Montgomery (Year 12) 

who has had some outstanding recent achievements in both rugby league and rugby union, leading the CIS Under 18s rugby league team to an impressive third place at the Australian Secondary Schools Rugby League National Championships, where they narrowly lost to the Queensland team that won the competition. Additionally, Mia excelled with the Central North Rugby Union team, winning the Country Championships and receiving the Best and Fairest award for our team. Because of this success, she was named Heresvile Sports Star of the Week by 100.3 FM and featured in the sports section of the Armidale Express - well done, Mia.

... our Rhythmic Gymnasts Georgina Arundale-Fuller( Year 6), Jess MacMahon (Year 10)  and Elise Tisserand (Year 9) and our Team Gym stars Lily Belford (Year 7) and Sophia Lawlor (Year 7)

who competed in the NSW Gymnastics Country Championships in Armidale  during the holidays. Collectively, they were awarded a bag of gold, silver and bronze medals. Special shout out to Jess, who judged level 1-4 gymnastics in addition to competing in Level 7!

... Sophia Marchant and Grace Kelso (Year 8) Laura Butterworth and Edie Clynch (Year 7)

who all played in the 2024 HART Junior Netball State Titles in Sydney during the holidays. 

Best wishes to our representative hockey and netball teams..

Next Thursday, 46 of our students will travel to Sydney to represent our College and compete in the Independent Girls Schools Association (IGSA) competitions. Keep an eye on socials for updates on their results!

Important Dates for your diary:

IGSA Hockey and Netball Trips

Trip 1: August 2-3

Trip 2: August 30-31

Finals: September 20-21

IGSA Athletics: 22-23 August

IPSHA Athletics: 28 August

Winter Sports (Term 2 and 3)

We encourage all girls to participate in sport.

Please, at any stage if you are unsure of anything or need clarification, send me an email and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Alternatively, Mrs Stephanie Fahy at the Senior School Reception will be able to assist as well. 

You can find all the photos from our 2024 Athletics Carnival HERE on our Parent Portal

Sporting Commitments Reminder

Just a friendly reminder about the importance of honoring the commitments your daughters have made to their chosen sports activities. With such a busy term, it's crucial to prioritise these initial commitments. If an unavoidable conflict arises, please ensure they email the coordinating teacher and inform their coach. Thank you for supporting your daughters in this matter.

Our 2024 Cross Country photo gallery is now on the parent intranet - you can find it here

The Giants netball team are extending $15 tickets offers to all  IGSA schools! - including PLC Armidale.  

BOOK HERE and use our unique school code PLAGN24

Health News

Ms Amy Chiu

School Nurse

Healthy Eating and Nutrition

There are several resources that are available to learn more about Healthy Eating. Parents are encouraged to look into this where applicable.

Alternatively, purchasing lunches from the Dining Hall is also a convenient option.

Healthdirect - Healthy Eating

Better Health Channel - Healthy Eating and Diet

Medicare details and medications in Edumate

It would be much appreciated if all parents/carers can check your daughters' Edumate details, especially for any medical updates, current medications and their medicare details. Please update the Edumate data to notify the school for any changes, or simply email us with any updates.

Health Centre opening hours

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30am to 3:30pm  - Emily

Tuesday and Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm - Amy

Contact number: 02 6770 1741.   Email:

P&F News

Sarah Yassine

P&F President

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had an enjoyable break.  Our next P&F meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 6th, 5.30-7.00pm. 

 Everyone is welcome to attend, either in the PLC Armidale boardroom or via Zoom:

Please get in touch at 

if you have any questions.  

Welcome to Mrs Sarah Cooper

Sarah is our new Uniform Shop manager.

The shop operating hours remain unchanged, and purchases can be made online or in person.

Owing to privacy laws, there will no longer be family accounts; however, you can shop and pay either online or over the phone if you cannot come in person. Sarah is happy to help your daughter with a fitting and then take payment from you over the phone.

Find the online store at



Autumn Green Tartan

Our dynamic Old Girls Union Committee is publishing a seasonal edition of Green Tartan you can find the autumn issue HERE

Calling all '74,  '04 and '14 alumnae - are you ready to celebrate your milestone reunion? 

Our Class of '84 alumnae will stay at the Hilton Boarding House during the October OGU Reunion weekend—what fun. There is still space available - let us now if you would like to book a dorm!

Send us your news!  

We love to hear about what our alumnae have been doing - so please let us know what has been happening in your life. 

Births, deaths, marriages, milestone celebrations - whatever you feel like sharing with the other Old Girls, please tell us so we can include it in this section of the  Lion's Roar each fortnight.

Our PLC Armidale alumnae are a stellar group of women who excel in a diverse range of areas, leading lives of significance.

Success looks different for everyone, and we like to celebrate it all - not just that which is in the public eye.

Email your news to:

Want to get together with your class?

If you are interested in joining or organising a milestone reunion group during the Reunion Weekend in October 2024, please get in touch with us at

Congratulations to our Old Girl Catherine Nugent 

who was recognised for her many contributions to the Australian country music industry with a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in June. 

Our talented alumna, Isla Biffin (Class of 2019), is back in Australia.

She first started harp in 2007 with Sayo Lipman in Brisbane and later with Sebastian Lipman and Jane Rosenson. She has played with the Opera Australia Orchestra and as principal harpist with the Australian Youth Orchestra on multiple occasions. She has been a soloist with many orchestras, she played works such as the Mozart Flute and Harp Concerto, the Handel Harp Concerto and Debussy Danses sacrée et profane with the Armidale Symphony Orchestra. In 2022, she was awarded the first prize in the International Reinl Competition in Vienna, and in 2023, the first prize at the Wales International Harp Festival chief musician category and the first prize in the Melbourne Recital Centre’s Great Romantic Competition. In June 2024, she graduated with her Bachelor's degree from the Mozarteum University in Salzburg with the highest grade. She will continue her Masters in Salzburg with Stephen Fitzpatrick in October this year.

Tickets available via Trybooking.

General News

Keep your children safe online

We have signed up with the team at Safe on Social to give our parents a 20 percent discount on the new eReady Kids program.

Simply use the code plcarmidale24 

Which will reduce the cost of the program to only $38 per year. The school will also get $5 for every family who signs up.

For more information about the program and to purchase, please visit: