Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 4 | Week 5 | 2023
From the Principal
Having passed the halfway mark of Term Four, we are also now halfway through the Year 9 residential program Explore Serve Journey or ESJ for short. The program has attracted much interest, not just from the families of the girls involved, but from members of the community as they have seen groups of our girls and staff wearing their ESJ team-wear out and about engaged in a range of activities. The Explore Serve Journey name was carefully chosen to identify the purpose and the practical outworkings of the experience.
A journey is literally a trip from one place to another, and that is a widespread use of the word. Journeys, however, are not just physical trips; journeys can also provide an opportunity for each person to undertake an inner, or personal journey, where different experiences impact and people are changed as they move not just from one place to another but also from one state of mind or one set of understandings to another. Each Year 9 girl will leave their ESJ experience slightly different to how they arrived.
Having spent time and joined in with some of the ESJ experiences, what is becoming apparent is that though the girls have been together as a year group, they haven't had the opportunity to get to know each other the way that living in community provides.
There is a journey of perspective, developing understanding of how somebody else might view the world, feel about things, or see themselves in relation to others. This shift of perspective, new appreciation of peers, a deeper sense of place, or belonging, and awareness of the contribution of each to the community is very much a part of the journey for Year 9.
... continue reading here
Change is hard, we get stuck in old patterns of behaviour and modes of thinking.
Routine, the familiar and constant are reassuring. Marking the process or journey of change and growth is important. Rites of passage experiences don’t feature as prominently in Western culture as they may in some traditional cultures. In many countries, rites of passage mark the transition from childhood to adulthood. A journey of becoming.
Our Year 9 girls have entered the Hilton Boarding House to become a PLC Armidale Boarder for a month. Some girls have not spent this long away from home or their family before. As a group, they have managed exceptionally well, separating from the known and familiar and transitioning into something that has become the new normal - for a time.
If the concept of a journey sums up ESJ as a whole, ‘Explore' is more the how. Part of what makes exploration possible is just having time. Time to journal. Time to discover. Time to chat. Time to question. Time to make mistakes, then reflect on them. Time to wander and time to wonder. Time to create, imagine and play. Time to be still and reflect. Time without distraction. ESJ is intentionally technology-free for all but three of the days of the program. Most of the girls have said they’re not missing their technology. Quite a few have said they were pleased not to be bothered by the constant interruption of their phone and the way it makes them feel at times.
Part of exploring and the journey is dealing with unplanned and unexpected. Girls or staff that may become unwell, National Parks that may be closed, washing may not have dried, bike trailers may not be not ready. Equipment may be less than ideal for purpose. Part of exploring is being equipped and ready to catch curved balls in a calm and considered way. ESJ is designed to be very practical, teaching the girls how to expect and prepare for the unexpected. And our theme for the four weeks is 'challenge by choice'.
The service component of ESJ is what truly differentiates it from being just an extended camp or outdoor education program. Having time and creating opportunity for service features throughout. Service is modelled as students see teachers and staff serving the girls with their expertise and practical care. Girls are responding with acts of service such as baking, carrying packs, waiting patiently so no one is left behind, washing, washing up, cleaning and tidying. Living in community. Serving the community. Rebuilding mountain bike trails damaged by storms.
In preparing an outline of the ESJ program to share at the Senior School Assembly over the weekend, I was struck again by the intentionality and careful design of the program. I am grateful to Mrs Amanda Burney and Ms Jennifer Leahy for bringing their respective strengths and expertise to bear on the design of the ESJ Peak experiences. Amanda with her background and qualifications in Outdoor Education and transformational learning design, and Jennifer with her background in Pastoral Care and the residential care of young people.
The program is experiential in design and intent but underpinned by a sound framework of the transformational process of change and becoming. The Exploration-wander and wonder; the Service -community within and at large; and the Journey both physical and metaphysical. It is a peak experience of significance for a critical stage of adolescent development.
No other regional girls' school is attempting to do what we are doing. We are once again taking the lead, which is wonderful, but I am most thrilled that not only is ESJ unique to PLC Armidale, but that the program is available to each and every girl within Year 9 as part of their school curriculum.
Lest we Forget
A Whole School service wreath laying ceremony to commemorate Remembrance Day was held at 11am on Friday, November 10 at our Flag Pole in the Rose Garden.
Our Head of Senior School , Mr Mitchell Clendinning also attended the Armidale RSL Sub Branch service in Central Park on Saturday 11 November 2023, along with members of our Student Leadership team.
2023 Explore Serve Journey
All our Year 9 girls are currently taking part in a 28-day residential program that will see them learn essential survival skills and go mountain biking, hiking, canoeing and participate in community service.
The Explore Serve Journey program is an intentionally designed sequence of experiences grounded in educational theory and research. It is a new initiative of the College to provide a peak experience to support and equip girls as they grow and transition from childhood to adulthood.
Each of the three elements: Explore, Serve and Journey have been purposefully chosen.
"Journeys, both in the physical and metaphorical sense, act as catalysts for personal development and transformation.
"Metaphorical journeys are as essential as physical ones, as they challenge individuals to evolve and reevaluate their habits and perspectives. The concept of a "Rite of Passage" is a traditional means of aiding individuals in transitioning between life stages, a practice that has become increasingly scarce in modern Western culture.
"There are three distinct stages of a transformative experience: Separation, Transition, and Return. And the importance of allocating time for reflection and exploration during these stages cannot be underestimated.
"Such periods offer valuable growth opportunities. Slowing down is a means to form deeper connections with oneself and the environment and is a luxury in our fast-paced world.
"Having ample time permits individuals to make genuine choices and learn from unforeseen circumstances, even when they deviate from the planned path. Authentic learning occurs when individuals engage in profound, unscripted experiences."
Ms Amanda Burney, has a Bachelor in Outdoor Education and a Master of Education (Social Ecology) and along with Miss Leahy, our School Chaplain, leads our Explore, Serve, Journey (ESJ) program that weaves together the strands of Outdoor Education Camps, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Service Learning and Pastoral Care from across our Pre-K to Year 12 all-girl campus.
Junior School News
Year 5 Writing
Sophia Craig
Senior School News
Some of our Cattle Team had a great trip to Scone for the Upper Hunter Beef Bonanza recently.
Lily McCosker (Yr 10) was awarded first place in the Young Judges 16 years age group. In the Paraders heats Charli Milton (Yr 8) placed 3rd in the 14’s years, Macey Wake (Yr 9) placed 4th in the 15’s years, Georgia Whibley(Yr11) placed 5th in the 16’s years and Lily McCosker placed 5th in her 16’s years. Tank (our Limo/Hereford steer donated by Jonothan Woods) placed 6th in his middleweight Led Steer class.
Congratulations to everyone and to our Cattle Team managers, Tim and Briony Light, for supporting our girls at this event, which provides a network for many industry professionals and engages the young people that will shape the industry's future.
Last week, the whole of Year 7 went to UNE for Far Out Science.
Far Out Science is a UNE based program to let country kids have a hands-on science experience of working in university labs.
We first went to a chemistry theatre and watched the professor blow up things, freeze flowers with liquid nitrogen and smash them on the ground, make elephant toothpaste, made balloons that were filled with helium pop with fire and turned clear water into different colours. It was really interesting to watch all the experiments and different fun things you can do with chemistry.
After that, we went to coding, and learned how to program computers to do different things like recognise different colours and signs. We learned how to create basic codes and teach the computer to change.
After lunch, we learned to track Turtle’s using different equipment including a radio antenna and a radio. We split into two different groups and found the turtles. It didn't take long to find them. Each group was equipped with a clipboard where we wrote how heavy, big and wide the turtle was. We had extra time so we did a challenge. We had to find a photo of a lizard that was hidden behind a tree. Let’s just say we beat a record.
For our final activity we headed over to the greenhouses and had a lesson on how plants breathe, by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. After completing some tests, we travelled back to the main hall to end our day.
We enjoyed this experience and learned a lot about the UNE and have been given an insight of what we can study at UNE.
Darcie Finlayson and Sophia Marchant
Mrs Joanne Wysel
Head of Creative and Performing Arts.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A week has passed, and I still find myself singing the melodies from our spectacular production of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." What an extraordinary performance it was! I am brimming with pride for our students who shone both on the stage, in the orchestra, and behind the scenes, collectively shaping the show into the masterpiece it became.
School Musicals hold the power to etch unforgettable memories, providing a canvas for them to discover their true capabilities. Through these productions, they cultivate perseverance, resilience, confidence, creativity and the art of collaborative teamwork. These invaluable opportunities, extending beyond the confines of the classroom, are the moments and experiences that will last a lifetime. We are indeed fortunate to facilitate these transformative experiences right here at PLC Armidale.
The programs for "Charlie" were in such high demand that we completely sold out during the Saturday matinee performance. Fear not, for we have procured more programs available for purchase at the Main Administration Reception for $10 each or you can order them HERE.
Act swiftly, as they are swiftly disappearing from our shelves!
Dance Ensembles - JS
Our wonderful Aisha Kliendienst has returned from her teaching practicum and is enjoying teaching our Junior School girls in the co curricular dance program. They have been working hard on a dance for both Pre-K - 2 and Years 3-6 and we are trying to find a time for them to perform, so keep an eye out for more details to come!
Year 11 and Year 12 excursion expression of interest.
During the third week of Term 1 in 2024, our Year 11 and 12 Drama students, along with the Year 12 Visual Arts students, will embark on an excursion to Sydney. They will have the privilege of witnessing the brilliant exhibitions of OnSTAGE, Callback, and Art Express, which showcase exemplary works from the 2023 HSC cohort across the state. These exhibitions offer a captivating insight into the depth and scope of the HSC curriculum, providing an inspiring glimpse into the creativity and talent of fellow students.
Notably, the entire 2023 HSC Drama class has received nominations for OnSTAGE, while a student from our HSC Dance program has earned a well-deserved nomination for Callback. We will know after December 15th whether they will be included in the showcase adding an element of anticipation to our excursion.
In addition our Drama students will have the unique opportunity to partake in theatre workshops conducted by The Sydney Theatre Company, and Visual Arts students will attend museums and art galleries led by our fabulous Mrs Schaeffer. This excursion has consistently been a cherished highlight for our CAPA students!
A Google form has been sent out to students as an expression of interest for this excursion. Please let Mrs Wysel know if you would NOT like your daughter to attend the excursion.
String Soiree
Please join us next Wednesday, November 15 at 5:30pm.
Guild Drama
It’s that time of year again and our new Guild Captains and Deputies have been busy preparing their scripts for our annual Guld Drama Extravaganza! The theme for this year is: “Having power is not nearly as important as what you choose to do with it.”
The theme comes from a series of quotes from Roald Dahl’s books aligning with our school musical for 2023.
Please join us on Thursday, December 7 at 11:30am for this year’s Guild Drama!
Carols in the Cathedral
Pop the date in your diary - Tuesday, December 5, at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Music News
Bel Canto Voices
On October 18, Bel Canto Voices was invited to sing at the Armidale Council's 'Celebrating our Resilience' breakfast to acknowledge two years since the tornado.
The breakfast was provided for the general public and recognised the efforts of the SES, Police, Ambulance, First Nations people and many volunteers who all pitched in and helped those affected by the tornado of 2021.
Bel Canto voices sung a beautiful piece called 'Send in the Clowns' by Stephen Sondheim. Their sound and blend were gorgeous and brought many audience members to tears.
We are so proud to be able to serve our community in this way.
Mrs Connie Dunham - Music Teacher
Term 4 InHouse Concert
Find the gallery of performance photos on our Parent Portal HERE
Congratulations to the following girls who performed in the Term 4 In-House Concert on Wednesday, 8 November 2023.
1. Margot Greatrex – Piano Robert Manley
2. Phila Wang – Cello Sofia Debus
3. Shiloni Katta – Voice Constance Dunham
4. Anneliese Jacometti – Piano Sam Jacometti
5. Evelyn Barwick - Violin Georgie Ostenfeld
6. Sophia Craig – Voice Sarah Sadgrove
7. Allegra May – Violin Sofia Debus
8. Evelyn Barwick – Piano Robert Manley
9. Shiloni Katta – Violin Eliza Scott
10. Phila Wang – Piano Julee Andrews
11. Lucinda Jacometti – Voice Constance Dunham
12.Ava Greatrex – Violin April Kelson
13. Shiloni Katta – Piano Sheila Guymer
14.Bella Fittler – Violin Sofia Debus
15.Year Seven Clarinet Trio James McKay
16.Sophia Craig – Piano
17.Harriet Minter – Violin Robert van Gend
18.Emily Blake - Flute Li Ling Chen
19. Bridie O’Neill – Cello Sofia Debus
20.India Smith – Violin Joanna Fairs Wu
21. Arlie Bragg – Cello Sofia Debus
1. Tiko Lay – Flute Geoff Derrin
2. Grace Elbourne – Voice Constance Dunham
3. Edith Clynch – Cello Robert Jackson
4. Maddison Elbourne - Voice Constance Dunham
5. Grace Robertson – Voice Inge Southcott
6. Elise Tisserand and Grace Robertson - Voice Inge Southcott
7. Elise Tisserand - Voice Inge Southcott
8. Bridget Kim - Piano Madeleine Lawrence
9. Jessica Putnam – Violin Georgie Ostenfeld
10. PLC Armidale Flute Trio - Flute James McKay
11. Mina Moghaddar - Guitar Denis dos Santos
12. Grace Elbourne – Harp Isla Biffin
13. Zoe Yuan – Piano Sheila Guymer
14. Kithmi Jayaratne - Oboe Li Ling Chen
15. Lilian Miller – Flute Li Ling Chen
16. Lydia Yuan – Piano Sheila Guymer
17. Lilian Sue – Piano Li Ling Chen
18. Stella Tuohey – Flute Li Ling Chen
19. Darcie Finlayson – Flute Li Ling Chen
20. Zoe Chen – Piano Li Ling Chen
21. Darcie Finlayson, Poppy McLaren and Alana Blackburn – Recorder Alana Blackburn
Thank you to all the hard work of the music teachers who generously give their time and expertise to teach the girls to such a high standard. Thank you also to our accompanist, Robyn Bradley.
This was definitely the best In-House Concert for the year, with a very high standard across all age groups. It was encouraging to see so many students from the Year 7 Instrumental Program, including current Year 7 students giving their first-ever performance, Kithmi Jayaratne, Lillian Miller, Evie Matthews, Lily Donaldson and Poppy-Grace Newton as well as former Year 7 students Emily Blake and Stella Tuohey who have pursued their instruments over many years and are achieving a very high level.
Congratulations also to our Stage One Instrumental student Jessica Putnam from Year 2, who gave her first performance. Congratulations to all our students from our youngest performer, Bridget Kim from Pre-K, who delighted the audience with her lovely piano performance, to a series of exemplary performances from our highly accomplished Year 10 students Stella Tuohey, Arlie Bragg, India Smith, Bridie O'Neill and Emily Blake.
The diversity of instruments was also really impressive, from Alana Blackburn's recorder trio with Darcie Finlayson and Poppy McLaren, to Grace Elbourne's beautiful harp piece, Grace is taught by none other than our very own esteemed alumna, Isla Biffin, who recently won an International Harp Competition, to clarinets, oboe and flute from the Year Seven Instrumental program, also including a really fine presentation of many vocal works, several impressive piano performances, and of course the strong PLC Armidale tradition of strings is also alive and well.
Mr Matthew Minter- Director of Music
We are delighted to invite you to our 2023 String Soiree on Wednesday, 15 November, from 5.00pm for a 5.30pm start.
Join us in the Astra Arts Centre at PLC Armidale for an intimate evening of live performances by our talented Junior and Senior string students while grazing platters and drinks are served at your table.
One of the highlights will be a performance of a work composed for our Stage 5 music class by our Director of Music, Matthew Minter, entitled 'Solidarity'.
This composition is a heartfelt dedication to the people of Ukraine, aiming to reflect upon their experiences during the conflict with the Russian army and endeavours to encapsulate the profound sense of loss that the Ukrainian people have endured – the loss of their land, livelihood, lives, freedom, and peace.
The composition is scored for strings, flute, mallet percussion, and soprano voice, featuring text from the poem "Hope" by Susanna Khoo.
Mrs Lucy Donaldson
Head of Sport
Summer sports are well underway and again, it is great to see so many PLC Armidale girls partaking in sport whether it be swimming, strength & conditioning, futsal, basketball, tennis, volleyball, touch football, gymnastics or indoor hockey!
Senior School Sports Pockets
Don’t forget to get your daughter/s to complete the Sports Pocket form if they are eligible. The form can be found on the Parent Portal HERE
Congratulations to
Sophie Bailey - Tennis
Winner of the 16U Girls 2023 Northern Foundation Tennis Australia Champion of Champions Event held in Inverell on 23/24 October. She will now proceed to the NSW State Champion of Champions Event in Springwood in November.
NIAS Selections
Congratulations to the following girls who have been selected to be part of the 2023/24 NIAS squads:
Mary Ugwumba - netball
Macey Wake and Elsie Wake - hockey
Evie Barwick - Equestrian
Armidale Pony Club interclub
Evie was awarded the Reserve Champion in the Under 9 girls age group, representing Walcha Pony Club and Armidale Interclub day last Sunday. She had a great day, picking up first and second places in her hack and sporting classes, riding ‘Tinkerbell’.
Well done Evie!
PLC Equestrian - ISHE Results
Year 8 student Lilly Meredith was part of the winning team that received the 2023 Inter School Horse Extravaganza(ISHE) Geoff Maynes Memorial Team of Four Riders Award and to her fellow team members - Makaidi Mair (Holy Trinity Inverell) Taylor Chick Sauer (Armidale Secondary) and Claire Munro (Glen Innes High).
PLC had three girls represented at ISHE this year with all three doing a great job in very large classes.
Sophia Vanzella did some lovely workouts in the challenge and dressage on Dottie
Laura Vary and her beautiful boy Kirala Krakerjack ended with a 14th in the challenge out of 72 competitors and had a really nice run in the campdraft with 72 competitors
Lillian Meredith and Riverglen Dreams competed in most disciplines for places in most.
CT:10th dressage
5th jump
5th overall ct
Show riding:
3rd hack
1st educated hack
3rd rider
4th pairs
Champion team of fours in a mixed team
2nd woof & hoof 52 entries and only 12 expected
1st team mug in a mixed team
Working horse challenge: of 72 competitors
1st hack
1st working
2nd overall
4th campdraft of 92 competitors
4th Barrel
1st flag
2nd running T
4th western pole bend
1st stock rider
Champion sporting overall
Lillian and Isabelle Wyatt both attended the Guyra Pony Club day.
Lilly took her baby horse and ended the day with age champion and Isabella rode really well taking plenty of ribbons home.
Isabella was not able to make it to ISHE this year.
Georgina Arundale-Fuller and Evie Donaldson - Gymnastics
Both girls travelled to Sydney to compete in the IPSHA gymnastics competition on Thursday, 2 November. Such a wonderful experience for them.
In the Level 4 Artistic Gymnastics, Evie placed 3rd in vault and 3rd in beam (Division 3) and received an overall silver medal.
In the Level 3 Rythmic Gymnastics Georgina placed 9th in the Ball routine and 7th in the Club routine (Division 2).
Given all events had between 30 and 40 competitors from mainly large Sydney Independent schools, these results were very impressive.
Save the Date: PLC Armidale Celebration of Sport - Friday,
1 December @ Armidale Golf Club
A night to celebrate our Senior School girls’ sporting achievements throughout the year. It is set to be another fabulous night so put it in your diaries!
We will welcome a Hockeyroo and Olympian Renee Taylor as our guest speaker, listen to fabulous music, share delicious food and celebrate the many achievements of our students. We hope to see you there.
If you have any photos from sporting events throughout 2023, please email them to and we will include them in our Celebration of Sport slide show.
Sam and Amy Jacometti
Heads of Boarding
This term has seen a big start to life in boarding with girls active in their creative and sporting co-curricular activities. We had multiple participants in the brilliant Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical, with our Boarders showing strength in character as they displayed their brilliance on and off the stage. Needless to say, there were a few tired faces in the following days!
Last week also marked the start of us engaging in boarding as a family. The girls and staff have been wonderful in welcoming us into this very special community, highlighting the culture of kindness, integrity and courage that is flourishing there. It is with respect and honour that we share our sincere thanks to Jen Leahy who has worked tirelessly to establish and maintain this beautiful culture as the Head of Boarding over the last 3 years.We have spent the first week getting to know the Boarding House; learning routines and meeting staff. There are wonderful connections between the girls, across year groups and all the activities that they are involved in.
This weekend many boarders were busy with their families, friends and other activities around the state. Our Year 9 boarders, for example, have successfully completed their first week of Explore, Serve, Journey. However, those of us who stayed home decided there was some wiggle room around the traditional dates expected for erecting a Christmas tree. With lots of singing, dancing and too much Mariah Carrey, the Christmas tree went up!
We also farewell some of our much loved Duty Staff as they move onto their next chapters. Thank you to Lily Bragg, Elody Huelmo and Poppy Todhunter, for the time and investment you have given to the Boarding House and we wish you all the best.
Congratulations to our boarders (pictured below) who performed in the Term 4 InHouse Concert.
Health News
Miss Amy Chiu
School Nurse
Dear parents, students and staff,
It came to our attention that several students have presented with cold/flu and gastro symptoms recently.
Please make sure that you wash your hands before eating and after doing sports and activities.
Please keep yourself hydrated, rested and have adequate nutritions.
NSW Health Viral Gastroenteritis Fact Sheet
NSW Health Influenza Fact Sheet
If your daughter has an updated treatment plan, new diagnosis or medical needs, it is important that parents update the Edumate Health Conditions of your daughter to ensure that the school is providing the best care.
Edumate Parent Portal can be access through the CONNECT page
If your daughter has regular medications to take during the excursion period, please provide the medication with instructions and clear labels with her name on the day of the excursion.
Please also complete the Authorisation Form hONE WEEK prior to the excursion to ensure that the information is prepared for the lead teacher of the excursion.
The Health Centre is contactable via
Phone: 02 6770 1741
SCAM alert
We have received notification from the Commonwealth Bank of a scam involving parents of schools banking with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and like financial institutions.
PLC Armidale’s protocol for any discussion about fees and fee payment is as follows:
Only the following staff from the College would contact families directly for fee payment and financial matters - Nonni Bunn (Accounts Manager), Rita Brissett (Group Accountant)
The fee schedule published annually specifies the school tuition fees payable.
The Finance team would not offer a substantial discount if fees were paid immediately. We would never ask for invoice details or credit card details over the phone to make such a payment. The College does not use BPoint for fee payments.
In the event of any fee overpayment, Nonni Bunn would contact the family by phone and follow up in email from a PLC Armidale email address to confirm.
Pathways News
Miss Amy Chiu
Pathways Coordinator
Last week, we farewelled our two International students, Elaine and Rosie, as they finished off their last HSC exams and returned home. It has been a long journey for the students. Elaine joined the Pathways program in 2019 and started Year 9 in 2020. This would be the first time that Elaine steps on her homeland in 3.5 years since the border closure. Rosie joined the Pathways program in 2020 and started Year 10 in 2021. Rosie has been a great proof of students being able to thrive in the Australian Education system. We wish both girls the best for their future in tertiary education.
Term 4 has been a solid one for the Pathways program. With Ms Priebbenow returning from her leave, the students are enjoying the challenges and workload focusing on writing skills and English literacy.
It has been great seeing the students staying focused and showing resilience. Several students commented that despite the heavier homework and harder tasks, they are enjoying the learning and can see that the lessons are going to help them improve to achieve their goals.
We welcomed Mrs Ellen Ehrhardt-Smith, International Student Coordinator at PLC Sydney, visiting the Pathways program and meeting with the students who are interested in applying to PLC Sydney after completing the Pathways course. Mrs Ehrhadt-Smith shared her life story, experiences with International students and suggestions for Pathways students working towards mainstream schooling. It was a great opportunity for the students to meet Mrs Ehrhadt-Smith as the school year concludes.
We look forward to seeing students progress through their learning and participate in the upcoming activity weeks.
P&F News
Judi Sheedy
P&F President
A huge thank you ! the teachers, parents and students who put on such a wonderful performance in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” I am in awe of all involved… as an educator, I am amazed by the commitment and dedication of our teachers who, no doubt, gave up countless hours, going well above and beyond their normal teaching load, to offer this opportunity to our girls. And the girls… how on earth do you remember all those words !!!
A shout out to Ben Carruthers and Sam Nottley, who ran the P&F Refreshment bar with ease and abundance. It was another successful fundraiser for the P&F!
Guild Drama - Afternoon Tea Fundraiser
The Peony season has been disrupted this year and we cannot hold our annual Peony Fundraiser. We will instead be selling afternoon tea treats on the day of Guild Drama. Please bring a plate of either savoury or sweet goodies to sell on the day. Your Parent Liason contact will be in touch to remind you closer to the date.
Term 4 PLCA P&F - We need your help!
This week's AGM was suspended as we were unable to fill the vacated President's role. In hindsight, scheduling the AGM on the same day as the Melbourne Cup may not have been the best idea 😁. Fantastic parents have volunteered for all other positions except for President and Vice-President. After three years of working with the wonderful committee members, I am unable to continue in this role due to work and family commitments.
However, I will be available to mentor and assist the incoming President and Vice-President. The Committee has worked diligently in putting systems in place to really streamline how the P&F works, which greatly reduces the time and effort required. You will be surrounded by experienced and very helpful committee members.
Please consider giving back to PLCA in this way. Nomination forms are attached.
Duties of the President (extract from the PLCA P&F Constitution)
The duties of the President and, in the President’s absence or inability, the Vice President, include:
Chairing and convening all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee;
Approving the Minutes of each meeting, as prepared by the Secretary, prior to their issuing;
Acting as the point of contact between the Association and the Principal, College Council, staff, students and members of the Association;
representing the Association at meetings of the PLC Armidale Foundation and Old Girls’ Union;
Liaising with the Principal and College Council on any matters that involve the Association and providing feedback to the College on issues and comments received from parents;
Promoting the Association, its aims and activities to parents new to the College and identifying ways to increase parent participation;
Providing written reports and articles for College newsletters and periodic and annual publications;
Providing an annual written report to the Association at the annual general meeting.
Rescheduled 2023 AGM
Date: Term 4 Week 8 Monday, 27 November 2023
Time: 7:30pm - please note the meeting is expected to take 15 minutes at the most. It is essentially just to elect the new Exec Committee.
Venue: Zoom
Passcode: 919789

Wishlist grants for 2023
After the consistent effort of the P&F, and the generosity of our PLCA commnity, at this week's P&F meeting, it was unanimously agreed that we will fund all of this year's requests! A total of over $13,000!
In addition, the P&F goal this year was to fundraise to purchase a flexible modular stage that the school could use. Currently, it costs $10,000 every time we need a stage. So drumroll… we have done it!
The P&F are proud to announce that we are purchasing a flexible module stage for PLCA at a cost of $25,000. We know that this is money well spent, and will save the College a large recurring cost each year.
Send us your news!
We love to hear about what our alumnae have been doing - so please let us know what has been happening in your life.
Births, deaths, marriages, milestone celebrations - whatever you feel like sharing with the other Old Girls, please tell us so we can include it in this section of the Lion's Roar each fortnight.
Our PLC Armidale alumnae are a stellar group of women who excel in a diverse range of areas, leading lives of significance.
Success looks different for everyone, and we like to celebrate it all - not just that which is in the public eye.
Email your news to:
Want to get together with your class?
If you are interested in joining or organising a milestone reunion group during the Reunion Weekend in October 2024, please get in touch with us at
PLC Armidale Foundation
Can you make a regular financial contribution to the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund?
In 2022, the College made a considered decision to restructure fees for students in Kindergarten to Stage 4 to expand accessibility to a PLC Armidale education.
The provision of scholarships on merit will extend the opportunity for even more young women of character and purpose to receive an outstanding education at PLC Armidale, the region’s pre-eminent school for young women.
The PLCA Foundation Committee is focusing its efforts on raising funds for scholarships, with the intent of raising $130,000 for the school to allocate immediately in the next round of scholarship assessment.
As many families within our community have directly benefited from the recent fee restructure, we ask that you consider making a contribution to support the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund.
Your gift will help the PLC Foundation Committee to offer these scholarships. We require significant and ongoing funding to ensure there is a continual capital base to support the program.
Donations will provide scholarships from as early as the 2024 school year. In addition, gifts over $2 are tax deductible. You can also subscribe to make a small regular automatic donation which will quickly add up over the years.
The generosity of the PLC Armidale community has enabled us to maintain and provide an excellent learning environment for generations of young women.
Giving makes a real difference to every student who attends PLC Armidale now and into the future. We thank you for your continued support as we foster and build a community that stands together.
If you would like further information about the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund or know of a young girl who you believe would benefit from this opportunity, don't hesitate to call us on (02) 6770 1700 or email us at
A gift to the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund will open the door for many more exceptional young women to attend PLC Armidale and be equipped to lead a life of significance.
You can make a difference by donating today.
General News
Two more students required to serve dinner at the Fleece to Fashion event.
Fleece to Fashion board member, and PLC Armidale mum Kate Stephen, is looking for another two students to join Arlie, Teya, Emily, Tiko and Zoe to help serve dinner along with 13 TAS students.
Fleece to Fashion Gala Dinner
Date: 25th November, 2023
Location: Deeargee Woolshed, Uralla
Uniform: Please wear a white shirt with no logos (e.g. white school shirt), black trousers, black shoes, long hair tied back.
Pick up: the TAS shuttle bus will transport you to and from the event. Please be ready to board the bus at 4.15pm from PLCA
Drop off: The TAS shuttle bus will drop you back to PLCA by 10.10pm.
Payment: All students will be paid $100 cash on the night for their service.
Dinner: Subway rolls – please advise of any allergies. Please bring a water bottle.
If you would like to help please contact Mrs Kate Stephen on 0407 410 507.
Beam E-Scooter Safety Trial Rules.
Armidale – E-Scooter Trial Safety
Trial rules and tips for e-scooter riders
You can only use e-scooters hired through Council’s chosen provider Beam on selected roads, shared paths, and bike paths in the trial area. Privately owned e-scooters are not allowed on NSW roads or road related areas (including in trial areas).
The minimum age for use is 16 years old.
Shared e-scooters can only be ridden on designated shared paths and roads. It is illegal to ride e-scooters on footpaths.
Only one person is allowed to ride a shared e-scooter at any one time.
You are limited to riding at 10km/h on shared paths and 20km/h on the road.
On the designated shared paths, you must:
give way to pedestrians
keep left.
You must wear an approved bicycle helmet at all times when riding an e-scooter.
You must use the e-scooter lights when riding in darkness or hazardous weather conditions.
E-scooter riders are also subject to the same drug driving offences as motor vehicle drivers. You cannot have illicit drugs present in your system or ride while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
If you are caught drink or drug riding, serious penalties apply and you may face consequences for your driver’s licence. Find out more on e-scooter offences that may apply.
You do not need a driver’s licence to ride an e-scooter.
Always wear brightly coloured clothing so other road users can see you easily.
Please ride predictably and indicate clearly, so other people are aware of your intentions.
For further information visit
Please leave the e-scooter in a place that does not impede other pedestrian access on the footpath.
For Sale
Tables, chairs , coat cupboards, bed bases and drawer units are surplus to Boarding House requirements.
Need to be sold.
Contact if interested.
PLCA Uniform Price List
Having conducted their yearly assessment of CPI and external factors our school uniform partners Alinta have announced a price increase ( see new price list below).
The PLC Armidale Uniform Shop opening hours
Tuesday 8:30am to 11:30am
Thursday 1:00pm to 4:30pm
Phone: 02 6770 1703
Half-hour appointments are available to book online via the Alinta website.
Or order via email