Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 3 | Week 5 


From the Principal



As we find ourselves midway through the term, it's an opportune time to reflect on the accomplishments of staff and students thus far and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead.

Our students continue to embody the spirit of PLC Armidale, engaging wholeheartedly in their studies, co-curricular activities, and school life. 

At the commencement of term, girls were encouraged to set learning goals for the second semester and pursue them with determination and resilience. Whether they are pursuing academic excellence, honing their artistic talents, or enthusiastically participating in sports and outdoor pursuits, our girls are thriving.

In keeping with our 2024 theme, Explore Serve Journey, girls are also encouraged to explore new areas of learning.

The PLC Armidale educational experience is built upon four pillars: Academic Endeavour, Creative and Performing Arts, Leadership and challenge, and Sports and Outdoor Education...

... continue reading here

The latter three are often showcased through our range of events and co-curricular activities; Academic Endeavour presents a unique challenge to make learning visible. Yet, it is at the very heart of what we do.

What does Academic Endeavour look like in our all-girls context? It’s visible in the outstanding NAPLAN results achieved across Years 3, 5, 7, and 9, reflecting the growth of our students across the board, following the instructional lead of our teachers. 

It’s visible in the exceptional achievements of individual students such as Emily Adams,  Year 10, selected as one of only 24 students nationwide to attend the Australian Junior Science Olympiad Spring School. It’s visible in the Stage 5 Subject Selection evening, where our Stage 5 electives were showcased, and students had the opportunity to discuss their learning journey with their parents and teachers.

It’s visible in the classroom visits I’ve had the privilege to enjoy, where Year 12 girls are undertaking major projects or practical subjects. Hearing girls speak with confident insight about individual research projects in Extension Science, or the influence of individuals in shaping the course of history through the Extension History Projects, the sophisticated work in researching, drafting, editing, and presenting original works for Extension English - Academic Endeavour is clearly on display. It’s visible in the remarkable body of work completed in Design and Technology, Music 1, Music 2 and Visual Arts. 

The all-girls environment at PLC Armidale plays a crucial role in supporting and strengthening this Academic Endeavour. Here, our students are encouraged to be bold thinkers and active participants in their learning. They are free to explore their academic interests without the pressures of gender stereotypes, allowing them to excel in any field they choose, whether it be STEM, the Humanities, or the Creative and Performing Arts. This focus on academic achievement, nurtured within a supportive and empowering environment, both equips and enables girls across the stages of school to find meaning and purpose in their learning. 

It is worth considering that education is not just about the destination but the journey along the way. Exploration, service, and personal growth feature in the PLC Armidale learning journey, beginning in Pre-Kindergarten and continuing through as we celebrate the accomplishments of our Alumnae also. 

The middle of a term is often referred to a ‘hump week’ with a sense of we have endured thus far, not long to go. However, in the remaining weeks of this term, especially for our Year 12 students, they are encouraged to enjoy, not endure, what is ahead, making the most of the opportunity to consolidate learning, prepare for examinations and focus on finishing well.

“Never regard study as a duty but as an enviable opportunity to learn..., to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit ... for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later works belong." Albert Einstein


Throughout the year, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the various interests and accomplishments of PLC Armidale girls. We will be aware of the experiences girls undertake to represent the College. We may not know about experiences and achievements in areas of interest outside of school. Please let our Communications and Marketing Manager, Mrs Arundale know. Mrs Arundale greatly enjoys telling the story of the quality and achievements of our PLC Armidale girls.

Email us your news:

Congratulations to ... 

Our Junior Science Olympiad participants 

who received their awards from Australian Science Innovations at assembly. This staged science enrichment program is run for highly motivated students in Years 7 to 10 across Australia to extend their science knowledge and prepare them for the Australian Science Olympiad Program in Stage 6.

Our Year 10 student Emily Adams 

who has been selected as one of only 24 students from around Australia to participate in the Australian Junior Science Olympiad Spring School run by the Australian National University. Emily was among 5000 students nationwide who participated in the Junior Science Olympiad last year, and her results scored her an invitation to be part of the Junior Science Training squad masterclasses and study program before taking another exam to be considered for the Spring Science School. Selections were made based on exam results and the persistence and diligence shown in the theoretical and practical work.

... our  Year 8 student Izzy Macrae

who with her brother george and dad Adam travelled to the EKKA with three cattle they had bred and prepared in Coonamble and achieved Reserve Champion Junior Steer with 'Broseph' and Second Middleweight Junior Heifer with 'Sistagirl' then fifth Open Lightweight Steer with 'Dollar'. The family also made it into the Coonamble Times!

our EKKA Livestock Team

who returned from the Brisbane agricultural show winners of the 2024 EKKA Cleanest Stall Award. 

Team managers Tim and Briony Light of Lagoona Red Poll Stud, said the girls demonstrated exceptional cleanliness and maintenance of their stall and livestock to beat all other breeders and fitters for the 2024 title - no small feat, given that hundreds of exhibitors showed 14 breeds and more than 1200 heads of cattle! Lagoona also took home the Most Successful Red Poll Exhibitor Award. 

Our Year 11 student India Smith

who has been awarded her Associate Diploma AMusA in Violin Performance.

Two expert examiners conduct this diploma exam, which consists of an extended performance program of works followed by a detailed general knowledge discussion with the examiners. AMusA students must also undertake relevant written theory requirements to receive their diploma. 

This prestigious qualification recognises the attainment of a sophisticated musical understanding and exceptional performance ability well above grade examination requirements and is highly respected in the international music community. 

Our Year 11 student Daisy Donaldson and  visual arts teacher, Mrs Emma Schaefer

who were awarded first place in the Senior School division and first place in the Open Adult section respectively in the “Adaptations: Amazing Australian Species” UNE Discovery art competition exhibition.

The art competition highlighted the extraordinary abilities of our Australian animals, birds, insects and plants as they adapt to their ever-changing world due to human and climate factors.More than 60 entries from across the region were judged on artistic talent and adaptation details provided by each artist for the exhibition which opened during National Science Week. 

Find all the 2024 event photos in our Parent Portal gallery HERE

Save the Date - PLC Armidale Signature Art Prize 

Our inaugural acquisitive art prize has been launched.

With a prize pool of $10,000, we invite all professional artists to enter. 

Works will be judged by industry leaders: the renowned artist Angus Nivison, the renowned curator and exhibition manager Belinda Hungerford, and the renowned gallerist Allison Bellinger. 

Finalists will be revealed, and the winners will be announced at an exhibition and dinner on Saturday, October 19.  There will also be an exhibition of our current and past student's work.

We will release tickets soon for this fabulous evening.

Please share this news with all your creative friends and encourage them to enter via this link by August 30.

We are delighted to announce that our annual 

Grandparents Day morning 

will include a spectacular Creative and Performing  Arts showcase this year.  

All the cherished elders in our girls' lives are invited to join us for a special chapel service in the Astra Arts Centre at 9am, followed by classroom visits, morning tea and performances from our girls in Junior and Senior school. Barista coffee will also be sold to raise money for our upcoming Thailand Service trip.  

So pop 9am to 1pm on Monday, 9 September, 2024, in your diary, and we look forward to seeing you there.

 Help us explore the impact of all-girl education

This year, the Girls' Schools' Association United Kingdom “GSA UK” is undertaking the largest commissioned study into Girls’ Schools across the United Kingdom and Australia to understand the benefits of same-sex schools for girls. 

PLC Armidale is a member of the International Coalition of Girls Schools (ICGS) and Independent Girls School Association (igsa) and through our connection with them,  we have been invited to participate in the survey also. 

ICGS has experienced exponential growth in recent years, now numbering more than 550 girls’ schools of every type, in every sector, across 24 countries. The size and growth of this network make all-girls schools formidable allies in advancing equity and equality. 

The all-girls’ school sisterhood is thriving!

This 10-minute survey will ask about your experience of same-sex schools and their benefits. It also allows you to share your views on how same-sex schools could better support students in making better-informed choices about their future.

All responses will remain anonymous and will be used to better understand how to support students and families in our schools. 

Complete the survey HERE

The survey will close on 30th August 2024.

2024 Student Leaders

Lunch Orders

The full week's menu can be seen on your My Student Account via CONNECT

The deadline each day for ordering a hot meal is 10:50 am, after that cut off, both salad bar and make-your-own-sandwich options are available until 1.15 pm.However, there will be no spare hot specials available. 

Junior School families are asked to contact Mrs Creamer for assistance on the day.

Senior School students will need to use their Student ID card for an on-the-spot purchase and all salad bar or make-you- own-sandwich pre bookings need to be marked off on arrival to the Dining Hall.

You can book online via CONNECT by clicking the My Student Account tile.

All school term dates and information can be found on the Parent Portal HERE

Senior School News

Mrs Kate Clynch

Head of Senior School

Stage 5 Information Evening

There was a fantastic atmosphere at our recent Stage 5 information evening when students and  parents joined us in Astra Arts Centre and via Zoom to learn about the Year 9&10 subjects on offer in 2025.

If you couldn't make it or you want to hear the presentations again you can watch the recording HERE

Thank you to all our excellent teaching staff who manned the subject stands and brought their specialist areas to life for those in attendance.

An elective course preference form has been sent to all year 8 and 9 students, asking them to nominate their preferred subjects by 4 p.m. Friday, September 6 (week 7).

STEM Stars: Science Extension Mentoring Program

Nevada Guiance,  Huna Moghaddar and Amelie van der Werf are all part of our science mentoring program. with the University of Sydney. For this issue we asked Amelie to tell us more.....

Amelie  counting some of her samples with a microscope. 

Amelie van der Werf is being mentored from the University of New England, Professor Matt Tighe, a pollution scientist. 

Working through UNE was really beneficial as I was able to regularly meet with Matt after school and during the holidays and could collect my data locally.

My project is about microplastics which are synthetic polymers that pose environmental and health threats because they are extremely harmful and toxic and can be found everywhere. In fact research has shown that humans can ingest the equivalent of 1 credit card worth of microplastics per week! In my study, I found that microplastic particles can be released from the outer soles of running shoes. 

I investigated how running events contribute to microplastic contamination and compared different slopes and surfaces. This is important because many running events are held in ecologically protected areas and so shoe manufacturers may have to consider more natural or abrasion resistant materials to prevent further contamination of the environment.

I am so fortunate to have had this opportunity to do science extension this year because it has taught me so much about scientific research and my favourite thing has been learning about statistical analysis, which is a key part of the course. 

Stage 5 Psychology

This term in Stage 5 psychology, we have been learning about Developmental Psychology, particularly the different stages of development. The Stage 5 students were able to design and create different activities to see these theories in action—one based on hide-and-seek and the other about seeing things from another person's point of view. The Stage 5 students enjoyed seeing these ideas in action during our recent visit to the Junior School.

Thanks to Pre K, Kinder, Year 1 and 2 and their teachers for having us visit.

Jen Leahy

Gutsy Girls weekend

A group of our Year 9 students attended the 2024 Gutsy Girls film evening at the Jetty Theatre in Coffs Harbour last weekend.

 This celebration of women doing extraordinary things featured nine short films filled with the spirit of adventure, and our girls were captivated by the stories of grit, determination, skill, and big dreams that were brought to life on the big screen. 

From mountaintop triumphs to exploration odysseys, the films transported them to the edge of their seat, inspiring them to conquer their own challenges. It was a perfect prelude to their epic 28-day residential Explore Serve Journey peak experience next term.

Rotary International Public Speaking Competition

Year 10 students Emily Adams and Rebecca Cunningham were fine ambassadors for PLC Armidale at the Armidale Rotary Club at the Rotary International Public Speaking Competition. Emily spoke on her prepared topic of valuing people in aged care facilities and the need for community volunteering. 

Rebe spoke on the need to de-stress and take time to value others, and practice active listening. 

Both girls also participated in an impromptu topic that Team Sports build strong individuals.

The adjudication went down to the wire, with the eventual win going to the speaker from TAS, Samuel Krishna, who spoke on the Tall Poppy Syndrome. 

Only one mark determined our students from the winner, with the other contestant being Madeline Cowley from O‘ Connor High. 

The girls were commended for reading their audience well and pacing their delivery correctly. The judges were also impressed by their personal connection to their topics.

Mrs Roxanne Shumack


The competitive debating season was rounded off for PLC Armidale with a Student vs Staff debate in the Dining Hall last week. 

Our staff argued 'that classic books should be rewritten in modern language to appeal to today's readers', but our students rebutted this.

There was much throwing about of brains and laughter, but ultimately, the staff (mainly teachers) won. They claim that marking students' work and writing student reports had no impact on the public popularity judging system the adjudicators resorted to.

Our debating teams have managed 31 debates this season in both the Archdale and TriSchools competitions. Debating will continue across the College with a half-day workshop and some friendly debates in the second half of this term.

Final Placings for the NSW Archdale Senior School Competition:

Juniors - PLC Armidale equal 5th - 1st was Monte and PLC Sydney (joint).

Intermediate - PLC Armidale equal 5th - 1st was Pymble Ladies' College and PLC Sydney (joint)

Seniors - 6th - 1st was Canberra Girls Grammar.

The Armidale School was declared the winner of the local 2024 TriSchool competition.

Calling all Class of 2024 families

If you would like to buy a paver to commemorate your daughters time at PLC Armidale we are now taking orders . 

Pavers can be purchased at any time, however if you would like your paver installed in time for our Valedictory Service at the end of this term please order by Friday, August 30 via the form HERE.

The PLC Armidale commemorative paver project is a tax-deductible fundraiser to assist the College in providing scholarships. The cost for each paver is $200.

Owing to the engraving process, character space is limited on each brick, but if you have more to say than fits on one paver, the message can be written across two with a decorative frame around both.  See below

Merino Wether Challenge

Best wishes to our representative ag team who will attend the NSW School Merino Wether Challenge in Dubbo next week.

The wethers were crutched by the team during a recent visit from Angus Dawson's of Arakoon Merino, when he also gave them some sheep show handling tips .

BE PREPARED: Our Stage 6 girls have been practising their First Aid skills in PDHPE

Junior School News

Mrs Fiona Wake

Head of Junior School

The 2024 Book Week  ‘Reading is Magic’. 

Celebrating Reading and Deep Understanding: Book Week 2024 is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading with our students. This year's festivities included our much-anticipated Book Parade, where the girls dressed as their favourite characters, bringing stories to life in a vibrant display of creativity and imagination. Beyond the excitement of costumes and characters, Book Week also highlights the importance of developing strong reading comprehension skills. In the Junior School, we are committed to explicitly teaching the six key comprehension strategies essential for deep understanding: predicting, questioning, clarifying, summarising, visualising, and making connections. These strategies empower students to engage with texts more meaningfully and to unlock the rich layers of information and emotion that great books offer. 

Equally important is the role of background knowledge in comprehension. When students bring their experiences and prior knowledge to a text, they are better equipped to connect and understand complex ideas. By fostering a love of reading and equipping our students with these vital strategies, we ensure that they are strong readers and critical thinkers who can engage with the world around them. 

It was a treat seeing the creativity and enthusiasm that Book Week brings. We are grateful to you for your effort and support as we continue cultivating a lifelong love of reading in every student.


When reviewing NAPLAN results, it's essential to focus on both individual student progress and overall school performance. The results provide a snapshot of how students are performing in literacy and numeracy, offering valuable insights into strengths and areas for improvement. Rather than viewing NAPLAN as a standalone measure, it's important to consider these results alongside other assessments and classroom observations to gain a comprehensive understanding of student learning. 

Across Australia, the 2024 NAPLAN findings reveal a continued focus on literacy and numeracy as foundational skills. This year has seen an emphasis on bridging achievement gaps, with targeted support being crucial in raising performance levels, particularly in areas where students have faced learning disruptions. 

At PLC Armidale in the Junior School, it was encouraging receiving the 2024 NAPLAN results that indicated strong performance (1. Needs Additional Support, 2. Developing 3. Strong 4. Exceeding) across each area assessed; Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Writing and Numeracy, with results indicating further focus on the area of writing, a strategic priority, given nationwide reports indicating a decline in writing skills across Australia, with many students struggling to meet expected standards for their year level. 

NAPLAN is analysed at a school level each year, and areas for focus are identified and form our professional development and focus and professional reading. The data highlights the importance of tailored teaching strategies to support every learner’s growth. Differentiated practice (our streamed model) and explicit instruction (our pedagogical model for delivery across all Key Learning Areas, with specific focus during English and Mathematics), has proven to be an effective teaching model for promoting student learning.

BookWeek 2024

Our Junior School Book Week parade was a highlight of the many literary activities across the campus this week. Senior School students joined parents in the glorious Junior School grounds to cheer on the paraders dressed as characters from their current favourite books.

You can find all the photos in Photo Gallery HERE

Congratulations to all our Junior School Award recipients

You can find a gallery of our Term 3 Junior School Award winners HERE on our Parent Portal

Up and coming events to pop on the calendar - please also refer to the College calendar through Edumate.

Father’s Day Breakfast - Thursday, August 29

Grandparent’s Day - 13.9

IPSHA Athletics - 27.8 and 28.8

Colour Run - 25.9

Boarding Life

Sam and Amy Jacometti

Heads of Boarding

It’s the mid-point of the term and Boarder’s Weekend is upon us with many girls looking forward to some time at home. We hope you find this time one of connecting, enjoying each other’s company and hopefully a bit of sunshine too!


Our boarders are an active lot! On any given day we have girls heading off to the Stock Team, soccer matches, sport training, hospitality classes, strength and conditioning, representative sport, debating, music rehearsals and concerns - just to name a few. Have your girls talked to you about B1 and B2? The names affectionately given to the two most common transport options we use to ensure the girls don’t miss out on anything. The transport options available make it possible to get our boarders to nearly everything they ask for.

Just a reminder when you are speaking with your daughters to please remind them to have their Orah requests in on or before Wednesday so we can work through each request. 

Olympic Watch Room

The Para Olympics will commence on Thursday 29th August and we will keep the coverage running so that girls can enjoy the games. It has been lovely watching the girls use the front common room to watch some of the highlights and spend time together. The final medal tally was very impressive!

Linen Washing

In order to support the girls’ in their routines and independence, we are clearly articulating the wash day schedule.

McBean Junior will strip their beds on Monday (McBean = Monday.

Todd Junior will strip their beds on Tuesday (Todd = Tuesday).

On their respective mornings, girls will strip their beds and deliver their linen to the laundry. Boarding staff will wash and dry linen during the day, in time for the girls to return to the Boarding House and put their linen back onto their own beds. This will be connected to room checks and tech return in the morning which means that before the girls get their phones and laptops back, they will need to show that their beds have been stripped and sheets have been taken to the laundry. 

All girls 6 - 10 have been emailed about this but it is good for our parents to be aware also. 

Our wonderful year 12 girls have their Formal this weekend. Check the next issue to see some lovely photos of them at this rite-of-passage event!

Sam, Amy, Lucinda, Anneliese (and Bailey 🐕)

See all photos for the term in our Boarding Life photo gallery HERE


Mrs Joanne Wysel

Head of Creative and Performing Arts

Stage 5 Play - The WhoDunit That Goes Wrong!

Congratulations to our Stage 5 Drama class for staging a magnificent farce this term with two coasts over two nights. On Wednesday, the cast ‘Who’ and on Thursday the cast ‘Dunit’ each performed their take on a short murder mystery set in the 1920's.

Charles Haversham is found dead on the night of his engagement  party. 'The Whodunit that Goes Wrong' portrayed a night that was not all smooth sailing.

The girls managed the entire production, including marketing and promotion, direction, staging, costumes, sets, props, and tech.

Thank you so much to our parents, friends and students who came to support our girls at The Armidale Playhouse - we hope you enjoyed an evening of laughter and chaos. 

Find all the photos from the evening HERE

HSC Major Works 

Our HSC Creative and Performing Arts students are diligently working to meet their deadlines for their major works. Many dedicated much of their non-term time to perfecting their projects. You're in the final stretch, Year 12 – keep going. We've got your back.

Some dates for your diaries:

Grandparents Day and Starry ‘Day’ of Creative and Performing Arts 

As both Mr Minter and Mrs Wysel will be away marking the HSC Music and Drama practical examinations across the state, our Starry Night of Creative and Performing Arts will look a little different this year. Our students will delight us with a show on Grandparent’s Day on Monday, 9 September. 

Oeuvre - a showcase of all HSC Major Work - 26 August in the Astra Arts Centre.

Signature Event: 19 October

String Soiree: Term 4 - TBC

Assembly Performances—Each week, we will be presented with a performance from a student from our faculty. Parents and Carers are very welcome to attend.

Sport News

Mrs Lucy Donaldson

Head of Sport

Congratulations to ....

Our U18s rugby players 

- Mia Montgomery, Anna Grills and Korin Kelly who played their semi final match against TAS last Friday 16 August and came away with a well earned win 37-33. We wish them all the best for their final against Gunnedah.

Rugby 7s Gala Day  participants- 

Well done to Izzy M, Evie, M, Imogen S, Olive M (14s), Georgia S, Lilly M (16s) and Korin K (18s) for their participation in the Rugby 7s Gala day held at the UNE fields. Some awesome play was on display and a special congratulations to our 14s girls who were part of the winning team of the day for their age group!

Best wishes to 

Our Representative Athletics Teams

Our senior athletics representative team travelled to Sydney on Thursday, 22 August to compete in the IGSA Track Field Carnival and our junior athletics representative team will travel to Sydney on Tuesday, 27 August to compete in the IPSHA athletics carnival. 

Our Representative Hockey and Netball Teams

We have 47 girls traveling to Sydney for the second time to compete in the IGSA netball and hockey competition. 

Keep an eye on socials for updates on these competitions!

Meet our Netball Captains

Netball Captain Lilly Higgins and Netball Vice -Captain Bridie O'Neill 

Netball Captain Lilly Higgins

1. What is it about netball that makes it a great sport?

I think netball is such a great sport for its sense of teamwork. Netball fosters a strong sense of sisterhood amongst players and your team which I really love, as it relies heavily on cooperation and constant communication. Netball's inclusive atmosphere ensures that everyone feels valued and a part of the team. Working towards shared team goals and completing them can be really rewarding and forms bonds and memories, along with the ongoing positivity and encouragement within the sport that builds confidence and strengthens friendships on and off the court.

2. What other sport do you like to play/watch?

Other sports I enjoy playing/watching are tennis, basketball, and swimming. When I was younger, I used to play a lot of tennis with my grandma and compete in carnivals, but now I stick to watching the Australian Open with grandma when we're on holidays.

3. In your opinion, what makes a good captain/sport leader?

In my opinion, I think a good captain should be someone who is willing to motivate and guide their team effectively. A captain should have good communication skills and be able to lead by example through hard work and dedication and set a standard that inspires others to follow. A good captain should also be empathetic, and understanding towards the needs and motivations of their teammates, which helps in building a supportive and inclusive team environment. 

Netball Vice-Captain Bridie O'Neill

1. What is it about netball that makes it a great sport?

Netball is an inclusive, fast-paced sport that allows equal opportunity for players to work on teamwork, fitness and communication skills. I love netball because of these components.

Netball has allowed me to meet so many people outside the PLC Community, forming relationships that last a lifetime. Due to its fast-paced nature, Netball challenges you to make decisions in the moment, often problem solving to get a turn over or receive a pass. Working cohesively as a team you strive for a turnover or to score a goal. The best part is celebrating the achievements of your team mates. No matter what happens on the court it is always a team effort, and we are always there for each other encouraging and supporting.

2. What other sport do you like to play/watch?

I love to watch and play all types of sports. This includes; touch football, basketball, soccer, cricket, and rugby league/union. Being in a team with your friends is something that I really enjoy. I also love watching the other PLC teams play when not involved myself. 

I think it is important to give everything a go particularly when you are younger so you can decide what your favourites are.

3. In your opinion, what makes a good captain/sport leader?

I believe that many different attributes can make a good leader. Someone who has strong communication skills, as they can effectively communicate with the coach or other people in the team.

Open-mindedness and willingness to listen are also good characteristics. For me, leading by example is most important. A great captain leads through their actions, demonstrating commitment, discipline, and work ethic on and off the court. By consistently giving their best effort, they set a standard for the rest of the team to follow, earning respect and trust from their peers.

Important Dates for your diary:

IGSA Hockey and Netball Trips

Trip 2: August 30-31

Finals: September 20-21

IGSA Athletics: 22-23 August

IPSHA Athletics: 28 August

Winter Sports (Term 2 and 3)

We encourage all girls to participate in sport.

Please, at any stage if you are unsure of anything or need clarification, send me an email and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Alternatively, Mrs Stephanie Fahy at the Senior School Reception will be able to assist as well. 

Sporting Commitments Reminder

Just a friendly reminder about the importance of honoring the commitments your daughters have made to their chosen sports activities. With such a busy term, it's crucial to prioritise these initial commitments. If an unavoidable conflict arises, please ensure they email the coordinating teacher and inform their coach. Thank you for supporting your daughters in this matter.

The Giants netball team are extending $15 tickets offers to all  IGSA schools! - including PLC Armidale.  

BOOK HERE and use our unique school code PLAGN24

Health News

Ms Amy Chiu

School Nurse

Healthy Eating and Nutrition

There are several resources that are available to learn more about Healthy Eating. Parents are encouraged to look into this where applicable.

Alternatively, purchasing lunches from the Dining Hall is also a convenient option.

Healthdirect - Healthy Eating

Better Health Channel - Healthy Eating and Diet

Medicare details and medications in Edumate

It would be much appreciated if all parents/carers can check your daughters' Edumate details, especially for any medical updates, current medications and their medicare details. Please update the Edumate data to notify the school for any changes, or simply email us with any updates.

Health Centre opening hours

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30am to 3:30pm  - Emily

Tuesday and Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm - Amy

Contact number: 02 6770 1741.   Email:

P&F News

Sarah Yassine

P&F President

If you are interested in doing RSA training (funded by the PandF) so you can help us on the bar at PLC Armidale events - please get in touch at 

Mrs Sarah Palmer - PLC Armidale Uniform Shop manager .

Our shop operating hours remain the same, and purchases can be made online or in person.

You can pay online or over the phone if you cannot get into the shop in person.

Online store at



Winter Green Tartan - out now!

Our dynamic Old Girls Union Committee is publishing a seasonal edition of Green Tartan you can find the winter issue HERE

Calling all '74,  '04 and '14 alumnae - are you ready to celebrate your milestone reunion? 

Our Class of '84 alumnae will stay at the Hilton Boarding House during the October OGU Reunion weekend—what fun. There is still space available - let us now if you would like to book a dorm!

Send us your news!  

We love to hear about what our alumnae have been doing - so please let us know what has been happening in your life. 

Births, deaths, marriages, milestone celebrations - whatever you feel like sharing with the other Old Girls, please tell us so we can include it in this section of the  Lion's Roar each fortnight.

Our PLC Armidale alumnae are a stellar group of women who excel in a diverse range of areas, leading lives of significance.

Success looks different for everyone, and we like to celebrate it all - not just that which is in the public eye.

Email your news to:

Want to get together with your class?

If you are interested in joining or organising a milestone reunion group during the Reunion Weekend in October 2024, please get in touch with us at

General News

Keep your children safe online

We have signed up with the team at Safe on Social to give our parents a 20 percent discount on the new eReady Kids program.

Simply use the code plcarmidale24 

Which will reduce the cost of the program to only $38 per year. The school will also get $5 for every family who signs up.

For more information about the program and to purchase, please visit: