Lion's Roar Newsletter
Term 2 | Week 5  


From the Principal



The Empathy Deficit,  an article published in "The Australian" newspaper recently captured my attention. 

Preceding the article were multiple pages reporting on the inhumanity of man towards fellow man through interpersonal tension, crime, violence and tragedy at both a national and international level.

 The Empathy Deficit sought to provide some answers or at least  identify  attributing factors. 

Even at PLC Armidale, valuable staff time is spent responding to the distress caused by girls acting in a way that may seem right to them without considering the impact of their actions, words, or intentions on others.

The ability to put one’s self in the shoes of another, or to consider a different perspective on a common issue, may not be as natural as one may think.

 According to the newspaper article, this ability to be empathic towards others may be an attribute in steady decline...

... continue reading here

... Advances in paediatric brain imaging have led neuroscientists to understand a lot more about the emotional brain circuitry of babies and young children than in previous generations. 

When considering the research about the foundations of emotional health, author Virginia Tapscott advocates for nurture and positive relationships. Citing the work of Professor Thomas Boyce (University of California Paediatrics and Psychiatry professor), Tapscott describes the Dandelion & Orchid effect. According to Tapscott,  four out of five children are  'dandelions' with increased dopamine (feel good hormone) receptivity and stress resilience. 

One out of five children are less receptive to dopamine and more impacted by stress and like orchids, may flourish in ideal conditions or be likely to be affected by poor conditions.

High-quality care and reliable early relationships help mitigate the 'orchid and dandelion effect'. 

Moral formation, or understanding one's actions in relation to others is another protective factor in the developing child and young person. Environments which are nurturing and responsive,  where children feel safe and connected most of the time provide the right conditions for both dandelions and orchids.

The article contained many helpful insights into the absence or deficit of empathy and the devasting impact of this in society. However, it left many questions unanswered. In our increasingly individualistic society,  the main unanswered question was why? Why should a person see another's perspective if they don't want too? Why should certain values or norms take precedence over others? Why shouldn't people be free to do what seems right in their own eyes?

As a Christian school, I am thankful that we are not teaching about morals, values, relationships, consent in a vacuum.  Neither do we expect a quick fix nor simple solution to relationship challenges many adults struggle with. I am thankful we have a clearly articulated moral code outlined in the Bible, the 10 Commandments. Articulating how a nation is to best function,  precepts and principles outlined  by the one who created all things to guide how His creation was to work best. 

When asked what is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself..

Matthew 22: 37-40

Vale Mrs Jan Patterson

It is with a heavy heart that we communicate the sad news of Mrs. Jan Patterson's passing.

Jan passed away in the early hours of Friday, 24 May, surrounded by the love of family.

A long-term staff member of PLC Armidale, Jan's most recent service period spanned more than 22 years. She was the driving force behind our high-quality Speech and Drama program, which many of our alumnae around the world credit with helping them ‘find their voice’. 

Jan was a woman of great capacity, high energy and dedication to others which characterised all her endeavours.

We were blessed to have Jan share some of her life’s journey in her 2023 Speech Day address and we are honoured that  Jan was part of the PLC Armidale Community. 

Vale the Remarkable Mrs P.

The service will also be live-streamed in our Astra Arts Centre, and members of the wider PLC Armidale community who may not be able to attend the service at Piddingtons are welcome to join our staff and students in commemoration of Mrs Jan Patterson. 

Thank you to ... 

All those who supported and attended our Student Representative Council's Whole School Biggest Morning Tea

Together we raised more than $1100 for the Cancer Council.

See the photos on our Parent Portal HERE


Throughout the year, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the various interests and accomplishments of PLC Armidale girls. We will be aware of the experiences girls undertake to represent the College. We may not know about experiences and achievements in areas of interest outside of school. Please let our Communications and Marketing Manager, Mrs Arundale know. Mrs Arundale greatly enjoys telling the story of the quality and achievements of our PLC Armidale girls.

Email us your news:

Congratulations to ... 

Kalani Maduwage, Poppy-Grace Newton, Yr8 and Daisy Donaldson, Yr11 

...who have all been selected as one of the 60 finalists in the 2024 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize. 

This is an amazing achievement given there were 553 art entries this year from 46 schools. 

The selection committee commented that there was wonderful expression of creativity and diverse styles represented which made the selection process very difficult, given the high standard across all entries. 

The opening of the 2024 UNESAP Let’s Hang It! exhibition will be held at 6pm on Friday, 26 July 2024, at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) in Armidale, and the exhibition will be on display until Sunday, 11 August 2024.

Our talented Choir and String Ensembles

who achieved outstanding results in the Armidale Eisteddfod.

PLC Senior Sring Ensemble -  Armidale Building Society Perpetual Shield; PLC Cello Ensemble - second place; PLC Piano Trio - second place for the Professor John Burton Memorial Shield; PLC Advanced Chamber Ensemble - third, PLC Chamber Flute Quartet - Highly Commended; PLC Senior String Ensemble and PLC Junior String Ensemble both placed second in their respective sections of the Ensemble Any Stringed Instrument category.

First for PLC Armidale Stage 4 Choir, PLC Armidale Senior Choir and PLC Armidale Bel Canto Voices,  and third for PLC Armidale Acappella.

PLC Armidale Year 3-6 Choir tied with Cantilena for the Paul Lamb Memorial Shield; PLC Treblemakers First

 See more in our Music News section...

Our talented PLC Armidale Dance Ensembles

who at the New England Dance Eisteddfod were awarded: Most Creative Concept - PreK to Year2; Best Choreography - Years 3-6; Best Kick Lines - PLCA Stage 5 Dancers; Best Sassy Energy - PLCA Senior School Ensemble; Best Storytelling - PLCA Shakespeare Dancers; Best Characterisation - PLCA Stage 5 Dancers; and Most Powerful Concept - PLCA Advanced Senior Ensemble.

Our talented Drama Students 

who excelled in the final section of the Speech and Drama program of the Armidale Eisteddfod  taking home the Alice Coventry Memorial Shield and many first places.

More than 80 per cent of the 212 category entries were from our College !!

Find all the 2024 event photos in our Parent Portal gallery HERE

Miss-Connection -

Why your teenager ‘hates’ you, expects the world and needs to talk.

Join us for an evening with Dr Justin Coulson for this significant event, relevant to parents, educators and those working with pre-teen girls through to young women across the New England, North West Region.

Open to all community members regardless of where their daughters go to school. This event is one of a series focusing on factors that impact the growth and development of young women in an increasingly technological, disconnected, digital and highly sexualised world.

Trying to guide a teenage daughter through a complex adolescent world is… well, complicated.  Mental health concerns, body image issues, premature and/or non-consensual intimacy, friendship challenges, and alcohol and drugs are just the tip of the iceberg.

Join Dr Justin Coulson as he unpacks the science and provides practical real-world advice for parenting your teenage daughter. You’ll leave this presentation with simple and valuable tools and techniques to help you guide your daughters safely and successfully through adolescence.

You’ll discover what is really going on in the minds of our teenage daughters – how do they really feel and what do they wish you knew? Find out how we can stay connected to our daughters and keep them motivated, whilst also dealing with the eye-rolls and bad attitude.

We’ll talk about how we can keep them safe and informed without them pushing us away; and how to encourage them to develop strong, healthy relationships and resilience. Plus we’ll cover the best things we can do to support our daughters during this tumultuous time.

Dr Justin Coulson is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance, the founder of and one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. He holds a PhD in Positive Psychology.

Over the past decade he has helped innumerable families with his nine books about raising children, his hundreds of media appearances (including all of Australia’s major news outlets, and even the Washington Post and the New York Times), and two viral videos that have been viewed a combined 80 million times!

Justin and his wife Kylie have been married since the late 1990s and are the parents of six daughters.

* Please note to allow uncensored discussion; this event is for adults only.

2024 Student Leaders

Lunch Orders

The full week's menu can be seen on your My Student Account via CONNECT

The deadline each day for ordering a hot meal is 10:50 am, after that cut off, both salad bar and make-your-own-sandwich options are available until 1.15 pm.However, there will be no spare hot specials available. 

Junior School families are asked to contact Mrs Creamer for assistance on the day.

Senior School students will need to use their Student ID card for an on-the-spot purchase and all salad bar or make-you- own-sandwich pre bookings need to be marked off on arrival to the Dining Hall.

Please note: All 2023 issued Student ID cards remain valid until new cards are issued.

You can book online via CONNECT by clicking the My Student Account tile.

Senior School News

Mrs Kate Clynch

Head of Senior School

Congratulations to .....

Everyone who participated in the School Shakespeaere Carnival and Regional Carnival

Find the photo gallery from all th Shakespeare Carnivals on the Parent Portal HERE

Year 8 Geography Excursion

Year 8 girls went for a walk around Dumaresq Dam to look at different ecosystems and how they interact followed by some sampling of water bugs and looking at the health of the water in the dam. Thank you to Cam Lay for helping with activities.

Year 11 is a crucial time in your daughter's education journey.

Here at PLC Armidale, a strong culture of learning provides invaluable preparation for her final school years.

Please join us for a special presentation on  Wednesday, June 12 from  5:30pm to 7.00pm in the Astra Arts Centre, to find out more about our Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12) program at PLC Armidale. 

The presentation will feature an overview by our Principal, Mrs Nicola Taylor, as well as details regarding the subjects on offer for 2025 by key staff members. 

We will live-stream the presentation via  Zoom, but those who visit us in person will also be able to discuss the many options available to them with our specialist teachers at their subject stalls.

For catering purposes or to obtain a Zoom link, please RSVP by Friday, June 7, via the button below.

We look forward to seeing you at this event to discuss how we can equip your daughter for a life of significance.

You can find the Stage 6 Subject Handbook on the Parent Portal HERE

HSC Access: Extended Day Program for HSC Exam Excellence

Our exciting new initiative that aims to further support our Year 12 and Year 11 students in their HSC journey: HSC Access.

HSC Access is a PLC Armidale developed pilot program designed to build greater student capability and preparedness while reducing anxiety and stress levels associated with the HSC examinations.

The program facilitates supervised study sessions with a range of our Stage 6 teachers on a weekly basis every Monday afternoon.

Key Details:

These sessions are strongly encouraged for Year 12, and will be opt-in for Year 11. If Year 12 students have any conflicting prior engagements, they should discuss these with the Year 12 Pastoral Care team.

The program will commence in Week 2, providing timely support and guidance to our students as they progress through their HSC studies. The first session will start at 3.45pm on Monday, May 6 2024.

Our dedicated team of teachers will not be teaching content in these sessions; instead, they will focus on supporting students to work through examination-style questions suitable for their course progression.

We believe that HSC Access will play a crucial role in empowering our students to excel in their HSC examinations while fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment. We encourage you to speak to your daughter about her participation in these sessions.

There is no cost associated with participation in this program.

Should you have any questions or require further information about the HSC Access program, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support as we strive to provide the best possible educational experience for our students.

Get ready for a BIG night in at PLC Armidale

We are inviting all girls entering Year 7 in 2025 to spend the night with us in the Hilton Boarding House in Week  9.

The fun will begin at 3.30pm on Wednesday, 26 June, with afternoon tea and activities with our Boarding House family.

After spending the night with her Class of 2030 sisters, your daughter will attend a morning of stimulating STEM classes before lunch and a riotous afternoon enjoying our annual Guild Song Battle in the Astra Arts Centre.

If you know anyone who is considering PLC Armidale for their girl in Year 7, 2025, please let them know.

Details on how to book will be sent out to all our PLC Armidale parents next week, and the event will also be promoted on social media.

Junior School News

Mrs Fiona Wake

Head of Junior School

The Armidale Eisteddfod

It would be great to celebrate the success of each of our students as they participate in the myriad of events across the Armidale Eisteddfod period. Please email your daughter's achievement so we can celebrate as a community. Success is achieved in so many different ways. Their dedication, creativity, and courage to perform were commendable proving that winning isn't only about securing first, second or third place. Each student's unique contribution and growth can be the triumph experienced.

As the Eisteddfod period continues, please continue to email your daughter's absences when she is attending individual events. This will assist our teaching staff in catering for their catch up sessions and when scheduling assessment tasks.

Australia's Biggest Morning: Tea Thank you! 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at our College on Monday. Your generosity and participation made the event a wonderful success, bringing our community together and supporting a great cause. Your efforts are appreciated and this service opportunity for the girls to take the lead in displayed positive outcomes.

Academic Focus - times tables

As we look ahead to your daughters Senior School education, it is essential to emphasise the importance of mastering times tables. A strong grasp of multiplication and division provides a crucial foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. Consistent practice helps develop problem-solving skills and boosts confidence in tackling complex tasks. Your support at home in reinforcing these skills is invaluable for your child's academic success.

Year 6 Leadership

Our Junior School leadership team is eager to propose innovative ways of leading within our community. Through this experience, they will develop crucial skills such as effective communication, strategic planning, and problem-solving. The process will also help build their confidence as they take on responsibilities and see their ideas come to life. Successful implementation of their initiatives will require strong teamwork, fostering collaboration and mutual support among peers. We look forward to seeing their positive impact on our school.

Term Two Proposals are as follows: 

Let’s Dance by our Junior Creative Arts Prefect Annabella Wysel

In-house Olympics: teachers vs students, by our Junior Sports Prefect Evie Donaldson

Winter Woollies with a TWIST! Proposed by Pippa Notley

The Lion's Roar will share the success of each event.

Guild Captain planning meetings are also taking place to organise events that will see our four Guild Captains, Sophia Craig, Mary Notley, Prodipta Shil and Georgiana Ballard, working together to plan fun Guild Gatherings for the Junior School.

Dates for the Calendar

King’s Birthday Long Weekend: Monday, 10 June

Class of 2030 sleepover Wednesday, 26 June. Open to all girls entering Year 7 in 2025.

Term 2 concludes on  Thursday, 27 June, with a Guild Song Battle.

The Junior School members of the Student Representative Council get ready to sell their baked goods at the Biggest Morning Tea

Kindergarten News

The term has begun with great enthusiasm, and Kindergarten students have been busy learning and building on their friendships. The children loved making special gifts for their mums for Mother’s Day, including beautifully decorated plates and heart-shaped fridge magnets. The class also had loads of fun at the Athletics Carnival a few weeks ago, enjoying many novelty events and running in their age races.

In Maths, Kindergarten has been exploring teen numbers through engaging games, using base ten and concrete materials, and practicing our friends of ten. We’ve also been investigating the mass of objects by hefting them with our hands, making predictions, and testing these with an equal arm balance.

Our literacy activities included enjoying 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and learning about insects by sharing facts from 'The Big Book of Bugs'. The students listed verbs describing how different bugs move and wrote clever clues to describe their bugs for their classmates to guess in our ‘Who Am I?’ game.

In our science unit, ‘That’s My Hat,’ Kindergarten conducted an experiment to test and discover which materials are best for making a ‘Rainy Day’ hat. In upcoming lessons, we will explore how hats protect us from the weather, culminating in designing and testing our own hats in different weather conditions.

Congratulations to ...

All our girls celebrating birthdays and our Assembly Award Winners

You can find a gallery of our Term 2 Junior School Award winners HERE on our Parent Portal

Farewell Mrs Say  - we will miss you!


by Georgina Arundale-Fuller

Last week the junior school participated in the choir section of the Armidale Eisteddfod. The event was held in Lazenby Hall at the University of New England. 

The 3-6 choir received a highly commended for its performance of ‘Eureka!’ and a First for its rendition of  ‘Jon ton le moulin’ and ‘Once upon a December’. They also received the Paul Lamb Memorial Shield. Treblemakers (the non-compulsory 3-6 choir) received First Place for their performances of ‘Kakadu’ and ‘Hot Chocolate’. 

Thank you to Mrs Dunnham for organising us all, everyone had a lot of fun.

Over the last few weeks, there has been lots of autumn colour in the playground. Girls have been enjoying themselves, making leaf piles, admiring the beautiful colours, and playing in the leaves. Although outside has been a bit windy and chilly, the classrooms are cosy, and everyone has been having lots of fun this autumn term. 

Boarding Life

Sam and Amy Jacometti

Heads of Boarding

It is wonderful to report that we have had a great run of activity in the Boarding House this past fortnight. 

Boarding is an all-encompassing program for those that are part of it and it is encouraging to see that our girls are smiling in the dining hall, engaging across cohorts and treating staff with respect.

Fire Pit

On Sunday night we pulled out the festoon lights, camp chairs, gathered some wood and lit a fire. With the fire crackling away and the smell of a BBQ for dinner, it was as enjoyable as it sounds. A rousing game of Backyard Cricket and spotify turned up completed the atmosphere. A big thank you to the Dining Hall for preparing everything for a bbq and a shout out to Tash, Ash and Chloe for cooking it. We finished off with toasting marshmallows and making smores. Brilliant.

Pub Themed Dinner

On Wednesday of week 5, we ran a themed dinner, selected by the BRC as Pub Night. The dress up theme was “Bogan” and there was a tasteful array of flannelette, facial hair (applied with black markers!) and crocs. Libby Cook, our Boarders Prefect, ran a great game of Trivia, efficiently supported by Charli Mack. 

Again, food is never far from the mind when planning these events and on the menu for tonight was Rib and curly fries - superb!

State of Origin

The battle of the states begins for another year. Just a reminder that we will get the Boarding House together to watch the game on the big screen. 

Up the Blues!


We have 98 followers!

Just a reminder that PLCABoarding continues to be the primary way of getting out stories, reels and announcements to our Boarders and their families. If you are part of Boarding and are not yet connected, I would encourage you to download the app, sign in/create an account and search for @plcaboarding. 

Once you send a request through, it can be approved from our end and you will be able to see fun content from the weekly activities in the Boarding House. We have found this to be an efficient way of sending pictures and videos instead of sending the footage individually. 

As always, please reach out if you have questions.


Sam, Amy, Lucinda, Anneliese (and Bailey 🐕)

See all photos from the Bogan-themed Pub Night in our Boarding Life photo gallery HERE


Mrs Joanne Wysel

Head of Creative and Performing Arts

Regional Shakespeare Carnival 

The Regional  Shakespeare Carnival at PLC last week was a triumph for our Year 11 drama class and dance students, who delivered outstanding performances that captured the essence of Shakespeare while adding their own creative twists. 

Teya, Bridie, Arlie, Emily, and India won their category of Group Devised Performance with an imaginative piece exploring what it would be like if Shakespeare's women wrote their own stories. 

Dancers Poppy-Grace and Olive made history by becoming the youngest students to win their dance category and make the State Carnival with their powerful interpretation of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's influence on his decisions. 

This weekend, the students will participate in workshops with industry professionals at the Seymour Centre on Saturday, culminating in the competition on Sunday. Parents are encouraged to attend the carnival at the Seymour Centre on Sunday to support our talented students. 

See the photos from the Regional Shakespeare Carnival on the Parent Portal HERE

Bell Shakespeare Regional Access Program

This week, year 8 students and stage 5 drama & music students had the privilege to work with the Bell Shakespeare Company, gaining an immersive experience through the Regional Access Program, which came free with our tickets to A Midsummer Night's Dream. 

The program included interactive workshops on Shakespearean language, themes, and performance techniques, making his works more accessible and engaging for both Drama and English students. 

Professional actors  shared their insights, and practical exercises helped students develop key acting skills. The week concluded with a showcase performance, building students' confidence. 

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with significant improvements in student engagement and performance skills. This collaboration has enriched our curricula, aligning with our commitment to high-quality, experiential learning in the arts.

At PLCA, the students did glean,

From Bell Shakespeare, a theatrical scene.

With workshops and plays,

They brightened their days,

Now they love Shakespeare more than their screen.

Date for the Diary

Come along and support our Year 11 Drama students as they stage a production of Ruby Moon. 

Entry is by donation and there will be refreshments for sale.

Please note this production is recommended for children aged 13 and older.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Excursion - This Saturday !!

On Saturday, June 1st, Year 8 English, Stage 5 Drama and Stage 5 Music will be travelling to Tamworth to see Bell Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Excursion - 

Final reminders:

Meet at Junior School carpark at 4:30pm (arrive by 4:15pm)

Wear smart casual clothes -  no spaghetti straps, midriffs or rips in jeans

Bring money for purchasing dinner once arriving in Tamworth at 6pm

Show begins at 7:30pm.

Students will travel back to PLCA following the show, approximately 11:30pm.

Staff accompanying students: Mr Minter, Ms Welch, Ms Priebenow, Ms Kliendienst.

Dance Eisteddfod

Tamworth City Eisteddfod - Thursday, June 6 (Week 6 Term 2).

Senior School Dance Ensemble A

Senior School Dance Ensemble B

Stage 5 Dance

Last minute reminders:

Leaving PLCA from the Junior School at 7am sharp

Students can wear drama/dance blacks or excursion uniforms to the eisteddfod on the bus

Eisteddfod begins at 9am. We will return  by 3:00-3:30pm.

If you have not completed the permission note please can you fill it out as soon as possible.

Music News

Mrs Constance Dunham

Junior School Music

Junior School Armidale Eisteddfod Results 2024 - Ensembles

What a huge couple of weeks! Eisteddfod season is always busy and this was true for Junior School this year, with all students from K-6 participating in the Choral Events and then many students in Silver Strings, Junior Strings, Dance and  Individual Compositions. 

Many students also competed in individual events in music, voice, and speech and drama with excellent results. We would love to be informed of every student's results, so if you would like to share your daughter's individual Eisteddfod success, please keep an eye out for the Google Form heading your way via email in the next week. 

So, now here are our ensemble results: 

K-2 Choir - Non-competitive

3-6 Choir - Unison event - Highly Commended

3-6 Choir - Two-Part event - 1st and tied for the Overall Winner and Paul Lamb Memorial Sheild with Cantilena Singers. 

Treble Makers Vocal Ensemble - 1st 

Silver Strings - Non-competitive

Junior Strings - 2nd

Composition Eisteddfod - Sophia Craig 2nd with 'Flood', Thara Dhinakaran 3rd with 'My Heart will Howl' and Georgiana Ballard, Rose Hopkinson, Vicky Xu and Emily Christian Highly Commended with 'Silver Storm'. 

Congratulations ladies! You have worked so hard and we are all so proud of these results, they are thoroughly deserved. 

Armidale Eisteddfod Dates for the Diary


Tuesday, June 4 

Class Ensembles (Year 7, Year 8, Stage 5 and Stage 6) 

Band Night (Flute Ensemble, Jazz Band, Senior Strings) 

Sport News

Mrs Lucy Donaldson

Head of Sport

Congratulations to ....

Our Representative Cross Country Team - Emma, Evie, Olive, Anna, Izzy, and Kate 

...who competed at the IGSA Cross Country Carnival at Frensham School, Mittagong on 17 May. 

It was quite a long 8+ hour drive to get there, however, just another wonderful opportunity for our PLC Armidale girls. 

We enjoyed a team dinner at a local woodfired pizza and pasta restaurant, followed by a few sweet treats and ice cream on the way back to our motel. We were very grateful to have parent, Mrs Alex Blake, join us for the journey.  

Each race comprised approximately 170 students from 25 different Girls’ Schools. 

Well done to our PLCA team - whilst we didn’t have any of our students qualify to go onto the next level, they ran their hearts out and made us all very proud. 

Mia Montgomery

who has been selected in the U18s Combined Independent Schools Rugby League squad. 

This is a wonderful achievement for our 2024 Rugby Captain.

Best wishes to our small but mighty PLCA Equestrian Team -Chloe, Lilly and Laura.

..who are competing at the North West Equestrian Expo at Coonabarabran from until 4 June - Australia’s largest high school interschool equestrian event. 

 We look forward to sharing their results in coming weeks. 

Ad Astra girls!

Please note Change to Football (soccer) Training 

Due to many conflicting events and activities that have popped up, we have moved football training to Friday afternoons 4pm-5pm @ PLC. This will hopefully ensure that majprioty of the team can be at training. This change is effective as of this week, Week 5. 

Sporting Commitments Reminder

Just a friendly reminder about the importance of honoring the commitments your daughters have made to their chosen sports activities. With such a busy term, it's crucial to prioritise these initial commitments. If an unavoidable conflict arises, please ensure they email the coordinating teacher and inform their coach. Thank you for supporting your daughters in this matter.

Important Dates for your diary:

Term 3 IGSA Hockey and Netball Trips

Trip 1: August 2-3

Trip 2: August 30-31

Finals: September 20-21

Our 2024 Cross Country photo gallery is now on the parent intranet - you can find it here

Important Dates for your diary:

Term 3 IGSA Hockey and Netball Trips

Trip 1: August 2-3

Trip 2: August 30-31

Finals: September 20-21

Winter Sports (Term 2 and 3)

We encourage all girls to participate in sport.

Please, at any stage if you are unsure of anything or need clarification, send me an email and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Alternatively, Mrs Stephanie Fahy at the Senior School Reception will be able to assist as well. 

Health News

Miss Amy Chiu

School Nurse

Year 7 and Year 10 Vaccination Day

Well done to the Year 7 and 10 students who bravely received the scheduled vaccination this week.

It was great seeing students supporting and encouraging their peers through the process, as well as the care they gave each other after the vaccinations.

Staff from the hospital also gave praises to our students for their politeness and their manners. Our students stood out compared to other schools they have visited so far.

For students who missed out on the vaccination day today, please contact the Health Centre if you wish to have your daughter’s vaccination catch up through the school/hospital. We will be able to organise a trip down for the catch up session later this term or next term.

Medical details, Medicare details and medications in Edumate

To ensure a good run of the 2024 school year, it would be much appreciated if all parents/carers can check your daughters' Edumate details, especially for any medical updates, current medications and their medicare details. Please update the Edumate data to notify the school for any changes, or simply email us with any updates.

The Health Centre opening hours for 2024 are as follows,

Monday to Wednesday 8:30am to 3:30pm  - Emily

Thursday to Friday 8:30am to 3:30pm - Amy

Contact number: 02 6770 1741.   Email:

P&F News

Sarah Yassine

P&F President



Autumn Green Tartan - out now !

Our dynamic Old Girls Union Committee is publishing a seasonal edition of Green Tartan (see the intro below) and find the autumn issue HERE

Calling all '74,  '04 and '14 alumnae - are you ready to celebrate your milestone reunion? 

Our Class of '84 alumnae will stay at the Hilton Boarding House during the October OGU Reunion weekend—what fun. There is still space available - let us now if you would like to book a dorm!

Send us your news!  

We love to hear about what our alumnae have been doing - so please let us know what has been happening in your life. 

Births, deaths, marriages, milestone celebrations - whatever you feel like sharing with the other Old Girls, please tell us so we can include it in this section of the  Lion's Roar each fortnight.

Our PLC Armidale alumnae are a stellar group of women who excel in a diverse range of areas, leading lives of significance.

Success looks different for everyone, and we like to celebrate it all - not just that which is in the public eye.

Email your news to:

Want to get together with your class?

If you are interested in joining or organising a milestone reunion group during the Reunion Weekend in October 2024, please get in touch with us at

PLC Armidale Foundation

Reduce your tax and make a financial contribution to the PLC Armidale Scholarship Fund before July

As we approach the end of the financial year, we have just four weeks left to make a significant impact through PLC Armidale's Annual Giving program. 

This is a crucial time to consider making a difference, whether it's through one substantial donation or smaller contributions spread over the remaining weeks.

Directing your donation to the Scholarship Fund ensures that future generations of students can access the invaluable opportunities provided by PLC Armidale. By investing in their education, you're giving tangible support and fostering a community that thrives on generosity and support.

Please take a moment to reflect on how much you can afford to contribute each fortnight until June 30. 

Remember, every dollar counts. If each current family donated an average of $500 over the next few weeks, we could raise more than $125,000, making a significant impact on the lives of future students. 

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our school community.

Donations can be made by clicking here.

General News

The Year 12 Formal Committee is encouraging parents and guardians to book accommodation at Peterson’s Guesthouse. 

The guesthouse has been reserved for parents and guardians for Friday, 23 and Saturday, 24 August.  

Room types and prices are listed here. Peterson’s Winery and Guesthouse have a policy stating events must finish at 9.30pm unless the Guesthouse accomodation is fully booked by event guests.  If accommodation is fully booked the formal can conclude at 10.30pm. 

Please call Peterson’s Winery and Guesthouse on 02 67720422 to book and mention you are attending the PLC Year 12 Formal. 

For any enquires please call Susanne Kable, Year 12 Liaison Parent on 0427255251 or

Room Types & Rates

Room 1 - $240.00 per night

A luxurious suite with a king sized bed in the bedroom. A beautiful claw foot bath & separate

shower in the heritage style ensuite bathroom. Rate includes full breakfast for two people. Sofa bed

available at extra cost. (max occupants 4 guests)

Room 2 – $220.00 per night

A lovely suite that has a queen-sized bed and an ensuite bathroom with a pampering shower. Rate

includes full breakfast for two people. (max occupants 2 guests)

Room 3 - $270.00 per night

A beautifully appointed suite with views of the Heritage Gardens, this suite contains a king sized bed

and large spa bath in the ensuite bathroom as well as separate shower. Rate includes full breakfast

for two people. (max occupants 2 guests)

Room 4 - $270.00 per night

A beautifully appointed suite with views of the Heritage Gardens and Cellar Door, this suite contains

a king sized bed and large spa bath in the ensuite bathroom as well as separate shower. Rate

includes full breakfast for two people. Sofa bed available at extra cost (Max occupants 4 guests)

Room 5 - $300.00 per night

This two room suite consists of a large bedroom with king sized Bed, a separate lounge area with a

double fold out sofa and an ensuite bathroom with separate shower and a luxurious oval spa

bath. Rate includes full breakfast for two people. Sofa bed and single bed available as extra cost.

(max occupants 5 guests)

Room 6 – $240.00 per night

A luxurious suite with a king sized bed in the bedroom. A beautiful claw foot bath & separate

shower in the heritage style ensuite bathroom. Rate includes full breakfast for two people. Single

bed available at extra cost. (max occupant 3 guests)

Room 7 - $220.00 per night

A lovely suite that has a king sized bed and an ensuite bathroom with a pampering shower and

separate bath. This room is suitable for disabled access. Rate includes full breakfast for two people.

(max occupants 2 guests)

Keep your children safe online

We have signed up with the team at Safe on Social to give our parents a 20 percent discount on the new eReady Kids program.

Simply use the code plcarmidale24 

Which will reduce the cost of the program to only $38 per year. The school will also get $5 for every family who signs up.

For more information about the program and to purchase, please visit: